Deborah Stuart, Liz McEwen and Susan Fairfax

How's The Weather?

There were three lovely girls, a lot of damp clouds and only one umbrella. The weather not being heavenly, the girl with the quickest snatch grabbed the brolly. That was DEBORA STEWART, and though the brolly may look a bit mundane you can't say Debbie does. Debbie is the girl we'd most like to explore the Amazon with, as it rains a lot there and Debbie can paddle a canoe and make it all look a gorgeous giggle.

Debbie’s two friends are LIZ MCEWEN and SUSAN FAIRFAX. While Debbie kept the brolly all to herself, Liz and Susan just had to wait for the rain to stop. Girls waiting for the rain to stop can look demurely anxious, especially if they've just emerged from the hairdressers, but Liz and Susan manage to look as if it isn't raining at all. And actually, it isn't.

It's all a lot of hocus-pocus about the weather just to give us a chance to intersperse some flowery chat about the girls. Flowery chat comes easily when it's all about mini-skirted charmers like these.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Susan Fairfax and Lynda Farrell

Its Only A Game

It was going to be a jolly game of outdoor shuttlecock and all that lark. Engaged in this sporty venture were SUSAN FAIRFAX, left, and LYNDA FARRELL.

Immediately prior to the opening rally they crossed rackets, and tallyho, they were away in a fencing match, prodding each other with subtle pokes of the round end of the rackets.

"Mind my eye," cried Susan.

"Mind your eye my foot," cried Lynda, "mind my suspenders, you mean." "Voila," cried Susan, scoring a prod.

"Sacre bleu," cried Lynda, "there goes a new stocking."

The rackets clashed and the duel went on.

"How's that for a crafty one?" said Susan.

"You're tripping me, " yelled Lynda.

"Don't worry, "said Susan, "it's only a game."

It might be only a game, but poor Lynda landed with a distinct thud and at the finish there were not only bruises but a state of general disarray. Oh well, girls will be girls.

Susan Fairfax

Just a Single Girl

Not having yet met a boy who actually makes her swoon, SUSAN FAIRFAX is still a bachelor girl.

She doesn't want to get married until she's much older, anyway. Say nineteen or twenty. She's eighteen now.

Susan is a Midlands dolly and it's her opinion that pundits can say what they like about fashion, but nowadays a girl pleases herself. She alternates between a midi and a mini, simply depending on how she feels. Her boy friends like her in a mini.

"They like me, anyway," she says.

So, they like her best in a mini, then.

"So, I often wear a midi just to make them grind their teeth," she says.

After all, as Susan also says, sometimes a girl in a mini feels that a boyfriend doesn't even notice the colour of her eyes.

There's something subtle and psychological about that.

Lynda Farrell, Debora Stewart, Susan Fairfax, Dawn Warwick and Liz McEwen

From You To Us

It’s quite exhilarating this month to introduce an undeniable bevy of pin-up girls, whose photographs are so sweet we haven’t had to take any sugar in our coffee for a week. (It doesn’t half taste funny but somehow we don’t care). The girls are as follows:

LYNDA FARRELL, girl we’d like to row the Atlantic with.

DEBORA STEWART, girl we’d like to explore the Amazon with.

SUSAN FAIRFAX, girl to whom we'd give half our etchings.

DAWN WARWICK and LIZ McEWEN, whom we’ll probably dream about.