Anne Scott

Yesterday’s Look

It seems from what the fashion pundits say that the era of exquisite feminine lingerie has gone with all the other dated items of yesterday. It's just going to be stretch tights forever from now on, so they say. Even bras are going out. The fashion pundits are always far more interested in selling themselves than in making us happy.

We're not like that. We want to make you happy this month by bringing to your dreamy eyes the look that graced the fashions of yesterday, and ANNE SCOTT in the lingerie that used to make all the advertisements on the underground look so alluring is quite irresistible, don't you think?

If you prefer stretch tights and a body stocking, you're so modern that there's nothing we can do for you.

Anne is a deliciously photogenic Scot from Glasgow.

She looks happy.

Are you happy too now?

Angela Perkins

Calling Miss Perkins

There was a call for ANGELA PERKINS of Glasgow, and it was all the way from America.

It was Butch, an American sea scout she'd met on a rigger. They were sailing down the west coast to Plymouth. Butch was so overcome by Angela's charm that he fell overboard. Everyone wondered what happened to the poor guy.

He rang Angela to tell her he just kept on swimming and when he finally touched bottom it was at Baltimore.

"That's wonderful," said Angela, "and where are you now?"

"On the waterfront," he said, "and I'm starting on my way back right this minute."

Angela heard a splash. She put the phone down. She went shopping. She didn't think he'd arrive too soon.

Samantha Davis

Keeping Up With Samantha

If you're ambitious in an energetic kind of way you'd probably find that keeping up with SAMANTHA DAVIS wouldn't actually break your leg, even if it did other things.

Samantha is just crazy about music to start with, so you'd need to know as much as she does about every composer from Beethoven to the Stones. That would set your mental energies back as much as you'd want, and you'd only have just begun.

Next, you'd have to be able to play a swinging, biffing game of tennis and a zooming, bounding game of netball or basketball, if you must. Add to that Samantha's interest in photography, and if you weren't able to snap a wall-tailed kirtlewarbler on your first day out on the top of a sharp mountain, you'd possibly be dropped or at least left behind.

Well, that's enough of that. Samantha is a hotel receptionist and we'll just keep up with her in the hotel lobby. We know our limitations.

If you must have Samantha's statistics, they're 35-23-36, and she likes flowers instead of chocs when she's taken to the theatre.

Amanda Dell

Racing Certainty

The fact is, when London girl AMANDA DELL goes to the races it's a certainty the bookies will give her the best odds they can devise without actually having to sell their yachts if she backs the winners.

Amanda has got a way with bookies. She's also got a way with horses. Horsey types call her the neatest seat in Surrey. She's a shorthand-typist in the City from nine till five when she's not chasing certs at the races or galloping her gee-gee around the Downs.