Janette Goodman

You, Too ?

Yes, indeed, It’s JANETTE GOODMAN, too, who has fallen for the current old-fashioned look, which only goes to show that fashion is something a bright girl can’t afford not to be seen in.

This seems to indicate that yesterday’s long look can be today’s top look, but there you are—what’s new is new even if it’s old.

Janette should know. As a fashion model she has to be up with the leaders, never mind what they’re wearing in a Persian market.

This “how-do-I-look” smile from Janette is kind of rhetorical—for she’s sure she looks good. Let’s face it, she’s in the fashion.

Elizabeth Gammage

Glamorous Mum

Glamorous indeed is Bristol housewife ELIZABETH GAMMAGE. Elizabeth is happily married and the mother of two beautiful children. And curvaceously photogenic.

Elizabeth's statistics are 38"- 24"- 35". Are there any other mums who photograph so glamorously ?

Angela Frances

Coming Ma’am

Holding down her current job as a cute maid is ANGELA FRANCES. She’s only just about holding it down because ma'am is a highly demanding mistress with her finger perpetually on the buzzer. Poor Angela gets into a regular tizzy, and the house is always echoing to her plaintive calls of “Coming, ma'am—coming!"

On this occasion the buzzer buzzed peremptorily for more tea. Well, there was no trouble in pouring it out. That’s a fairly simple operation for the dumbest maid, and our Angela may be cute but certainly not dumb.

Anyone rushing to serve ma’am with tea is liable to slip up with the tray. Even Angela. But not everyone takes a dive as attractively as she does.

Well, with the tea all over the floor, what can a girl do now except wait for ma’am to fire her? “I think,” said Angela, “that I’ll go back to being a secretary.”

Zoe West

April Shower

"Excuse me, dearest," called the unwanted male voice through the frontdoor letter-box, "but I've come about your electric iron."

"I'm sure it must be very pressing," called back ZOE WEST, London secretary with green eyes and a way of slaying men from the Electricity Board, "but you'll have to call back later. I'm just about to take a shower."

"Well, if you won't be embarrassed, I won’t either," called the voice a little hoarsely. "I like a shower myself. I usually take mine in April, but if there's room in there I'll take it earlier this year."

What a pusher, thought Zoe. It was no use arguing with that kind of nutcracker, so she went into the hall, aimed the nozzle of the washing-up detergent container through the letter-box and squirted him a faceful. He staggered back, lurched into the street and the heavy rain turned him into a foaming miracle.

Vicki Munro

Where There's Heather

Scotland is the country where you'll find the colourful heather in all its wild beauty, and where there's heather there are kilts and other things entirely Scottish.

George Pumpkin—what a funny name—went up to Scotland for a holiday once. He hardly noticed the heather because the place was full of bonny birds. He’s still up there and his firm keeps writing to him asking him when he's coming back. So does his girl friend. But George is quite happy, thank you.

So would you be if you had girls like VICKI MUNRO to look at every day.

Vicki is nineteen and a fashion model.

But despite all the elegant houha of fashion modelling there's nothing Vicki loves more than outdoor sports like tennis and netball, which she plays with such bang-up enthusiasm that all the other girls keep gasping, "Och, my eye." Which is Scottish for "Oh, corks."

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 13

Ruth Cavendish

Still Swinging

There's no pin-up girl quite like RUTH CAVENDISH.

Well, that's what all her fans say. And her fans are so fanatical you're chancing your life if you argue with them. You get slung off Tower Bridge or dropped from Nelson's hat. Nelson's hat is so far from the ground in Trafalgar Square that from the time you get dropped to the time you hit the flagstones the pigeons have flown round in six circuits.

Ruth is having a lovely life. She's a cashier and the most infectiously delicious brunette you ever clapped your peepers on. She's as Scottish as Flora MacDonald and as curvy as Clara Bow.

Clara Bow? Who's she?

Sorry, we forgot you didn’t go in for pre-war birds, only for modern swingers like Ruth.

Gloria Gene

Mission In Majorca

"Well, so long, Hortense," said Humphrey, "I'm off now."

"You've been off since you took that assault course in 1944,” said his wife. "See you in a couple of months," said Humphrey.

"Oh no you don't," said Hortense, holding him back by his ear, "you'll see me same as usual when you come home from the gravel pits."

"I've changed me vocation," said Humphrey, "I'm off on a mission to Majorca."

"Top secret?" said Hortense, twisting his ear anti-clockwise. It hurts more that way.

"Hardly," said Humphrey, not minding the pain because of the semiconscious bliss that pervaded him. "I'm just going to spend my time looking for FO 777. No, leggo me ear, I'm all agog."

"What's FO 777—a pre-war Bentley?" asked Hortense.

"It's Female Operative No. 777," replied Humphrey, "and my mission is to find her in Majorca before some other swine finds her first.”

"That's not going to take you a couple of months," said his wife.

"I reckon to find her in a week," said Humphrey, "the rest of the time is for social bliss."

"I thought so,” said Hortense. "Come here," she said and yanked him indoors, belted him stupid and then made him stand in a corner until all his hot romantic flushes had died down.

Humphrey, you see, had heard that Yorkshire girl GLORIA GENE was going to Majorca, and as Gloria is a honey-eating cracker who looks marvellous in a Majorcan bikini measuring 36-24-36, Humphrey didn't want to be left out of all the joys of playing beach ball with her. It was Hortense who sabotaged him.

Wives are lovely and protective.

Gloria is not only shapely, but she keeps in shape by enjoying all the vigour of an outdoor life, and among her pursuits is a love of swimming in natural waters, not pools. Her home town is Goole in Yorkshire.

Jane Downing

It Won't Go Round

It wasn't half a problem for housewife JANE DOWNING, who wanted to get from here to there without wasting time and when her only available transport was a junior two-wheeler.

Hitching up in her mini, Jane rode like the dappers, as they say. Something twanged on the crest of the hill and it wasn't a simple suspender. It was something highly mechanical. The bike pitched to a halt and Jane fell off.

"What a silly old stupid old front wheel," she said after five minutes of poking it and thumping it, "it won't go round."

However, a passing motorist pulled up and offered her a lift. Jane would have gratefully accepted, only he had a great big dog with huge teeth in the back of the car, so she said no, she'd wait for the bus.

That's Jane doing her waiting stint. She stopped all the traffic, not just the bus.

Linda White

Girl In A Mini

We've featured many girls in many minis, but there’s always room for one more, as the jolly sailor said when he pushed his way into the crowded Turkish Baths for Ladies.

"Here, gedoudavit,” yelled Lady Appledaw as she saw him through the steam.

"That's all right, don't mind me," he said, but the crowded ladies minded very much and shoved him into the steam vault, and he's been a bright red ever since.

Actually, we meant, of course, that there’s always room for one more girl in a mini, especially LINDA WHITE. Linda is a beauty consultant and has been in America for two years, working her way from coast to coast to see the country and to help lovely Americans look lovelier.

Pamela Day

Just Right

Just right indeed is pretty PAMELA DAY, a perfect representative of the attractive modern miss of today. Figure just right, smile just right and fashion flair just right. It’s a sure indication that every modern girl has a film star’s potential, but fortunately for ninety-nine percent of us ordinary men most of them just settle for a happy home.

Making the most of her frills, Pamela makes a perfect picture on the step- ladder, and we’ll settle for Pamela being just that.

There’s a smile for you. How can you resist it? All right, you can’t and we know you can’t.

Sheree Winton

Shapely Sheree

West-End actress and TV starlet is SHEREE WINTON, making a name for herself as one of the shapeliest glamour girls in show biz. There are many lovely ladies adorning the London stage but none more eye-catching than Sheree. As the appreciative impresario remarked, you can say that again, Sam.

Sue Anders

In a London Park

It was the time of the year in this particular London park when there were a lot of nuts around.

To make it even better for the squirrels, a rather lush, pulverisingly exotic brunette called SUE ANDERS was also frequently in the offing. She brought with her bags of other nuts, the kind that save the squirrels all the bother of cracking them.

We mention that to let you know how kind Sue is. The fact that she's photogenic doesn't need mentioning, obviously, but it’s always nice to know a pulverisingly exotic brunette has a kind heart.

Why is it nice ?

Well, she might be kind to you one day.

You like nuts, don't you ?

Sue is 19, aiming for fashion photography and is currently looking forward to making her mark with a top London agency. Her outdoor exercises are just the kind to keep her photogenically involved with maintaining her perfect figure.

Jean Stewart

Horse Sense

It isn't only the fellers who like the long legs of JEAN STEWART, a Glasgow salesgirl. Some horses she knows also show a fine sense of appreciation. The talkative one said, "But who'd be a horse? You can't whistle a girl, you can only neigh. And when you neigh they come and tell you that you've already had your oats. What a life.”