Helen Candlish

It's The Comfort That Counts !

It’s a pleasure to ask you to meet HELEN CANDLISH, the girl who appears in the next issue of our companion magazine FUNFARE, for this is a preview of Helens series. It’s also to show you that there is a great deal of comfort in old-fashioned long underwear that the flimsiness of more fashionable garments lacks.

With a book, a settee and time to spare, comfort is, in fact, the current keynote with Helen. You may laugh at Helen’s longs, but flimsiness is one thing and comfort another. After all, pilots don’t fly in swimsuits and Russian girls don’t sweep snow in a bikini.

So, until the long hot days of summer definitely show up, what have you got against a girl putting warmth before chilliness?

Indeed, what was good enough for mother is good enough for daughter and what is good enough for daughter is comfortable enough for Helen.