Susan Whiddon

Perfect Prototype

The fact is perfection is hard to come by. But if you're looking for a girl who is perfectly feminine you can accept SUSAN WHIDDON as the prototype of your dreams.

Susan is sort of creamy and curvy and soft and lovely, which is the way a girl is intended to be, never mind all those emancipated and muscular Russian females who dig up roads and lay whacking great gas pipes.

Down in Plymouth, where Drake stands on the Hoe, looking out to sea, and where the weather is soft and balmy, Susan is busy being beautiful. Well, she models, and you have to be beautiful for that or you don't get past the door.

Of course, if you prefer a liberated feminist whose ambition is to emasculate you while she digs the allotment over, you're very welcome.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Monika Cann


All the way from Switzerland comes MONIKA CANN, and now she's here and making London look brighter than ever we're convinced that we could do with a lot more creamy Swiss birds.

Monika is usually at St. Moritz at this time of the year, either ski-ing down the slopes or skating on the rinks. Now, for a change, she's working in London at a travel agency, and naturally she's sending most of the customers off to Switzerland.

She can send them to Afghanistan as far as we're concerned, just so long as she doesn't go herself.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Marilyn Ward

The Much Admired Miss Ward

Finalist in all kinds of glamorous and eventful beauty competitions, Miss MARILYN WARD is the fair and shapely object of universal admiration. Those who believe in the unequivocal inspirationalism of the feminine form divine naturally know what they're talking about when they quote just how divine Miss Ward is.

And having got the dictionary of our chest and back on the bottom shelf, let's say that if you know any other girl who can look as good as Marilyn when draped in a pair of nylons, then don't let her go off to Greenland and get lost among the igloos. Tell us about her.

Marilyn, of course, is the girl who runs a Bournemouth boutique. It's a packed boutique on Saturdays. Not just with girls, you understand. There's any amount of fellers who like to chat up the fascinating manageress.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Jennifer Jay

Home is Jennifer

Up in the Midlands there's a very nice house which is home for JENNIFER JAY and her husband.

Home is Jennifer.

Because Jennifer is a lovely housewife who gives the place an air of warmth and cosiness. She can cook, sew and do lovely flower arrangements, and she's absolutely gorgeous to look at. Fellers who are opting out of involved situations that lead to marriage on the basis that it's all going out of fashion have been listening to too many tarty actresses and too many Narcissus-type actors.

Marriage is rapture if you can share it with a wife like Jennifer.

Spick No 242 - January 1974

Christine Sayers

A Change From Horses

Earning a living as a glamour model in London is CHRISTINE SAYERS, fair as a cornfield at harvest time.

Christine's parents run a riding school, and Christine finds the glamour world quite a change from feeding hay to horses. And you can't clean out stables week after week without feeling there must be something else in life.

All the same, she often goes home at weekends.

Just for a long spell of fresh air and a gallop or two over the countryside. Keeps a glamour girl looking trim, you know, and jolly healthy as well, what?

Christine is five feet six and measures 37-23-36.

That's trim without being at all flat. And extremely photogenic.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Ella Busch

They Just Don't Care, Do They?

We thought we'd missed what it was like in West Berlin during the streaking season. Then our Berlin photographer sent us some candid camera angles on ELLA BUSCH cantering around a windy corner in not much more than a reinforced G-string, except that at that point she still had her fur coat on.

When she got close to the Kurfurstendamm it wasn't quite such a chilly wind, so off came the coat and she streaked in a classical dash from point A to point B, and while it lasted it wasn't half good to look at, especially as the G-string fell off midway.

Honestly, they don't care, do they?

Span No 245 - January 1975