Tessa King

Cover Girl

We found dark-eyed TESSA KING down on the farm. Hubby's farm, where she helps to keep the furrows straight and the animals well-fed.

You think life on a farm can only build muscle and bone? Can only give a girl a weathered look? Then you haven't met Tessa.

Tessa stays as glamorous as she was when she was a bachelor girl, and there are no muscular bulges to the calves of her shapely legs. If, as a cynic, you want visible proof of this, here it is. How cute can a farmer’s wife get?

Tessa King

Farm Favourite

Down on her farm in Sussex, TESSA KING is a great favourite - and not just because she’s kind to the animals. Tessa is a farmer's wife and just about as cute as they come.

It was a little too wet and muddy on this occasion to show you Tessa shepherding the gentle cows through the gate and across the road, but we're able at least to show you she's definitely one of the most photogenic farmers’ wives south of the Highlands.

Up in the morning early is Tessa, and if you thought a farmer's wife dressed herself in the rural equivalent of a boiler suit to face the day's chores, then here’s the exception which proves you shouldn't generalise.

This is the age of glamour - and the age that takes in farm favourites like Tessa. That side look out of the window was not made to project charm alone - a couple of hen turkeys had skipped away from the main throng (is throng of turkeys strictly correct?) to wing a lift on the tractor. Turkeys on tractors being taboo, Tessa was weighing up the necessity of rushing out to rescue them before they fell under the wheels. But not in this outfit !