Mystery Model
/Back End
Turning our back on the end of the year with this rather cheeky looking mystery model.
Looking forward to what we can dig out of the archive in 2025.
Turning our back on the end of the year with this rather cheeky looking mystery model.
Looking forward to what we can dig out of the archive in 2025.
Rosa, as most of us know, did a lot more than just Spick and Span and frequently appears in all manner of magazines. These scans are from two prints that I have, but I have no idea of their origins.
Two interesting prints of what looks like nurse dress-up fun. I would guess they are from the 1960s, but I have no information on them.
Emma says "Happy Christmas" to all Vintage Fetish followers. Emma hopes that your stockings are full of everything you want. Have a great day from Vintage Fetish.
Stephanie, it says, works in TV—who knows. What I do know is that she is a pretty girl who I am sure would have been very popular in front of the camera or behind the scenes. Scanned pictures from the 1970s.
Works At The launderette
Liza works at the laundrette; that's what it says on the back of the print. Do you think those were her work clothes? Just imagine Liza stretching, bending, and giving little glimpses of her stocking tops—fantastic, that's what I say.
Two nice pictures of the same girl, one with stockings and one without. Both are very sexy, but which do you prefer?
Slightly candid shot of a girl named Julia who is relaxing with a magazine. Scan from a 1970s print.
Suzi with an "i" or Suzy with a "y"—you choose. They are two very different girls. Suzi with an "i" can be found in book No. 145, and Suzy with a "y" can be found in book No. 143, in glorious colour from the Spick and Span 2000 range of eBooks.
I think Undine is an unusual name, so I looked it up. Originating in Latin, Undine is a girl's name meaning "little wave" or "of the waves." It derives from the Latin word unda, meaning "wave," and is the name attributed to mythological water spirits. More commonly known as undines, these water nymphs appear across modern-day literature. Well, I certainly think this Undine looks like a little nymph posing for us with a toy gun in her black stockings.
Scan from a 1970s print.
In November, I posted some pictures from some transparencies I have, and it was determined that they were actually of Maureen Stocks. However, I was puzzled as to why Boots The Chemist had developed them. After some background conversations with friends, it became clear that Maureen Stocks had been very active on the amateur camera club circuits. These transparencies were possibly taken by an amateur who belonged to a club for which Maureen might have been paid to pose. I imagine this particular member had his slides developed by Boots The Chemist. It's always nice to solve a little puzzle.
The set of pictures below is from Span No. 236 - April 1974, accompanied by the ToCo Mumbo Jumbo below them.
Maureen is such a corker of a dolly that no one can see enough of her, as they say. She lives down by the River Thames, which just keeps gurgling gently by her back door. She can fish from her large patch of lawn if she likes, and she has, in fact, been known to cast her line in first thing Saturday morning and fish all through the weekend until Monday morning.
That makes about 48 hours of continuous fishing. And as she's never caught a thing, is this a record?
Angela is all ready for winter in her very fancy DK’s.
Span No 177 - May 1969
Lynn Emery is a pretty, dark-haired girl giving us a glimpse of what she has under her skirt. These photos are from the 1970s they have just her name on the back.
Jodie in the office, Jodie on the stairs, and Jodie in the park. See more of the lovely Jodie in full colour from the Spick and Span 2000 range of eBooks.
"Hilary" is all that is written on the back of this picture. It's a nice picture of a very freckly young woman sitting against a dirty wall, possibly the back wall of a squash court, giving us a glimpse of her stocking tops. I can date this picture to the mid-1970s.