Deborah Stuart, Liz McEwen and Susan Fairfax

How's The Weather?

There were three lovely girls, a lot of damp clouds and only one umbrella. The weather not being heavenly, the girl with the quickest snatch grabbed the brolly. That was DEBORA STEWART, and though the brolly may look a bit mundane you can't say Debbie does. Debbie is the girl we'd most like to explore the Amazon with, as it rains a lot there and Debbie can paddle a canoe and make it all look a gorgeous giggle.

Debbie’s two friends are LIZ MCEWEN and SUSAN FAIRFAX. While Debbie kept the brolly all to herself, Liz and Susan just had to wait for the rain to stop. Girls waiting for the rain to stop can look demurely anxious, especially if they've just emerged from the hairdressers, but Liz and Susan manage to look as if it isn't raining at all. And actually, it isn't.

It's all a lot of hocus-pocus about the weather just to give us a chance to intersperse some flowery chat about the girls. Flowery chat comes easily when it's all about mini-skirted charmers like these.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Liz McEwen and Debora Stewart


Great friends are blonde LIZ McEWEN and brunette DEBORA STEWART" so when it came to fixing up a game of badminton in the garden it was only natural for them to go through with it in the friendliest way possible.

It's all a laugh to Liz and Debbie. It might have been a matter of grim, purposeful intent to two other girls whose only thought would have been to get on with the game and slaughter each other.

But Liz and Debbie play the game for the giggles and don't even bother to keep the score. Why don't they bother to keep the score?

“We can’t count," said Debbie.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Lynda Farrell, Debora Stewart, Susan Fairfax, Dawn Warwick and Liz McEwen

From You To Us

It’s quite exhilarating this month to introduce an undeniable bevy of pin-up girls, whose photographs are so sweet we haven’t had to take any sugar in our coffee for a week. (It doesn’t half taste funny but somehow we don’t care). The girls are as follows:

LYNDA FARRELL, girl we’d like to row the Atlantic with.

DEBORA STEWART, girl we’d like to explore the Amazon with.

SUSAN FAIRFAX, girl to whom we'd give half our etchings.

DAWN WARWICK and LIZ McEWEN, whom we’ll probably dream about.

Debora Stewart

Deb's Delight

If you’re reading the latest James Bond thriller, put it down for a moment and concentrate on DEBORA STEWART, who is our idea of the girl James would most like to read to him while recovering in hospital from being blown up by a load of Persian dynamite.

All that aside, the delight of Deb at this particular moment is her new mini-dress.

If you must know, it delights us too. Debbie looks so enchanting in it that irrespective of whether we’d been blown up by Persian dynamite or a Molotov cocktail, we’d like to have her to read to us too. It would be joy personified to our tender ears and it wouldn’t strain our eyes, either.

Well, you can’t help going overboard for the modern girl when they look so indescribably gorgeous. To think there were times when girls wore bustles and dim people didn’t even know how many legs they’d got. You couldn’t even see their shoes.

Of course you couldn’t, because they wore elastic-sided boots.

Dear Debbie, can we be your Valentine?