Teri Martine
/Teri Martine - Vintage Stockings Archive
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They don't come any better-looking than they do in Yorkshire, and that applies not just to batter puddings but to dolly girls, housewives and cricketers.
PAT ROBERTS is a Leeds housewife. She used to work as a secretary in a newspaper office, where some tall dark man fell for her and proposed to her. She married him and now she's a full-time housewife with two young sons.
Her interests and hobbies make lovely normal reading in this day and age. Her main interests are her husband and children, social parties, and cooking. Her hobbies are dressmaking, reading and antique shops.
How about that, dropouts?
You can be normal and happy. It's not all that difficult.
Pat's ambition is to win the pools, acquire a larger house and lots of antique chiming clocks. She likes the sound of the clocks all going off together.
Her most interesting vitalistics are 37-25-37. Gorgeous.
Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970
Here are two more pictures from the Private Collection of Michelle, where she can be seen relaxing with a drink and a cigarette on what appears to be some sort of a day bed. Regardless of what she is lying on, she certainly looks ready for some fun.
Scan From An Original Print
It happens to all of us eventually.
The day comes when the best years of our lives are over, and we leave the scholastic establishment we love so much.
It happened to MOIRA GRAHAM of Bradford in Yorkshire. One day she was still an eager student, the next day she was working in the offices of a building society as an accounts clerk.
Mind you, the other clerks - male - were pleased to have her. Blonde and green-eyed, Moira was the very nicest thing that had happened in the offices for years, and it probably won't be long before they start putting flowers on her desk and inviting her out to a rugby match on Saturdays. But keep her off the pitch, chaps, she's a stunner at Karate.
Span No 245 - January 1975
If only we knew where STEVIE, up-and-coming Yorkshire model, was going to spend her holiday this year it might solve the problem of where to go ourselves. We can't think of anyone we'd rather look at in a bikini than Stevie.
Span No 141 - May 1966
Great picture of the very lovely Helen Milligan that was not published but taken from a set of pictures that were used twice. The original set was used in Beautiful Britons No. 118 (September 1965) entitled Field Day, with the remainder of the pictures being used in Spick No. 265 (December 1975) with that set entitled Oh You're Looking Good. This picture was not used in either set. The negative had a pen strike through it, which I have removed.
Very typical of Helen with the frilly petticoat that she was seen wearing in many pictures. Many thanks again to Tocofan for providing the negative.
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If your sister or your wife would like to know how TANIA WEBB came by her figure of 37"-23"-36"-well, as a matter of fact, it just happened, it sort of grew up with her. "Of course, I eat wholemeal bread and steaks," said Tania, "and that might help." Oh gad, these girls.
Spick No 193 - December 1969
Cardington Girl – That’s all I have. Cardington is a small village not far from Bedford. A pretty girl posing on a stool while giving us a glimpse of her stocking tops. I really like these pictures as you have to look at them twice to notice that her skirt is just slightly raised.
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True LINDA TURNER may be the last girl we have featured, but she's by no means the least. She's the epitome of so many of our girls, vibrant, sporty and leggy. Watch her on a tennis or squash court, and you'll see just how sporty she is. Bang, bang, biff, biff, and get your glasses out of the way, Lucifer.
Beautiful Britons No 252 - November 1976 (Final Issue)
Jackie Murrey relaxing with a magazine on the floor, looking fantastic in her slightly raised frock, giving us all a tantalizing glimpse of her stockings. Another super contribution from Tocofan.
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Those stretch tights are all very utilitarian when considered in conjunction with the mini, but what do they really do for a dolly?
What a flash of lightning it is to find there are still some dollies who like the old stocking-tops. Can't whack tops, you know. Do wonders for a lovely pair of legs.
Do marvels for the lovely legs of blonde INGRID NORSMAN and brunette LOWRA BRUNI. Ingrid is a Sussex girl, Lowra is an Italian girl living in Sussex.
They're both delicious.
They look scintillating in tops.
Beautiful Britons No 205 - December 1972