Liz Harvey

Joy of Living

It's daytime again.

The long dark night is over and joyfully LIZ HARVEY rushes out of doors to lap up the bright sunshine.

What fun. Larks are in the sky and dew on the grass. The ice cream man is just setting out with a tinkle of silvery bells.

The postman is delivering electric light bills. The next-door canary has just laid an egg.

Liz is loving every moment.

Away in the woods the forestry man has just bent his chopper in an attempt to get the better of a scheduled oak. The bus is picking up schoolchildren and Billy Barker is trying to sit next to Lulu Herringbone. Lulu is eating an apple she was going to save until lunchtime.

It's all fun.

Liz lives in Bournemouth. Liz is entrancingly curvy. Liz is full of the joys of living.

Anyone feel like being miserable?

Go and join Billy Barker then. He finished up sitting next to a market gardener carrying a case of onions. Freddy Blueberry pinched the seat next to Lulu and shared her apple with her. By the way, these photographs of Liz were taken when the daylight had gone all dark.

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968

Liz Harvey

Want To Bet?

Hampshire girl LIZ HARVEY is a sales assistant who has also been a model. She's also appeared in films. But she's quite happy to be modest in her ambitions, and she has only one real burning desire. That's to lay a winning bet on a hundred-to-one Derby shot and see it come first past the post.

Liz, you see, loves a gamble. She'll bet on anything except strip poker. At strip poker she's pretty sure that the fellers use the crookedest methods to get a girl down to her undies. And these days, she says, undies are so brief that when a girl is down to them it can be terribly draughty. Aside from enjoying a gamble, Liz also loves skating and surfing, riding and dancing.

At twisting and swinging in a discotheque or galloping a horse through the New Forest, Liz is conspicuously eye-catching.

You can bet on that.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Liz Harvey

Pin-Up For You

Just tor you, readers and fans, we bring Dorset dolly LIZ HARVEY, looking her curviest in skimpy white.

We have sets of 10 Whole Plate Pin-Ups of Liz available, and they're lovely. The price is £3.00 per set or £2.25 in Half Plate size.

When you order quote details of the magazine issue so that we know you want the set to be of Liz as she's featured here.

Liz Harvey

Take a Chance

How do you feel just before the croupier spins the roulette wheel and you've got all your fish-and-chip money staked on twenty-oneDo you savage your waistcoat buttons, gnaw your lip, tremble traumatically or whatLook all nonchalant and whistle a sonatal

Be like LIZ HARVEY. Take a chance and take it with a smile. Liz loves a gamble. Loses her shirt regularly but, as she says, it looks better on the croupier, anyway. She took a chance when she went for a film audition. Landed a small part in the Albert Finney classic “Tom Jones." It paid quite lovely lolly. Liz blued it all on mini-dresses and on a horse called Up The Creek.

Laughed her head off when it came out of the starting-gate wrong end first. That's the way to gamble. And, after all, said Liz, the bookies have to eat, don't they ?