Liz Harvey

Want To Bet?

Hampshire girl LIZ HARVEY is a sales assistant who has also been a model. She's also appeared in films. But she's quite happy to be modest in her ambitions, and she has only one real burning desire. That's to lay a winning bet on a hundred-to-one Derby shot and see it come first past the post.

Liz, you see, loves a gamble. She'll bet on anything except strip poker. At strip poker she's pretty sure that the fellers use the crookedest methods to get a girl down to her undies. And these days, she says, undies are so brief that when a girl is down to them it can be terribly draughty. Aside from enjoying a gamble, Liz also loves skating and surfing, riding and dancing.

At twisting and swinging in a discotheque or galloping a horse through the New Forest, Liz is conspicuously eye-catching.

You can bet on that.

Span No 205 - September 1971