Hazel Shaw

Hazel Shaw - Print Set Part 3

Final four pictures from the Hazel Shaw print set "When Winter Comes Beautiful Britons No. 97." These were not selected for publication but sold as part of a 12-print set. See original post.

Hazel Shaw

Hazel Shaw - Print Set Part 2

Another four pictures from the Hazel Shaw print set "When Winter Comes Beautiful Britons No. 97." These were not selected for publication but sold as part of a 12-print set. See original post.

Hazel Shaw

Hazel Shaw - When Winter Comes - Print Set

While digging through a box of books recently, I came across this nice set of 12 prints featuring Hazel Shaw in D.K.s. They were used for a series in Beautiful Britons No. 97 (November 1963) When Winter Comes.
Hazel was not typically associated with wearing D.K.s, and I know that many of you may not favour them. I also fall into that category, but I believe we can make an exception on this occasion as Hazel looks fabulous in her tight-fitting, semi-see-through D.K.s.
The four pictures below were the ones featured in that issue of Beautiful Britons; I have the other eight that were not published, which I will share in the upcoming weeks. Sadly, Hazel is no longer with us, she is certainly one of my favourites.
This set of 12 prints was available to purchase directly from ToCo for just £1 in 1963.

I often wonder how many of these print sets were actually sold; there must truly be thousands of them stored in drawers, at the bottom of wardrobes, and in boxes under beds. With a decent scanner and the marvels of modern picture software, the results can turn out quite well. The images used below have been reduced in quality for web use. If you have any of these sets that you would like to sell or lend to me so that I can share them here for all of us to enjoy, please contact me. What good are they doing hidden away? Sadly, someday someone will have to clear them out when you are gone, and often they are just thrown away without understanding their origins. I see or hear about this far too often.

When Winter Comes

For some of us it's already here. Well, we're all right, Jack, we've found out where we stored our overcoats. And HAZEL SHAW is all right, too, for Hazel has found some long underwear, and this together with the new fashion in long boots should see her through the ice and snow in fair old comfort.
Hazel hasn't bought the boots yet, but at the time of going to press the snow hadn't arrived.
Hazel is using the interim period between autumnal tints and winter snow to try out her D.K.s and take her time about buying the boots. The D.K.s are fine, but she doesn't want to rush into buying boots which are so long they come up to her ears. 

Hazel Shaw

Highly Polished

Never looking anything else but well-groomed is HAZEL SHAW, one of our favourite pin-ups. Hazel, a secretary, reflects the high polish of her gleaming car here.

Blonde, trim and vivacious, Hazel likes to model from time to time, it makes a glamorous change from keeping the office and the boss properly organised. She lives in a green suburb of Glasgow, overlooking a golf course, and the golfers at weekends are always slicing balls into her garden.

It's the most understandable slicing we know of.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Hazel Shaw

Bubbly Blonde

If you know any blonde who's livelier than HAZEL SHAW, you know a blonde who's so bubbly she's liable to go off pop. Hazel simply bounces through each day in her work as a photographic model, leaving some photographers breathless from the effect of trying to contain a leaping rainbow. It's also like trying to lasso a leprechaun, but it's lots of fun, and it's better than photographing still life.

Span No 127 - March 1965

Hazel Shaw

Backgrounds Don't Matter

Whether indoors, outdoors, or down in the cellar holding up a ladder, HAZEL SHAW is photogenically whizz-oh.

Unless you're a perfectionist backgrounds don't matter. It's the subject that counts. Hazel is the most entrancing of subjects. She's a blonde Scot and representative of why impressionable young men wander in a daze all over the Highlands.

One look at Hazel and they've lost their way.

Can't wonder at it, really. World is full of unimpressive things, like concrete bridges, council garbage trucks and telephone wires. When people jump off concrete bridges it's not always because of some complicated Freudian problem, it's often because concrete bridges send them bonkers. They're the aesthetic types. Far better to fall in love with a vision like Hazel and wander dizzily and happily around the Scottish Highlands. They've got some lovely scenery up there.

Including Miss Shaw.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Hazel Shaw

Do You Go In For Politics?

Well, what else can you ask HAZEL SHAW when you find her sunbathing? Somehow or other you've got to launch into an airy-fairy conversation that will sound as if you haven't noticed what a nature-lover she is.

Hazel is a lovely nature-lover.

She's also a lovely secretary who works in Glasgow.

Her Scottish accent is as intoxicating as heather wine.

Actually, no, she doesn't go in for politics. She was willing to but as soon as she realised, like so many of us, that they only disturb the peace she gave them up.

She took up sunbathing instead.


Hazel Shaw

Black for a Blonde

Hazel Shaw


For a blonde as bubbly as HAZEL SHAW what’s more appropriate than a bubble bath? Only don’t miss your footing and fall in like this - it’s easier on the joints to lower yourself gently and gracefully, and you don’t make any splash.
Frankly (says Hazel) that hurt, so pardon my yell of surprise. A bubble bath is just right to tone a girl up and certainly if it makes you look as sweet as Hazel, then stand not upon the order of the bath but dive in tonight as soon as you get home. But take your hat off first.

Hazel Shaw

Northern Lights

When those Northern Lights appear the world up there seems beautifully bright, and adding her own lustre to the illuminations is lovely HAZEL SHAW, new to the camera but perfectly photogenic.

And would you think that a girl so appealingly cute would also be a judo expert—a yellow belt holder, in fact? You wouldn’t, would you? But she is. Which only goes to show once again that appearances are intriguingly deceptive.

Hazel is nineteen and is so good at netball that she was captain of her school team. Hazel may look bewitchingly feminine, but she is also a fine all-round athlete and can-do a hundred-yard sprint with the best.