Carol Burdette

Waiting For Santa

It was drawing nigh to Christmas and CAROL BURDETTE wanted to be there when Santa arrived this time.

Last year he left her a pullover, a box of tools and a garden fork, with an apologetic note to say if the pullover didn’t fit, he was sorry, but it was a busy time of the year for him.

Carol used block letters this year when she made her Christmas list, a list full of the most delightful feminine things. She only used the box of tools once and that was to knock a nail into the post holding the clothesline, and the post fell down and so did the line.

She gave the garden fork to her boyfriend and he gave it to his father and his father gave it to his office secretary because she’s got a garden and he’s only got a flat.

So, this year Carol is waiting for Santa. If she doesn’t, she might get left with another box of tools and a lawn mower.

Marie Graham

Getting To Know You

Climbing high in the pin-up poll is secretary MARIE GRAHAM.

Established as one of our favourite models, all her fans say it's been ecstatic getting to know her.

Marie lives in Hampshire, is a delectable housewife who still looks as gorgeous as the most geary dolly girls, and her main interests, apart from the man she loves, are go-go dancing, motoring and mountaineering.

If she ever gets to the top of Everest, she isn't half going to look picturesque high in the sky, and all the Sherpas will want to invite her home to tea.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 13

Tina Reynolds

Much More

New model TINA REYNOLDS is a girl we recently found. She wasn't actually lost, of course. Ours was merely an inspired discovery of her as a pin-up. The reaction of readers has been what you'd expect when you've been in the glamour business as long as we have.

They want to see more of Tina. Much more.

Well, if she doesn't go off to the West Indies to help sell coconuts on the telly, we'll see what we can do.

Samantha Grey

London Light

Cities are full of lights, those which illuminate the darkness and those which illuminate life.

A very scintillating London light is SAMANTHA GREY, and if you walked all the way from Edinburgh to see her it would be well worthwhile. All that exercise and a round of applause from Samantha at the end.

Samantha has a comfy bed-sit near St. Johns Wood and the milkman doesn't at all mind climbing three flights of stairs to deliver her daily pint. He always knocks so that he can hand it to her in person. Sometimes Samantha isn't quite dressed, like.

He doesn't mind that, either.

Susan Douglas

The Impact Had A Lasting Effect

When we first introduced SUSAN DOUGLAS to our readers the impact had a kind of ringing sound, loud and clanging in many cases.

The effect on some was lasting. There has never been any other girl quite like Susan to them, her pin-up appeal remaining constant and even devastating. Fellers have shot themselves with water pistols on account of their love being so faithful but, alas, so unreciprocated.

Susan, now a lovely Kentish housewife, has been understanding but firm. "I'm always absolutely enchanted by your devotion," she says to her fans, "but I'm sure you realise I must get home to peel the potatoes and pick up some rice crispies on the way. Honestly. I would adore living on a desert island with any of you, but how could I get to my hairdresser twice a week without it being ruinously expensive?"

For a woman, especially a lovely one. that's clear, clinical logic.

Soulange Ferrier

French Dish

It's traditional that French dishes have got more sauce than dishes which originate elsewhere.

Travelling Parisienne SOULANGE FERRIER is a real French dish and her sauce has just the kind of frilly Folies Bergere look which makes far-off Americans in Idaho think of beautiful moments they'll never enjoy while they stay at home.

Soulange is seen around London from time to time and around St. Tropez, and the more she's seen the better most guys feel about life. It's that old-fashioned oo-la-la tingle, that's what.

Toni Finch

Not One Straight Line!

In selecting a model like TONI FINCH to appear before the camera we automatically provide ourselves with a subject confirming Einstein’s theory that there’s no such thing as a straight line! There’s certainly not one here.

From any angle it’s a matter of curves alone. Any questions?

Nadia Zadek

Natural Charm

One girl we know with definite natural charm is Mayfair hairdresser NADIA ZADEK. There's something about this girl which makes us forget other girls.

When Nadia is around, a young man's fancy lightly turns to romance not only in the Spring. Trim, neat, well-dressed, Nadia models only very occasionally and concentrates mainly on her hairdressing career. She lives and works in Mayfair and knows every hair on the head of many debs.

Nadia likes sailing, swimming and good books. She also likes her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a lucky guy and a good chooser.

Suzy Wong

Hampstead Roundabout

Listen to this.

When SUZY WONG left Hong Kong and from the harbour sailed out.

She never thought she'd be caught On London's Hampstead roundabout.

Well, it was the best we could do to make a giggle of it. Suzy has a flat in Hampstead and is doing very well as a model, thank you. Don't send any rice as she's come to like cucumber sandwiches, farmhouse Cheddar and a pint of beer.

How lovely.

Nicola Taylor

Wholly Delightful

Seen on our cover this month is a girl we consider wholly delightful. She’s a Hampshire girl, her name is NICOLA TAYLOR, and she looks exquisite in a mini-dress.

Anne Dearborn

How To Get A Ticket

There are various ways of getting a ticket. You can buy one, find one or have one given to you if you want to see a theatre show.

And you can have one thrust upon you if it's a parking ticket you're after. You don't have to pay until later.

Town bird ANNE DEARBORN has a running fracas going with London traffic wardens in her pursuit of parking places for her Mini, and when she gets her hundredth ticket she's going to invite them all to a party in her top- floor Chelsea flat and give them a French salad dressed with castor oil.

That should keep them on the move for the next week or so.

Jackie Miller

Bristol Belle

In the university city of Bristol, there are many lovely girls. Bristol, in fact, is renowned for its beautiful belles. Among them we found 18-year-old JACKIE MILLER, shorthand-typist with a flair for glamour.

Jackie also has a flair for modelling lingerie and long rows of beads.

With measurements of 35"- 23"-36", Jackie is just right in the modern tradition of slim, trim lovelies, and out walking she looks pretty enough to raise a regular whistle.

Liz Harvey

Pin-Up For You

Just tor you, readers and fans, we bring Dorset dolly LIZ HARVEY, looking her curviest in skimpy white.

We have sets of 10 Whole Plate Pin-Ups of Liz available, and they're lovely. The price is £3.00 per set or £2.25 in Half Plate size.

When you order quote details of the magazine issue so that we know you want the set to be of Liz as she's featured here.

Penny Stone


Just another commuter to and from the City of London is PENNY STONE, but that doesn't mean anything unbearable.

We all worry about our girls getting flattened in rush-hour tube trains and staying flattened, but girls are engagingly resilient. They step off at their station, breathe in, breathe out, and there you are, their shapes fill out again.

Don't thank us.

Thank nature for resisting all those pressures.