Margaret Blake, Janette Goodman, Jackie Leyton and Diane McCall

Fine n Dandy

WE'RE not quite sure whether it's MARGARET BLAKE, left, who has the fine line in foundation garments or JANETTE GOODMAN, right, who has the dandy line in curves. Maybe it's easier to settle for the application of both to each.

Janette is a blonde Scot from Ayrshire, Margaret a brunette beauty queen from Manchester, and both typify what's brightest about the glamour girls of Britain.

Both have exactly what it takes to catch the eye, which is dangerous if you're out with your girlfriend at the time and your girlfriend is the type who'd bung up that eye.

Come to that, who could catch your eye quicker than these other fine 'n dandy girls? It's JACKIE LEYTON, left, and DIANE McCALL.

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton


Last time we introduced gay girls JACKIE LEYTON, and DIANE McCALL, and here we continue the series.

The liveliness of bright young things like Jackie and Diane is inexhaustible, and no doubt as bonny Scots they get all their energy from porridge. We’re not sure if Aunt Esther would be all that delighted about them jumping over the furniture, but as she’s at the local whist drive let ignorance be bliss.

Diane isn’t taking a rest on the floor. To tell you the truth, Jackie tripped her, and the floor just came up and hit the pretty brunette.

Fair’s fair. To even things up Jackie fell flat on her face. We missed the shot, thus saving Jackie a lot of embarrassment, and made do with this one instead. Well, it makes a gracefully leggy finale, don't you think?

Diane McCall and Jackie Leyton

When You’re Young Enough

When, in fact, you’re still in your teens like DIANE McCALL, and JACKIE LEYTON, you can jive all day and still have enough energy left to run for your bus. Frolicking to the record-player at home, Diane and Jackie first pin up those voluminous skirts.

You need to keep from tripping up over all those frills— besides which both Diane and Jackie are confident that in giving their legs plenty of room to skip around they’re showing off limbs pretty enough to catch any eye.

Jackie wasn’t quite sure where Diane was sticking this particular safety-pin, but she couldn’t get away even though she did start climbing.

At this stage our twosome were all set to catch up with the record, and a pretty pair of leggy lovelies they made on the second band.

To the question of where they'd got to at this stage they answered, “Where else but in the groove, man?”