Toni Finch

Fringe Benefits

Well, there's one thing about a bra where the accent is on the fringe, it does make for a very artistic finish to a portrait.

Especially a portrait of TONI FINCH, a housewife of Kent.

Don't all rush round offering to paint her because you want to hang her at the spring exhibition, it sounds a bit berserk. Toni's husband does all the painting.

There are fringe benefits in being Toni's better half.

He can get Toni to sit for him every evening and Sundays as well.

Paula Vance

That's Me!

Face to face with herself is pert and pretty PAULA VANCE.

Paula’s a girl who can square up to a mirror with more confidence than we can!

All the mirror tells us is that we need another shave. What it tells Paula is that she doesn’t need a thing - she’s loaded with everything that counts.

Everything that counts may include lolly, but actually we weren't thinking of lolly .

Patricia Blake

Builder's Mate

Lots of girls are handy with a knitting needle or a piece of material or a cookery book.

But not every girl can say she knows what she’s doing when she’s got a trowel in her hand. To most girls a trowel is an odd-shaped instrument that won’t fit her handbag.

However, one does meet the occasional femme who not only knows what a mortar mix is but can also apply it very neatly with a trowel. Among the enlightened few is PATRICIA BLAKE.

Patricia is a long-legged manicurist whom any builder would love to have for a mate, but Patricia is rather keen on a racing driver. Life is like that. You can never have exactly what you’d like.

Still, if you’ve got a brick wall that needs repairing or even a brick wall that needs building, and you know Patricia well enough to approach her, then you couldn’t wish for a better mortar worker than this delightful girl. She doesn’t know the rate for the job as a builder’s mate but she’ll probably ask for ten bob an hour. You’ll just be able to sit back and supervise.

How divine.

Susan Clegg

Any Sugar, Honey?

Any girl who works as a grocery assistant is worth knowing in this day of mixed-up priorities.

It's this shortage of sugar. Actually, if we all took only half our usual quota we wouldn't be doing ourselves anything but a favour. Still, habits are habits, and what you've always had you'll always want.

So if you know SUSAN CLEGG, just be nice to her. Susan is a grocery assistant in a Yorkshire village and keeps a very fair and impartial eye on the sugar stocks. But to get away from it all she's just taken up modelling, since she's got a lovely pair of legs and doesn't think they ought to be hidden behind counters all the time.

What a nice, thoughtful glamour girl.

Ann Wright

Black Net

The long-legged brunette in black net and saucy sombrero is ANN WRIGHT. Ann would like to live in the tropics, where this sort of outfit would be quite in keeping. In the wintry British climate, however, fur boots and mufflers are the order of the day, and they don’t suit Ann’s personality at all.

“Even mink," says Ann, "is just another fur to me. I’m the light-weight type ’’

We presume Ann only wears the hat in case it starts to rain.

Anytime the subject of who’s got the nicest legs comes up for discussion, the list of eligibles should include Ann.

And if you' want to talk about what to wear with a black hat, who’s pointing the way for you?

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 10

Melanie Cooper

Farmers Girl

It doesn’t mean that MELANIE COOPER is a milkmaid or ploughs the fields or harvests the corn.

It only means that Melanie, who lives in the lush county of Hampshire, is the toast of any farmer who has a discriminating eye for sex appeal and can get his mind off his beetroots.

That’s not difficult for a farmer’s boy when Melanie is around the place, but it’s sometimes difficult for a dedicated farmer. A dedicated farmer is a man who can’t think about anything but tomorrow’s weather. A farmer’s boy hasn’t got those problems. Melanie likes farmers because they’re lean and masculine and look very vital on horses. Farmer’s boys are only for patting on the head.

Vicki Campbell and Janet Neill

Skirts Are Shorter!

How high can a hemline soar? VICKI CAMPBELL and JANET NEILL give us a preview of their reply to the Parisian designers. Any poll you care to take will show 99% in favour of the Campbell-Neill line.

The 1% ! That’ll be our office boy—he thinks Vicki and Janet could have lopped off another couple of inches. That boy’s too old for his years.

Sylvia Grant

It All Happens At Once

It always does. Take the case of pretty SYLVIA GRANT, for instance. Not only does she get caught up in the brambles but she also takes a tumble, and she wasn’t doing anything to anybody, merely fighting her way through a prickly hedge.

Ah well, as long as you can laugh about it afterwards it’s hardly the end of the world. It can just hurt at the time, that’s all. Sylvia, by the way, is a shorthand-typist with vitalistics of 37"-23"-36" and loves a party.

Not you, Nigel, you’re not a party, you’re an insurance broker. Keep your mind on premiums.

Elaine Vickers

Happy Housewife

ELAINE VICKERS is a charming example of a Beautiful Briton turned beautiful and happy a housewife!

Elaine comes from Dartford in Kent, and before her marriage she worked in an engineering office there.

But although the engineers themselves were very nice, engineering is no career for a pretty girl.

A pretty girl is like a melody. A pretty girl in a frilly slip is an absolute symphony, and there's no place for that in an engineering works not without disorganising the engineers and their output.

When Elaine's not busy with the chores, she likes to play some tennis. If her husband plays as well then somewhere along the line of their progress towards wedlock someone must have called a love game and we don't think it could have been the umpire.

Rossy Rittau


What can one say about a girl who wears such lovely boots?

One can say here is a girl all set for a long walk, at which a man at the back will voice the feelings of all by loudly proclaiming his disbelief. The following conversation will then ensue.

“What was that you said, sir?”

“I said girls in high boots don't wear them for walking, they wear them as an adornment not as a piece of equipment.”

"What we meant was that she looks as if she could manage a long walk.”

“Oh, that’s your game, is it? Get a lovely girl like that to pull on a pair of leather boots and then send her off to walk to Liverpool. How dare you? Just send her home to me, we’re having muffins for tea this afternoon and we’d like her to join us.”


“Me and my dog.”

Having got over that by adroitly procrastinating, we ought to tell you the girl is ROSSY RITTAU. She’s so utterly enchanting that if she has a muffin tea with anybody it’s going to be us. The man at the back can sit down again.

Britt Hampshire

Pin Up

Long time in the business is pin-up. It can be phrased differently from time to time, but pin-up is the original and the best. It's a picture of a lovely girl looking utterly glam, and is for pinning-up where you can see it to its best advantage. One lovely girl who makes a classical pin-up is BRITT HAMPSHIRE.

Aleisha Phillips

Oriental Look

The look is oriental, and you might expect the name to be, too. But it's not Little - Flower - That Flutters - In - The - Wind or Blossom - With - The - Cherry - Red - Petals it's ALEISHA PHILLIPS. The Christian name may have an almond flavour to it but don’t be fooled - Aleisha is a Beautiful Briton. Nevertheless, drape her in a kimono, place her unobtrusively in a Tokyo bus queue, and the nearest the Nips will get to classing her as a foreigner will be Shanghai. Is it the delicate slant to those beautiful brown eyes?

No, but listen. Aleisha’s never been to Tokyo or to Shanghai. We don’t think she’s even been in a bus queue.

She rides in taxis and she’s strictly a no chop-suey type. That alluring, exotic Eastern look just developed along with her slim and shapely legs, and any mysterious Oriental characteristics she’s acquired are really quite Occidental.

Now fashion modelling in London, Aleisha shows that black lingerie tailored around her trim 35 - 25 - 35 figure looks good from all angles, and she models it with the sweet assurance of a Tokyo counterpart who's left her kimono on the hook.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 8

Christina Bartsch

Student Swinger

Outside the campus, where there was a satisfactory amount of rustic quiet and the student demo had packed up for tea, CHRISTINA BARTSCH celebrated her victorious exam results in swinging exhilaration.

With her maxi going all ways, much to the delight of a wandering minstrel who was looking for a place to unpack his sandwiches and his guitar, Christina was like feminine poetry in frilly motion.

The wandering minstrel stopped wandering. He sat down on a grassy hillock and played one of his own compositions, which sounded a bit like he'd pinched it from a gypsy cantata. Still, the rhythm was just right for our swinging student and it all looked like a lovely Can-Can in Arcadia.

Christina wants to be a research scientist.

You'd never think so to look at her. She's far too lovely to hide herself away in a land-locked laboratory.