Judy Rodger


GIRL who's always sure of a warm welcome from us and our readers is JUDY RODGER. Judy's the model with all the know-how on looking good, and there's no know-how we'd rather have than that, unless it's the know-how on the presence of oil in virgin ground going for a nickel an acre.

Number one asset shapely legs.

Judy's to be found at nearly all the major exhibitions, demonstrating anything from a potato-peeler to the very latest in streamlined cars.

Nice enough, but what chance does a potato-peeler stand against a demonstrator as cute as Judy?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960

Judy Rodger

Judy Now

Blonde and attractive JUDY RODGER - whom long time no see - is so busy as a TV model it’s a long time no see for many others besides us.

We were tickled to catch up with Judy, therefore, on a day out in the park, and managed to grab some cute pictures when she was looking and some even cuter ones when she wasn’t.

Too caught up with TV to have any spare time for modelling, Judy did us quite a favour by letting us photograph her in the park, and not only are we pleased to have met up with her again but so now, we imagine, are quite a few of her many fans.

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961