Greta Berry

Now Look Out For Greta

A new and extremely charming pin-up girl we have just discovered is GRETA BERRY.

Here are just a couple of pics of Greta as a kind of introductory tableau that will put you in the mood for more, unless you've gore off beauty and taken up wallpapering.

If you've got more sense than to do anything as stupid as exchanging true joy for sticky wallpaper, then look out in future issues for features on Greta, and we guarantee you'll love her.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Greta Berry

Bright Light On A Dark Night

It was lovely and warm in the country that night, and if only there had been a moon instead of an inky sky, GRETA BERRY would have been lit up in the most romantic way.

"However," said Perce, the camera man from the big city, "as there isn't a moon I'll use my flash.”

"Oh, don't mind me," said Greta, who couldn't get the zip of her coat done up, "just go ahead, naturally."

"Willingly," said Perce, and there was a click and a flash, and then Greta was a bright light on a dark night.

By day she's an office girl, and if we're concentrating lately on bringing you different features on her it's only to keep you happy.

Beautiful Britons No 188 - July 1971

Greta Berry

How's Your Filing System?

If you're suffering from a surfeit of monumental ineptitude on the part of the erk who looks after your filing system, try giving him or her a monumental talking to.

It probably won't do any good as he or she is almost certain to be only there for the money. It's better to make a clean break before the whole office assumes the look of a paper mill in eruption.

"That's it, then, Perkins my girl, you can take a week's notice from today".

"Oh sir, but why?"

"Because you're useless, girl, useless."

"What d’you want for twelve pounds a week, then, a computer?"

It's shriekingly unbearable when they're not only useless but saucy as well. Your best bet is to look around for someone like GRETA BERRY. Greta is a lovely office clerk who brings efficiency to the scene, to say nothing of charm. She's a twenty-year-old dolly with the longest, loveliest legs that get her around the office like a flowing dream.