Marilyn Ward and Pauline Gorvin

Boutique Buy

There were these two girls, you see. One of them runs a boutique in

Bournemouth and the other one came in to buy something.

Blonde MARILYN WARD runs the boutique and the girl who came in to buy was PAULINE GORVIN. So, round the hangers they went and the conversation was something like this.

"Ah. Um. I wonder?"

"Yes, it's fab, isn't it? Try it on."

"Oh, but how about this one?"

"It goes awfully well with a coke."

"I like plum juice. Do you like plum juice?"

"I like it in a plum pie. Were you out with that boy from the travel agency last night?"

"Cheeky devil tried to sell me a ticket to Singapore. On a banana boat of all things. Oh, isn't that sweet? Is it my size?"

"Costume jewellery is all the rage with that style, you know."

"Yes, I know. I wish you didn't have such a marvellous stock; I'd like to buy so much of it, but I can't, I'm saving up to go to Spain”.

"I went there last year. Aren't those matadors slinky?"

"I can look after myself, it's those poor bulls I feel sorry for. Do you know, I really think I like this dress best."

"Honestly no, really it looks super."

"Well, I'll have it."

"But, Pauline, it's the one you were wearing when you came in.

Span No 177 - May 1969