Antonie Merly

Weighs and Means

When a girl steps onto a pair of scales and finds out she's half an ounce over the imperishable odds, it's enough to send her off into a swoon for a week. Antonie Merly means to keep half an ounce under!

Span No 140 - April 1966

Antonie Merly and Renate Kleeman


It's not always easy to concentrate when getting out of a car. You have your mind on your shopping, but not your legs, and before you can say “Bother it,” you've got a run in your nylons. Still, if you look as pretty as ANTONIE MERLY when you're fixing the run it's quite a consolation. And if you look as fetching as RENATE KLEEMAN when you're perched on the bonnet you can go to anyone's head. Antonie and Renate are both from West Germany.

Span No 134 - October 1965