Sandra McPherson

Ribbons In Her Hair

Scottish lovely who's received lots of fan mail is SANDRA McPHERSON, hear about to find out if the hair ribbons someone sent her make her look cuter.

Sandra, a perfectionist, wasn’t too sure about the effect by itself.

By way of contrast, what about swish black nylons to offset the beautiful white ribbons?

Unprejudiced opinions are asked for, but no rude ones, please. Sandra may not be sure about the effect herself, but, man, we love it.

Spick Extra Spring 1961

Sandra McPherson

Hey, Mac !

In calling the attention of SANDRA McPHERSON to the fact that a picture wanted hanging, we did so with a loud whisper. One never shouts at a lady.

It's an accepted facet of pin-up modelling that the job of climbing a pair of steps to hang a picture is never accomplished with a straightforward precision. The picture is too heavy, the steps totter and so eventually does the model. With models as cute as Sandra, the inevitable consequence adds up to a pretty picture somewhat different from the one to be hung.

Bruised she may be, disturbed she certainly is, but Sandra nevertheless - like all similarly pretty pictures - covers the physical hurt and the emotional disturbance with a smile. And then tries again.

And having completed the job successfully she takes time off to listen to a soothing record or two. The introduction of a few cushions is to offset the susceptible tenderness of the bruises, which may not be real to you but are certainly very real to Sandra !

Sandra McPherson

Natural Hazard

Many games contain hazards, but none contain more natural ones than golf. Ask SANDRA MCPHERSON.

It’s bad enough trying to cope with the rain. If you hang on to one of those enormous golfing umbrellas long enough, you’re liable to take off and finish up dangling from a tree. But every perishing club is a handicap in itself when your swing is largely a matter of hope. Hit and miss, that’s it. And in the end, you’re all tied up but not in respect of the score.

Answer to this one is not to put down more than one ball at a time. With five at your feet, you’ll find out, as Sandra did, that you’re liable to step on at least two.

But, my word, what about those wretched trolleys and all those folding arms and things? They’re designed to give you what for all right, and you can say that twice over.

There’s always a first time for a contraption like this to poke you in the eye. Sandra’s answer to this is to don her weatherproof and take on all comers, including the wind, the rain and erratic drivers who forget to shout “Fore!”

Sandra McPherson

Cute Cook

Getting down to it in the kitchen any moment now is popular pin-up Sandra McPherson of Ayrshire. Not every cook looks like Sandra. With most of them it’s either a large white hat or a flowery apron. With Sandra it’s a question of not letting any utilitarian kitchen garb take precedence over a pin-up outfit.

Turning out a souffle needs concentration, but Sandra in getting down to it still manages to look like the girl we’d most like to decorate our own Kitchen with.

How’s that? It looks good. But what does it taste like? Traditionally, the proof is in the eating thereof.

It turned out so tasty that Sandra finished it up. That means she’s high up on the ladder of culinary success, and so she is—literally.

Sandra McPherson

Skirts Are Short This Year!

Girl going shopping in her short short skirt is SANDRA McPHERSON, the pride of Bonny Scotland.

If you trip up on the way down, you can't say it was because your feet got tangled up in the skirt!

Be like Sandra. Having regained controlled equilibrium, look as if you regard the whole thing with nonchalant indifference.

You will then arrive at the door looking like a well-dressed futuristic shopper of 19??

Sandra McPherson


Having returned home to Scotland from the sunny shores of the Mediterranean, cute SANDRA McPHERSON decided the first thing to do was to take an inventory of the pantry. Reluctant to completely divorce herself from the atmosphere of the Med, she put on her little short sun-skirt. The nylons are merely in acknowledgment of the somewhat colder breezes of Scotland, and they don’t completely black out her sun-tan. This was a beautiful golden brown and Sandra certainly does justice to that kind of tan.

Sandra’s main impression of Italy was the Italians—the way those Latin men sneak up and pinch a girl had to be felt to be believed.

It’s a fact, of course, that lots of girls who go to Italy return tanned from the sunshine and tender from the pinching. Sandra, we’re pleased to say, remains true to Scotland and the Scots.