Marilyn Ward
/The Much Admired Miss Ward
Finalist in all kinds of glamorous and eventful beauty competitions, Miss MARILYN WARD is the fair and shapely object of universal admiration. Those who believe in the unequivocal inspirationalism of the feminine form divine naturally know what they're talking about when they quote just how divine Miss Ward is.
And having got the dictionary of our chest and back on the bottom shelf, let's say that if you know any other girl who can look as good as Marilyn when draped in a pair of nylons, then don't let her go off to Greenland and get lost among the igloos. Tell us about her.
Marilyn, of course, is the girl who runs a Bournemouth boutique. It's a packed boutique on Saturdays. Not just with girls, you understand. There's any amount of fellers who like to chat up the fascinating manageress.
Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969