Maureen - Private Collection


More from Maureen relaxing on the sofa, giving us all something to think about as she exposes her black-stockinged legs. Very nice indeed.

Mary Graham and Janette Goodman


Playing 'first-pass-the post-bags-a-lollipop' are vivacious brunette MARY GRAHAM and eye-catching blonde JANETTE GOODMAN. Anyway, it's a good substitute for press-ups and not so killing, even if it is hard on the knees of the gee-gee. And some gee-gee.

How'd you turn round in a corner? Janette's the worried one at this stage, but it's Mary who ought to have been.

Well, it was Mary, you see, who had farther to fall. This represents the final sequence of 'hands-knees-and-boompsa-daisy'. but no two girls could go 'boomps' with more photogenic emphasis than Janette and Mary, unless they weighed twice as much. In which case the emphasis would be physical-ouch!

Span No 103 - March 1963

Michelle - Private Collection


Two more great pictures of Michelle from the Private Collection of negatives. She is seen sitting on a sheepskin rug-covered stool, which allows us a great view of her stocking-clad and very shapely legs. Michelle looks like a lot of fun and has a delightful smile.

Deborah Stuart, Liz McEwen and Susan Fairfax

How's The Weather?

There were three lovely girls, a lot of damp clouds and only one umbrella. The weather not being heavenly, the girl with the quickest snatch grabbed the brolly. That was DEBORA STEWART, and though the brolly may look a bit mundane you can't say Debbie does. Debbie is the girl we'd most like to explore the Amazon with, as it rains a lot there and Debbie can paddle a canoe and make it all look a gorgeous giggle.

Debbie’s two friends are LIZ MCEWEN and SUSAN FAIRFAX. While Debbie kept the brolly all to herself, Liz and Susan just had to wait for the rain to stop. Girls waiting for the rain to stop can look demurely anxious, especially if they've just emerged from the hairdressers, but Liz and Susan manage to look as if it isn't raining at all. And actually, it isn't.

It's all a lot of hocus-pocus about the weather just to give us a chance to intersperse some flowery chat about the girls. Flowery chat comes easily when it's all about mini-skirted charmers like these.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Maureen - Private Collection


More from Maureen and the private collection. Maureen looking rather gorgeous as she poses for us on the floor, teasing us with her stocking tops and glimpses of her knickers.

Jackie Taylor

Mini Girl

This is not to say JACKIE TAYLOR is diminutive and can't see over shop counters, it simply means she's infatuated with the mini look, and so she should be with knees as photogenic as that.

To people who view the mini-line and say "My word, l've not seen anything as original as that since I fell out of a balloon and landed in the middle of a Saudi Arabian harem," we can only comment that nothing is really new. Topless dresses, for instance, were worn for centuries by the Cretan girls as long ago as 2000 B.C. Miniskirts were worn by the warrior maids of Britain at the time of Julius Caesar, and then there were all those Roman dancing girls who specialised in peekaboo outfits that fairly took the eyebrows off the Roman nobility.

One thing you can say for certain about Jackie and the rest of her sex. They're never dull. They're always conjuring up ways and means to make you ride your bike into a hedge of wild roses and even then, you're almost oblivious of the pain.

Mini girls like Jackie make a man feel life is not wholly disenchanting.

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Fiona Stuart

Say Something

Even if it's only goodbye.

We just can't reconcile ourselves to the prospect of having FIONA STUART pass us by without giving us a wave or a smile or a word. You know how it is. You see a girl, an absolute eye-catcher, when you're rushing home from work so that you'll be in time for the twice-weekly serial on Channel 4 and suddenly it's gone.

What's gone?

All that urgency to catch the twice-weekly pay-off.

Suddenly you don't care anymore. You've just seen the most beautiful girl in the world, and you'd give up your fortnight on the Italian Riviera if only she'd speak to you.

She could, like Fiona, be just eighteen, with the kind of smile that makes you feel you've only been standing on one foot for the last two hours. You learn to raise your hat and introduce yourself and tell her what a knockout you are in company.

But she passes you by.

You realise instinctively she doesn't like guys who are knockouts.

You walk quietly away and jump off a bridge.

Love at first sight is the most agonising emotion in the world.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Jane Paul

Jane Paul

Great picture of Jane Paul looking like she has spotted something in the distance that might interrupt the photo session. I'm not sure if this picture was ever published in a magazine, but please let us all know if you have any information contradicting that. Many thanks to Tocofan for contributing this picture.