Hazel Shaw

Backgrounds Don't Matter

Whether indoors, outdoors, or down in the cellar holding up a ladder, HAZEL SHAW is photogenically whizz-oh.

Unless you're a perfectionist backgrounds don't matter. It's the subject that counts. Hazel is the most entrancing of subjects. She's a blonde Scot and representative of why impressionable young men wander in a daze all over the Highlands.

One look at Hazel and they've lost their way.

Can't wonder at it, really. World is full of unimpressive things, like concrete bridges, council garbage trucks and telephone wires. When people jump off concrete bridges it's not always because of some complicated Freudian problem, it's often because concrete bridges send them bonkers. They're the aesthetic types. Far better to fall in love with a vision like Hazel and wander dizzily and happily around the Scottish Highlands. They've got some lovely scenery up there.

Including Miss Shaw.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Angela Jones

Time For Dreaming

Dreamy indeed is ANGELA JONES, popular young model from the Midlands. Angela is a busy model, but there is always time to dream. She can do it in between poses or when her boyfriend is talking soccer to her.

Sue Seymour

Office Graduate

The head of the department was delighted to discover that the new shorthand-typist was so proficient. It was a joy to see her tapping the keys so efficiently. Her name was SUE SEYMOUR, and the head of the department looked forward to a long stream of beautifully typed letters that would suitably impress the recipients.

Unfortunately, an agent spotted Sue during her lunch break one day and was as impressed by her looks as the head of the department had been impressed by her work. So, Sue graduated from shorthand-typing to modelling in very quick time indeed, leaving the head of the department quite distracted. Really efficient shorthand-typists who are also a pictorial adornment naturally create a nostalgic void when they depart never to return. But Sue, who is eighteen, tall, and measures 34'-23'-34', is so right for modelling that her graduation was inevitable.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967

Jean Dickinson

Jazzy Sec

English girl now living in Vancouver is JEAN DICKINSON. Jean is a secretary who helps her bank balance by working at nights as a jazz singer in Vancouver clubs. Outside of work she skis in the winter, rides a surfboard in the summer, collects jazz discs and reads biographies.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Pauline Gorvin


Young and hopeful is PAULINE GORVIN.

She likes dressmaking and dancing, but her hope in life is to become a model. Ah, beauty in all its pristine bloom, ah, life in all its mesmerising enchantment, what glamour there is in the hope of one so favoured. "Really," said Pauline, blushing a bit, "there's no need to go on like that."

What, shall the practicalities of life's cut and thrust reduce us to unromantic grunts? May we not be poetical and lyrical about thy liquid brown eyes and thy lilting loveliness?

"Oh, all right, then,' said Pauline, "only don't make me giggle too much or my coat might slip.'

Span No 167 - July 1968

Francoise Prouzeau

French Lesson

All right, you at the back there in driving goggles, what's the French for ambivalence? Don't know, do you? Thought you didn't. Got your nose immersed in some lurid pin-up magazine, I suppose? Don't care about French lessons, do you? Don't like my teaching methods, I suppose?

Don't like my face, probably. Rather have your French taught by some oo-la-la bird from Paris in a mini-skirt, of course. A lot of good that would do you.

Well, teacher had no sooner delivered himself of that irate piece than into the classroom walked the most fascinating oo-la-la shape from Paris, whose name was FRANCOISE PROUZEAU and whose smile sent the class reeling and knocked teacher cold.

Francoise was only on a very short visit to England, but my word (said teacher afterwards) she was the one person who could make that idle, incompetent class of mine sit up and listen. It didn't do them any good, though, I said it wouldn't. Now she's gone they just slump about and chew peanuts. By the way, headmaster, I'm getting a transfer to a college in Paris. Francoise is a student there. Here's my notice.

Spick No 176 - July 1968

Elizabeth Gallacher

Send Us A Snap

Keen on photography is ELIZABETH GALLACHER, and when it comes to putting herself on celluloid it’s just what the doctor ordered — as far as we’re concerned. “What d’you think?” asked Liz modestly. “Send us a snap."

Jill Lucienne - Update

Jill Lucienne - Update

Thanks to David I can update some information on Jill Lucienne’s home page with accurate dates, who she married and that she did not, after all, emigrate to New Zealand.

Funfare No 21 - September 1959