Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 12

Manja Peruccia

Austrian Vista

Actually, only the girl is Austrian the background is West Germany, where M A N J A P E R U C C I A is studying to become a ballerina. Manja has great hopes and high ambitions. She also has the essential talent and a natural gaiety which she eloquently portrays in every lively pose.

Next to her love of dancing Manja has a vivacious aptitude for enjoying life itself its fun being photographed.

Christine Barnett

Literary Lady

Girl with a good book is pin-up favourite CHRISTINE BARNETT.

This should go some way towards proving that Christine has an eye for the written word.

It should also help to convince the sceptics that pin-up girls really do know a book when they see one.

And the fact that Christine fell off the chair while reading this one wasn’t because she wasn't used to books it was just that the book happened to be a darned heavy one.

Julie Scott

Mind That Fence

Having trouble with the high fence is JULIE SCOTT a typically bonny Scot, incidentally for she's got to get over it one way or another.

Ah, well, it’s simple enough for hikers in shorts and rucksacks, but not so simple in frilly skirts and a strong breeze. Nevertheless, you can see why Julie has won shapely leg competitions!

On which note, we’ll leave Julie in contemplation of the fact that in due course she’s got to climb back again. Pity we’ve got to depart in haste, but we forgot to stop the milk.

Terry Peters


Model with the cute curves is TERRY PETERS. A lassie from Lancashire, Terry now lives in London, and needs no special diet to keep her figure nicely symmetrical at 36-23-36. We don't know if she has a taste for Lancashire hot-pot, but if she has all we can say is that it seems to do her the world of good.

Janette Goodman

You, Too ?

Yes, indeed, It’s JANETTE GOODMAN, too, who has fallen for the current old-fashioned look, which only goes to show that fashion is something a bright girl can’t afford not to be seen in.

This seems to indicate that yesterday’s long look can be today’s top look, but there you are—what’s new is new even if it’s old.

Janette should know. As a fashion model she has to be up with the leaders, never mind what they’re wearing in a Persian market.

This “how-do-I-look” smile from Janette is kind of rhetorical—for she’s sure she looks good. Let’s face it, she’s in the fashion.

Elizabeth Gammage

Glamorous Mum

Glamorous indeed is Bristol housewife ELIZABETH GAMMAGE. Elizabeth is happily married and the mother of two beautiful children. And curvaceously photogenic.

Elizabeth's statistics are 38"- 24"- 35". Are there any other mums who photograph so glamorously ?

Angela Frances

Coming Ma’am

Holding down her current job as a cute maid is ANGELA FRANCES. She’s only just about holding it down because ma'am is a highly demanding mistress with her finger perpetually on the buzzer. Poor Angela gets into a regular tizzy, and the house is always echoing to her plaintive calls of “Coming, ma'am—coming!"

On this occasion the buzzer buzzed peremptorily for more tea. Well, there was no trouble in pouring it out. That’s a fairly simple operation for the dumbest maid, and our Angela may be cute but certainly not dumb.

Anyone rushing to serve ma’am with tea is liable to slip up with the tray. Even Angela. But not everyone takes a dive as attractively as she does.

Well, with the tea all over the floor, what can a girl do now except wait for ma’am to fire her? “I think,” said Angela, “that I’ll go back to being a secretary.”

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 13

Pamela Day

Just Right

Just right indeed is pretty PAMELA DAY, a perfect representative of the attractive modern miss of today. Figure just right, smile just right and fashion flair just right. It’s a sure indication that every modern girl has a film star’s potential, but fortunately for ninety-nine percent of us ordinary men most of them just settle for a happy home.

Making the most of her frills, Pamela makes a perfect picture on the step- ladder, and we’ll settle for Pamela being just that.

There’s a smile for you. How can you resist it? All right, you can’t and we know you can’t.

Sheree Winton

Shapely Sheree

West-End actress and TV starlet is SHEREE WINTON, making a name for herself as one of the shapeliest glamour girls in show biz. There are many lovely ladies adorning the London stage but none more eye-catching than Sheree. As the appreciative impresario remarked, you can say that again, Sam.

Maria Assin

Hardly Dressed For The Part

It was like this. Lovely MARIA ASSIN was about to put her riding gear on when she heard her horse whinny. So she dashed out of her shooting-box, the place she uses for changing, just in time to stop her mount from galloping off to join another horse five miles away. Although it left Maria hardly dressed for the part, it did at least save her from losing her horse. And if you want to see how Maria coped when she found she’d lost her jodhpurs instead, make sure you get next month’s issue, when Maria and horse will appear again.

Jan Newman

Driving Us Wild

Whenever we get into a car with JAN NEWMAN, she drives us wild. Jan always keeps her eyes on the road and never runs out of petrol. “What about stopping here to look at the view, dear girl?”

“Now, now, don’t be naughty, you know I’ve got a hairdressing appointment.”

“You change gears remarkably well, you lovely thing.”

“Don’t crowd me and don’t call me names or I’ll tell your wife.” “Oh, that was a jerky change - you put your elbow in my eye.” “Here’s the bus stop. You can get out now and finish your journey on a No. 27.”

That’s what we call really driving us wild.