Gloria Worth

Lilting Look

Quite different from the look which will keep you in the acceptable trouser suit category, is the very acceptable lilting look of the Welsh charmer we found in Flintshire.

Her name is GLORIA WORTH.

All the Welsh girls have a lilting effect. It's the way they speak. Fascinating.

Gloria has been trained in ballet and modelling and how to captivate taxi-drivers without really trying. You know how taxis can pass you by when it's raining. They all stop for Gloria in sunshine or rain.

"Where to, gorgeous?"

"Station, please."

"That'll cost you three bob."

"Will you take stamps?"

"Oh, I've got a right one here. Only stop looking at me or I'll take jam jars as well."

Beautiful Britons - No 137 April 1967

Gloria Worth


It’s not easy to decide what to do with your life when life offers such a wide variety of prospects, ranging from filing the white mice in alphabetical order in a pet shop to trying to convert those tribes in New Guinea from head-hunting to cocoa.

Lovely young miss who hasn’t yet made up her mind about her career is GLORIA WORTH of Flintshire.

Gloria has a modelling diploma; a ballet diploma and she also likes gardening and painting.

So, what to do? Where to go?

Pet shops are out. She’s allergic to bird seed. Head-hunters are also out. “I expect they’re very friendly when you get to know them,” she said, “but I’m not the sort of girl to lose my head for the sake of boosting the export of cocoa.”

How about going to Africa and painting elephants?

How about going to Texas and doing some landscape gardening?

How about going on telly commercials?

"Yes,” said Gloria, “I’d like that. I’ll be the girl in the middle of the soapsuds. Lovely.”