Vincene Cradduck

Speaking Of The Mini

Where were we?

Well, when VINCENE CRADDUCK came into the country pub we were at the bar, knocking back a pint of old ale and speaking of the mini to a couple of high-hatted knowalls who’d seen them all.

But they hadn’t seen Vincene in her mini.

We had.

There she was in front of our camera, and we still can’t remember whether her mini quite began or whether it was ever finished.

But since Vincene has the loveliest legs, you can imagine, we felt that if Vincene wasn’t bothered, then we weren’t either.

Vincene likes a glass of old ale herself in a country pub and we had a very enchanting conversation, leaving the two knowalls out of it.

Beautiful Britons No 163 - June 1969

Ruth Cavendish

Live Ones Are So Frisky

Pin-up favourite RUTH CAVENDISH prefers a wooden horse.

She tried to ride a live one not long ago, down on a cattle farm. It was dead frisky. Ruth got all jerked about and finally fell off backwards.


She wouldn't have been as upset as she was if it hadn't given a horse laugh. She hasn't spoken to it since. She has settled for a quiet ride on Pinto, which is a rocking-horse she grew up with.

Pinto has nice manners.

Beautiful Britons No 203 - October 1972

Lamorna Lea

The Stole Does Something

What does it do that a diamond tiara couldn’t do better? Ask LAMORNA LEA, our popular pin-up pet.

“Also,” said Lamorna, less cautiously and more spontaneously, “if it’s white ermine it’s kind of luxurious to snuggle up to.”

"After all," she added thoughtfully, "what help is a diamond tiara when a girl’s in bra and briefs? It’s only that It’s worth a lot of money.”

“You know what?” Lamorna concluded. “I think you can take the stole and give me a tiara."

Span Extra - Spring 1959

X For Men

Goes Underground

Model has no name, but I think it’s Nancy Roberts.

X For Men - No 3 - Late 1950’s

Angie Holt

High Stepper

When you're nineteen and life isn't weighing you heavily down with all the responsibilities you accrue as you get older, you feel like stepping out to enjoy the wonders of the world.

You've a long way to go before you get to the age where you're all creaky and feeble and need to ask kind policemen to see you across the road. You're full of health and energy and can't understand what hypochondriacs make so much fuss about.

Absolutely whizzo with health and energy is ANGIE HOLT, high - stepping her way through the park, much to the amazement and delight of ninety-year-old gentlemen sitting in fragile pre-occupation on the park benches.

'Well, heck," says one old gent, "girls weren't like that when I was a


‘No reason why we can't make up for it now," says a second old gent. ‘‘Where are you creaking off to?" asks the first ancient.

"I'm going to ask her for a dance,” says the second.

Spick No 172 - March 1968

Julie Collins


Air hostess JULIE COLLINS has been as high up in the world as anyone else, excepting only the astronauts, and as far as ambition is concerned the only thing left that excites Julie’s imagination is being an astronaut herself. May we say she’s the girl we’d most like to go into orbit with? Or the girl we’d most like to go giddy with? Same thing.

As an air hostess Julie has been on the Britain - America run and has touched down in every part of the American continent when serving with an American airline. She has finally settled in London, which she prefers to any other - it’s currently the swingiest, it seems - and she wants to get her feet back on the ground for a while. She’s twenty-two and she’s gorgeous.

Span No 132 - August 1965

Donna Mathis

looking For A Champ

What a fine thing for the old country it would be if we found a heavy-weight champ or even someone who could throw the hammer from here to the French wine country. It might make a mess of the wine bottles but think of the glory.

We know a girl who's looking for her own kind of champ.

DONNA MATHIS of the Midlands breeds doggies.

She also breeds Alsatians, which are a lot bigger than doggies. Her ambition is to exhibit a champion Alsatian.

We know an Alsatian. It's not a champ but what lovely teeth. Real, live choppers they are.

Beautiful Britons No 203 - October 1972

Sylvia Ternes

Not Surprising

When a girl has legs as lovely as SYLVIA TERNES it’s not surprising to find that her progress down a Berlin Strasse accompanied by whistles of Teutonic admiration, and if you’ve ever heard the Berliners whistle you’d know it’s something you couldn’t miss, even with a brass band playing. Sylvia, nineteen, is rather sweet, don’t you think?

Span No 123 - November 1964

Laura Mason

Miss Legs

Title-winner in any legs contest you care to organise for the benefit of girls mad keen to demonstrate their eyecatching pins is, of course, LAURA MASON, one of your currently favourite glamour girls.

Laura lives in Tooting, where, naturally, the fresh guys don’t whistle but toot. Tooting is full of toots when Laura’s in view.

Laura has big brown eyes and a gay personality, and in this series, she glamorously demonstrates just how perfect are her legs. Add this one asset to all the others and you’ve got quite a girl!

Spick Extra - Spring 1961

Fiona James

Fiona Wants To Fly

These days the really glamorous gals want to be models or air hostesses. Models only move up and down the catwalks, the excitement is all in the wearing of the newest and most sensational collections.

Air hostesses get around.

One moment they’re here.

A couple of hours later they’re in Rome or Tangiers.

The capitals of the world are theirs.

And as one air hostess said to the other air hostess, “When you’ve seen one, Cleo, you’ve seen them all.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Cleo, “the languages are different.”

“When you’ve heard one language,” said the first air hostess, “you’ve heard them all. What are you doing on Saturday?”

“Oh, I’m going to Berlin and back in the morning,” said Cleo.

"I’m going to a football match,” said the first air hostess.

Never mind about that. FIONA JAMES wants to fly. She wants to be an air hostess. She’s just right for a smart, well-cut uniform. She’s five feet six and measures 35"-23"-36".

Beautiful Britons No 163 - June 1969


It'll Have To Go

There just isn’t room in the boot for two long legs and a spare tyre. The tyre will have to go. A guy can always throw out any amount of spare tyres or old haversacks or empty beer cans, but he wouldn’t and couldn’t throw out BUNNY. Bunny is too beautiful. Bunny is a private secretary with an extremely high I.Q. So much so that her favourite reading matter is Egyptian archaeology. If you know anything about the pyramids you could have quite a conversation with Bunny.

Span No 132 - August 1965

Wendy Luton

Weather Conscious

We can state quite categorically that no people are more weather conscious than the British —unfortunately, we have to be and at the moment WENDY LUTON is conscious the mostest, if you’ll pardon our English. Rubber raincoat to keep off the rain and long bloomers to keep out the cold, and garters to stop her nylons falling down. Marvellous. Or is it?

Span No 123 - November 1964

Help Wanted!

Help Wanted!

I am looking for some help or additional involvement. I have many plans for this site, with new books arriving frequently, but just don’t have enough time to do what I would like to do on my own.

Vintage Fetish is enjoyed by many, with me frequently receiving kind comments from visitors, both new and regular. I also know that many of you have a good depth of knowledge on the books and models covered here. The model pages are particularly popular, but I find it hard to find the time to keep adding new ones, and this is one area I would like to improve upon. There are so many girls featured by ToCo who deserve a page all to themselves.

So how about It? Could you gather what information there is from the books and write a text to go along with the gallery? It takes a surprisingly long time to do, so being able to commit that time is important, along with a good standard of grammar. The content needs to be in keeping with current content.

So, if you have some spare time and would like to become involved, please do get in contact with me via the contact page, and we can take it from there.

Pam Rogers

A Girl Needs An Interest

Advertising assistant PAM ROGERS considers she'd get too single-minded if she thought about nothing else except advertising.

A girl needs an interest to keep her from thinking only about her job.
Pam has lots of interests. Boy friends to make her feel wanted, and dancing to make her feel activated.
Then there's stage work to make her feel talented and beauty contests to make her feel lovely.
Well, with all those interests and a beautiful figure of 37-24-36, there's a lovely Pam she is.

Beautiful Britons No 203 - October 1972

Rosa Domaille

The Waitress



Born in Bath in 1940, Rosa trained in Ballet since she was 5 years old, and later in Musical Comedy until she was 15 and a half.

Rosa was too young at 15 to find a job on the stage, so she decided to fill in time and learn some other occupation. She worked in a Shoe Factory for a while, until an artist, who lives in Bath, saw her photograph in a Beauty Contest, and asked her to pose for him. Since then, many people have been contacting her to pose for them, but Rosa does not want to become just another model. Her heart is set on the stage. So, a month ago, she succeeded in persuading her parents to let her go to London and try her luck in the many theatres and Cabaret Clubs.

Rosa shares a flat with a girlfriend and earns her living working in a Snack Bar in Paddington — "just to keep body and soul together" as she says! She spends all her spare time and energy in practicing her dancing routine and attending auditions.

Fiesta Volume 3 No 1 - January 1958