Estelle Warner

Who's Young and Beautiful

"Ah," said Mr. Pyper, putting his head into the ladies' gown shop in Malvern, Worcs, "who's young and beautiful, then, eh?"

"Oh, you are awful," said the lovely 18-year-old salesgirl. She was ESTELLE WARNER and she was just trying to get a small-size sweater on an outside dummy. And Mr. Pyper, whose other name was Joseph, was the young man who worked in the fishing-gear shop close by. He liked to pop in occasionally—about ten times a day— to ensure he wasn't missing anything. He was dead keen on Estelle, and so are quite a few other fellers, as you can imagine. But she's in the middle of being absolutely dedicated to her job, and all she could offer Mr. Pyper was some advice to either go away or get poked in the eye with a dress hanger.

"I'll risk a poke in the eye," said Mr. Pyper, "it's worth it to see you reaching for red ribbon on the top shelf."

"Right, cheeky-chops," said Estelle and Mr. Pyper slipped out just in time to miss being injured. Estelle can't half lash out when she needs to.

Span No 236 - April 1974

Pat McGuire

Looking Your Way

What's your way, Claude?

Well, the way I like a girl to look is curvy. I mean, if she's all angles and straight lines, what sort of a look is that?


I don't go in for that. What I like is a lovely pin-up, looking just the way PAT McGUIRE looks. Who could ask for anything sweeter?

Well, there's my Rosie Your Rosie would get on well with my grandmother- they're the same age.

 I'm a fan of Miss McGuire's. I'd carry her parasol for her if she'd let me. I mean, what a vision, what an adornment to the great outdoors, what a delight to my eyes.

Put your glasses on, then you'll like her even better.

Span No 178 - June 1969

Vanda Vane-Dotson

Sitting Pretty

Two nice pictures of Vanda relaxing in her black see-through négligée. Pictures from original prints.

Valetta - Private Collection

Sitting Pretty

Two more of Valetta from the private collection of negatives, with her giving us a very teasing glimpse of her stocking tops and petticoat. The cameraman was obviously excited by what he saw, as he managed to cut her feet off in both pictures.

Ruth Cavendish

Radiant Ruth

Another one from TocoFan. Great picture of a very smiley and relaxed-looking Ruth Cavendish. I am not sure if this picture was ever published, and to be honest, I have not checked. It's certainly worth showing.  

Where are you now, Ruth? By my reckoning, you would be 77, still smiling and laughing, I hope.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Mystery Model Set

Another set of digital images that came with the transfer of the Vintage Stockings Archive drives. I have no idea of their origins; any extra information is always welcome and helpful. Most of all, enjoy them.

Paula - Private Collection


Three more great pictures of Paula in her spotty dress, which would be more suited to a prom rather than a walk in the countryside. What would you think if you came across them while out walking the dog?

Margaret Wade


We did give you some shots of MARGARET WADE in our January issue, and berserk readers kept ringing up to ask for more. Well, we found some additional shots of Margaret-indoor pics this time-and here they are. Only this time don't sound so hysterical on the phone.

Just to remind you, Margaret is a receptionist and a lover of the countryside, and if you ever see a horse looking particularly handsome because of its rider, and the location is Sussex, then it could be Margaret out for a gallop over the Downs.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Paula - Private Collection


Another three great pictures of our oh-so-sexy and desirable nurse, Paula, messing about in the countryside, with more to come from the same set later this month.

Private Collection - Mystery Model

Smoking Girl

I only have these four pictures of this girl with no name from the private collection of negatives. I am going to call her the "smoking girl." I like her; she has a pretty face and a lovely smile, and as so many of them do, she gives us that knowing look that says, "Look what I might have on offer." Enjoy the pictures from a time that was suggestive, teasing, and just fun.

Samantha Brown

What Could Be More Appropriate?

Life is full of intriguing little surprises.

When we found SAMANTHA BROWN she herself was a delicious surprise, because we were actually looking for a surplus beer barrel in a coopers' yard. We wanted to go over Niagara Falls in it and get our name in the North American papers. Anyway, we couldn't find one comfortable enough, so we gave up and bumped into this delicious surprise, who turned out to be a lovely Hampshire girl.

Samantha provided the intriguing little surprise because we found out that as a pin-up girl, with a particular flair for modelling lingerie, she is also a part-time underwear representative. Yes indeed, what could be more appropriate than that?

Samantha is twenty-five, and a happy housewife with what her husband calls a divine talent for gardening.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Pamela Gastall

Country Cousin

When our country cousin Ella came to stay for a week, everything turned into something like the last days of Pompeii. Ella was a great big girl whose main activity on the farm was showing fractious bulls who was the boss. She could eat some of them for lunch. Every window in our house was flung open night and day, and she made the beds like haystacks. She threw out everything she said wasn't healthy, like canned milk and Sunday supplements, and exchanged all our contemporary furniture for chairs and tables made out of obsolete milk churns.

But not everybody's country cousin is like that. PAMELA GASTALL is someone's lovely country cousin from Sussex, and if there's one thing we're certain of she makes her farm milk churns look anything but obsolete. She's a gorgeously sweet seventeen, she's kind to all the bulls and cows, and gallops deliriously o'er the downs on her horse.

How would you like a country cousin like Pam? Don't apply to us, write to Father Christmas-but only if you've been good.

In addition to everything we've already said, Pam's opinion is that the rat race in rural areas is mainly confined to bunnies. You may consider that ridiculous, but if you were a doe and were being chased up hill and down dale by every buck for miles around, what would you think of civilisation?

The question is rather rhetorical. It's merely posed to make you think.

Span No 186 - February 1970

Vintage Stockings Archive

Mystery Model

I have a number of interesting sets of digital images that came with the transfer of the Vintage Stockings Archive drives. This is one of them. I have spent a little time cleaning them up a bit but have no idea of their origins, but she does look oddly familiar, any extra information is always welcome and helpful. Most of all enjoy them.