Julie Bliss

Home Comfort

Among the home comforts that most men look for is an armchair that will take a tired body and a glass of toddy after a hard day's work, and a devoted wife who knows how to get the best out of a hot oven. The home comfort we'd go dotty about is JULIE BLISS, brown-eyed silver blonde who's not only lovely to look at in a drawing-room but also singularly adept at amateur dramatics.

Span No 163 - March 1968

Lisa Shannon

Why Did Henry Leave Home

Lots of men leave home. They usually leave immediately after breakfast, but if they don't get back in time for evening dinner, they're in dead trouble.

There was an awfully nice bloke called Henry who was never going to leave home. He was looked after by an iron-jawed housekeeper who wanted to keep him for herself.

Then Henry saw the loveliest dolly passing by. She was so fabulously dishy that Henry knew he'd never feel the same about his train set. He locked the iron-jawed housekeeper in the pantry and left home.

He caught up with the superb dolly bird. She was LISA SHANNON, one of the swingers who make London look ravishing, and after raising his hat Henry said he was mad about her and would she like to go off to Greece with him.

Lisa handed him over to a policeman. Henry explained, the policeman understood and told Henry to stand in the rain for an hour. Henry did and went back home all wet.

In case Henry is looking in and is vastly interested, Lisa's lovely figure measures 39-24-37. Much better than a train set.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - 1970

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen relaxing in a chair, giving us all a teasing glimpse of her stocking tops. With her knowing eyes, she seems to be saying, "Come and get it if you dare."

Pat Roberts - (Jane Fairbanks)

Yorkshire Housewife

They don't come any better-looking than they do in Yorkshire, and that applies not just to batter puddings but to dolly girls, housewives and cricketers.

PAT ROBERTS is a Leeds housewife. She used to work as a secretary in a newspaper office, where some tall dark man fell for her and proposed to her. She married him and now she's a full-time housewife with two young sons.

Her interests and hobbies make lovely normal reading in this day and age. Her main interests are her husband and children, social parties, and cooking. Her hobbies are dressmaking, reading and antique shops.

How about that, dropouts?

You can be normal and happy. It's not all that difficult.

Pat's ambition is to win the pools, acquire a larger house and lots of antique chiming clocks. She likes the sound of the clocks all going off together.

Her most interesting vitalistics are 37-25-37. Gorgeous.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970

Maureen - Private Collection

Jigsaw Fun With Maureen

Let's start the year with Maureen relaxing on the sofa. What do you think Maureen had for Christmas? Perhaps a jigsaw, as I notice a piece on the floor. I'm sure many of us would enjoy an afternoon completing a jigsaw with Maureen.

Jean Taylor


A great little sport at games, including tennis and hockey, JEAN TAYLOR of Cardiff can show you more than one prize-winning cup and also a rather lovely smile.

We'll have the smile.

We've got more than enough cups. You can't do anything with cups except hock them, but a lovely smile is like a rainbow after the rain.

Beautiful Britons No 138 - May 1967

Tanith Hope

Plant Life Addict

Wiltshire girl TANITH HOPE is mad about the cultivation of exotic plants, which proves it's not every dishy young lovely who likes to live next door to a discotheque.

Her unusual name is all her very own, so is her talent for interior decorating. She's got the most vivacious personality and a fresh air complexion acquired through her outdoor activity of hiking and rambling.

If you'd like to ramble with her don't write to us, write to Santa Claus.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970

Elizabeth Gammage

Mmmm For Mum

Happy wife and proud mother is ELIZABETH GAMMAGE of Bristol, seen not for the first or last time, we hope in our magazines. Liz's currently favourite recreation is pin-up modelling for her husband, who took these latest shots of her.

Liz loves frilly clothes, coffee, and home life, and all her family love Liz.

In relaxing around her house, Liz shows just why she's the perfect pin-up model for enthusiastic photographer husband. Good for Liz.

Span No 103 - March 1963

Ann Milligan

Bringing Pressure To Bear

When you've got your back to the wall and have only the shortest possible time to deal with all those smalls you've just brought in from the line, you do what ANN MILLIGAN does, you bring pressure to bear on the subject by using the hottest iron you can find.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Suzanne Edwards


The ambition of sweet SUZANNE EDWARDS is to play a guitar with a top pop group, and since Suzanne is pretty good with a guitar who knows what top pop group isn't looking out for a guitarist just her shape and size. Suzanne's shape, in fact, is a nicely symmetrical 36"-24"-36".

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Lisa Scott

Speaking Of The Common Market

The economic, technological, and political franchise which makes the fundamental concept of the Common Market the first milestone in the march of nations towards the ultimate in international interdependence - Well, go on.

I've lost the place. Where was I?

Approaching the ultimate. I didn't understand a word of it. Don't you ever think of anything except economics, politics, and technology?

Would it surprise you to know I only think of economics, politics, and technology to take my mind off the whimsical factors of life?

What's upsetting you?

My susceptibility when confronted by the whimsical. Girls are whimsical. They're also, shatteringly traumatic. They make me feel as if l've been run over by a milk float. Take LISA SCOTT, for instance. I bumped into her when I was skin-diving. She's a sensation in a snorkel. I felt as if I'd been trodden into the bottom of the ocean by the daughter of Jupiter. Beautiful. I think I understand. Who wants to join the Common Market when we've got independent assets like Lisa?

That's what I was trying to say. Who wants economics, politics, and technology?

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Jennifer Jay

Home is Jennifer

Up in the Midlands there's a very nice house which is home for JENNIFER JAY and her husband.

Home is Jennifer.

Because Jennifer is a lovely housewife who gives the place an air of warmth and cosiness. She can cook, sew and do lovely flower arrangements, and she's absolutely gorgeous to look at. Fellers who are opting out of involved situations that lead to marriage on the basis that it's all going out of fashion have been listening to too many tarty actresses and too many Narcissus-type actors.

Marriage is rapture if you can share it with a wife like Jennifer.

Spick No 242 - January 1974