Alison Aitken


In an extremely unpretentious way ALISON AITKEN is a staunch supporter of society, and considers its advantages more than outweigh its shortcomings.

"You have to live, you have to make your way in life,” she says, "and how can you do that if you loaf around and do nothing but moan about how you can't stand the pressures? You contribute what you can to life by doing a job of work.

It may be only a comparatively unimportant job, but it's something you can get on with."

Alison is a shorthand-typist and works from nine till five quite happily. She likes being a pin-up girl when she can find time to pose for the camera, and thinks it's lots of giggles and fun.

Alison is lots of fun herself.

Sally Fairfax

So You're Miss Fairfax?

SALLY FAIRFAX please, and yes, you've caught me in my stole.

Barbara Archer

Hello Again

And a big hallo it is for BARBARA ARCHER, the girl we're always pleased to see again and again. On this occasion Babs was showing us how she looked on her Spanish holiday, and we said, yes, my word, we like you in those black nylons, Babs. To which Babs replied, with a rather whimsical look in her eyes, that it was the hat, man, the hat. And we said good grief, just the hat?

"Whit,” said Barbara crisply, "are you implying?" (Barbara is a Fleet Street secretary and uses phrases like that).

We said we thought she meant she went around Spain in just the hat. and Babs said not only was that quite absurd but she could prove it by her suntan, which wasn’t all over.

Paula Vance

That's Me!

Face to face with herself is pert and pretty PAULA VANCE.

Paula’s a girl who can square up to a mirror with more confidence than we can!

All the mirror tells us is that we need another shave. What it tells Paula is that she doesn’t need a thing - she’s loaded with everything that counts.

Everything that counts may include lolly, but actually we weren't thinking of lolly .

Ann Wright

Black Net

The long-legged brunette in black net and saucy sombrero is ANN WRIGHT. Ann would like to live in the tropics, where this sort of outfit would be quite in keeping. In the wintry British climate, however, fur boots and mufflers are the order of the day, and they don’t suit Ann’s personality at all.

“Even mink," says Ann, "is just another fur to me. I’m the light-weight type ’’

We presume Ann only wears the hat in case it starts to rain.

Anytime the subject of who’s got the nicest legs comes up for discussion, the list of eligibles should include Ann.

And if you' want to talk about what to wear with a black hat, who’s pointing the way for you?

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 10

Melanie Cooper

Farmers Girl

It doesn’t mean that MELANIE COOPER is a milkmaid or ploughs the fields or harvests the corn.

It only means that Melanie, who lives in the lush county of Hampshire, is the toast of any farmer who has a discriminating eye for sex appeal and can get his mind off his beetroots.

That’s not difficult for a farmer’s boy when Melanie is around the place, but it’s sometimes difficult for a dedicated farmer. A dedicated farmer is a man who can’t think about anything but tomorrow’s weather. A farmer’s boy hasn’t got those problems. Melanie likes farmers because they’re lean and masculine and look very vital on horses. Farmer’s boys are only for patting on the head.

Vicki Campbell and Janet Neill

Skirts Are Shorter!

How high can a hemline soar? VICKI CAMPBELL and JANET NEILL give us a preview of their reply to the Parisian designers. Any poll you care to take will show 99% in favour of the Campbell-Neill line.

The 1% ! That’ll be our office boy—he thinks Vicki and Janet could have lopped off another couple of inches. That boy’s too old for his years.

Aleisha Phillips

Oriental Look

The look is oriental, and you might expect the name to be, too. But it's not Little - Flower - That Flutters - In - The - Wind or Blossom - With - The - Cherry - Red - Petals it's ALEISHA PHILLIPS. The Christian name may have an almond flavour to it but don’t be fooled - Aleisha is a Beautiful Briton. Nevertheless, drape her in a kimono, place her unobtrusively in a Tokyo bus queue, and the nearest the Nips will get to classing her as a foreigner will be Shanghai. Is it the delicate slant to those beautiful brown eyes?

No, but listen. Aleisha’s never been to Tokyo or to Shanghai. We don’t think she’s even been in a bus queue.

She rides in taxis and she’s strictly a no chop-suey type. That alluring, exotic Eastern look just developed along with her slim and shapely legs, and any mysterious Oriental characteristics she’s acquired are really quite Occidental.

Now fashion modelling in London, Aleisha shows that black lingerie tailored around her trim 35 - 25 - 35 figure looks good from all angles, and she models it with the sweet assurance of a Tokyo counterpart who's left her kimono on the hook.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 8

Christina Bartsch

Student Swinger

Outside the campus, where there was a satisfactory amount of rustic quiet and the student demo had packed up for tea, CHRISTINA BARTSCH celebrated her victorious exam results in swinging exhilaration.

With her maxi going all ways, much to the delight of a wandering minstrel who was looking for a place to unpack his sandwiches and his guitar, Christina was like feminine poetry in frilly motion.

The wandering minstrel stopped wandering. He sat down on a grassy hillock and played one of his own compositions, which sounded a bit like he'd pinched it from a gypsy cantata. Still, the rhythm was just right for our swinging student and it all looked like a lovely Can-Can in Arcadia.

Christina wants to be a research scientist.

You'd never think so to look at her. She's far too lovely to hide herself away in a land-locked laboratory.

Bridget Cole

We Didn't Find Any Scilla Nonscripta

It wasn’t the time of the year as it happened. If we hadn’t been dead ignorant, we’d have known, but being dead ignorant we went off with a pair of scissors and a trog and began a blissful, optimistic hunt for the stuff.

Scilla nonscripta is mostly found in woodlands, so we got that part right. For your information, that’s the Latin name for bluebells, and we don’t mean those in fishnet tights and 5' 8 tall.

It was late summer. They’d been and gone months before.

Nobody told us.

But we did find Persona Bella, which being translated from Peruvian means a bloom of great charm, which lights up when the Beatles are on. The one we found was quite delightful and of the Cole variety.

BRIDGET COLE is eighteen, comes from Horley, and has a great affection for horses, which she rides with great verve and aplomb, and if we only had a little of each we wouldn’t fall off so often.

She works in a Crawley office and is thinking about the prospects of becoming a model.

We think she’s much more decorative than a vase full of scilla nonscripta.

Tessa King

Farm Favourite

Down on her farm in Sussex, TESSA KING is a great favourite - and not just because she’s kind to the animals. Tessa is a farmer's wife and just about as cute as they come.

It was a little too wet and muddy on this occasion to show you Tessa shepherding the gentle cows through the gate and across the road, but we're able at least to show you she's definitely one of the most photogenic farmers’ wives south of the Highlands.

Up in the morning early is Tessa, and if you thought a farmer's wife dressed herself in the rural equivalent of a boiler suit to face the day's chores, then here’s the exception which proves you shouldn't generalise.

This is the age of glamour - and the age that takes in farm favourites like Tessa. That side look out of the window was not made to project charm alone - a couple of hen turkeys had skipped away from the main throng (is throng of turkeys strictly correct?) to wing a lift on the tractor. Turkeys on tractors being taboo, Tessa was weighing up the necessity of rushing out to rescue them before they fell under the wheels. But not in this outfit !

Jill Summers

Where's Jack ?

Here’s a Jill - JILL SUMMERS, in fact—and all that’s necessary to make this a gay twosome by the sea is Jack. He’ probably gone fishing.

Well, a girl as attractive as Jill won’t be alone for long on the beach, for it doesn’t matter how many Jacks have gone fishing there are always large numbers of discriminating beach boys who prefer attractive girls to cold-eyed fish.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 12