
Janus – Mixed Selection

I have recently been preparing some early editions of Mentor and Janus, and was surprised to note how many familiar faces there were. In its early days, Janus Publications was obviously a buyer of pictures from ToCo.

Most, I think, are quite familiar, but can you put names to faces?

Janus Volume 1 No 6 - 1972

Judy Coe

It's All Go

When your secretary to a dynamic boss of an expanding business, when you're also an active participant in a new boutique and there are all the other interests of life to cope with-like learning to drive a milk float or knitting scarves for pop groups there's no doubt life is all go.

It's certainly all go for Secretary JUDY COE. She whirls around like a very photogenic astronaut in orbit. She makes a lovely rocket and she's exquisite when she's got time to make a landing on the lounge carpet. Her ambitions are boundless and she's a natural glamour girl and if we knew two more like her we'd be in an absolute tizzy of delight. It's being so delightful on the eye that does it. What a wonderful way to get eyestrain.

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Judy Coe

Tennis or What?

Secretary, JUDY COE was mad about tennis when she was an energetic and growing schoolgirl. Here she is looking like she used to look when she was a prefect in the Sixth and Milly Cutbosh was the school sneak. We won't tell you about what happened, except to say all the nice girls got together and threw Milly off Ben Nevis.

When Judy left school, she was still quite gone on tennis, so she joined a nearby club. An utterly dynamic bloke was the club captain. He liked Judy just as much for her form as her skill. He started to ring her up when the week-ends were coming around.

"Well, what'll we do, tennis or what?" he'd say.

Judy always knew the right answer; her mother had told her.

"Well, tennis, of course," she'd say.

Judy Coe

Sec’s Appeal

Croydon secretary’ with all the appeal every secretary should have is JUDY COE, swinging girl in a swinging scene.

That coal bucket is just a gag, of course. Judy doesn't think in terms of coal buckets and she thought this one was a converted Roman helmet and wanted to know which museum we'd nicked it from.

But she looks a dish in a sweater, don’t you think?

“It’s all wool,’’ she said, “and saves me having to light the fire. Do you remember where I put my hat?”

It was a good question but we had no idea how to answer it.