Sally Randall

Computer Girl

This is the technological age. We won't go on about how it's driving us all kinky in a mechanical kind of way, there are enough headaches without mentioning how we're all going nuts.

A computer operator who stays quite calm through it all is SALLY RANDALL, a nineteen-year-old Middlesex girl. Know what she does when she gets home from her computer? Crossword puzzles.

And when she's finished her evening quota of clueing up down and across, she goes off to her judo club and slings great big, bearded men all over the mat.

Lovely. wish I was a great big, bearded man, said Fred.

Span No 191 - July 1970

Sally Randall

Clearing up after Corky

Computer operator SALLY RANDALL has got lovely long hair and eye-catching statistics of 37-23-35.

She’s good at judo, expert at crossword puzzles and she scintillates on the dance floor. And when there’s a long-haired dog called Corky around she also has to be good at sweeping up the hairs he sheds over the carpet.

She’s more than good at this as you can see, she’s gorgeous.

Sally Randall

She Can also Dance

It’s a fact that SALLY RANDALL not only looks absolutely delightful in black lingerie, and that she can not only cook, she can also dance.

Sally, it happens, is a dancer of no mean merit. We accept that information with pleasure. We’ll settle anytime that’s convenient for the cooking.