Laurie Sands
/Cooling Off
When it was all hot and goosepimples were something, you didn't think could happen,
Battersea model LAURIE SANDS found a nice shady spot in which to sun her curves.
Undeniably, a warm, suntanned curve is far more to be coveted than a cool, glacial one, but Laurie says a girl can't go around looking as if she's smouldering, it only ignites the combustibility of impressionable males. Far safer, she says, to look utterly cool and distant.
On the other hand, the cool, distant look is such a challenge to egoistic burks that many an ice-cold femme has had to call for help to save being carried off by hot-blooded, well-oiled sheiks.
"Golly, how lovely," murmured Laurie.
Angela Frobisher
/Flowers Are Wild, Birds Aren't Exactly Tame
The place was full of wildflowers, and there was a quite inspiring Hampshire bird picking them. Her name was ANGELA FROBISHER.
Wildflowers can be elusive, and dolly birds aren't exactly renowned for always being precisely where you expect them to be or doing just what you want them to do. Dolly birds are highly individualistic, and you simply can't order them about. Not without risking them poking you in the eye.
Angela is a student and wildflowers form part of one of her subjects. Angela herself convinces us it was all a mistake for girls to surrender to the utility aspect of stretch tights.
Sara Cook
/Sara a la carte Cook
Can Sara Cook? think everyone who looks a moment at these pictures will agree that that's a pretty pointless question. She could serve up seaweed and snails' livers and it would taste good, if she served it wearing the outfit, you're looking at now. Who thinks of food at a time like that? But Sara is a cook in case you're interested. Rather, Sara is a Cook. Sara Cook, to be precise. You might say being a Cook runs in her family Actually she does know her Beatons and Craddocks. She's not one of your amateurs who spends ten minutes flicking through the first issue of a weekly cookery supplement before knocking up a bit of Pain Chaude a la Heinz Baked Beans.
You might think that this doesn't matter. But Sara sat like this and whispered to you in a sultry voice, "Why not come and sample my Petits Pois a la Francaise," how could you refuse ?
Vintage Stockings Archive
/Vintage Stockings Archive
Sally Randall
/Computer Girl
This is the technological age. We won't go on about how it's driving us all kinky in a mechanical kind of way, there are enough headaches without mentioning how we're all going nuts.
A computer operator who stays quite calm through it all is SALLY RANDALL, a nineteen-year-old Middlesex girl. Know what she does when she gets home from her computer? Crossword puzzles.
And when she's finished her evening quota of clueing up down and across, she goes off to her judo club and slings great big, bearded men all over the mat.
Lovely. wish I was a great big, bearded man, said Fred.
Vintage Stockings Archive
/Vintage Stockings Archive
Rene Haywood
/Who's In Charge?
Not quite sure what's happening - because she's a stranger in the place - is curvaceous RENE HAYWOOD.
One can get into quite a flap when one is face-to-face with strange desks and strange phones and there's no familiar face around.
Rene just came along to see if anyone was interested in giving her a sitting, but not this kind, to wit.
Vintage Stockings Archive
/Vintage Stockings Archive
/Janus - Mixed Selection
Janus V1 No 8
More familiar faces, but can you name them?
Spick and Span 2000
Cecelia Rodriguez
/Happiness Is a Good Book
Lovely Brighton dolly CECELIA RODRIGUEZ is fond of literature. To Cecelia happiness is a good book. She quite understands that for others it's pop concert or a freak-in on the beach, but neither is her scene.
She also likes travel. She has a feeling for balloons. She thinks Phineas Fogg must have known utter bliss in ballooning around the world in eighty days, and she's saving up to buy a balloon of her own. Then she hopes to be up, up and away.
She'll take some good books with her in case it rains.
Vintage Stockings Archive
/Vintage Stockings Archive
Maggie McCully
/Wild and Woolly
Not really all that wild - just excitingly civilised - is gay MAGGIE McCULLY, but her cosy top is very woolly, and Maggie is well wrapped up in it, don't you think?
Maggie lives in Surrey and spends five days a week as an assistant secretary with high hopes of becoming the boss's No. I in due course. The job of being No. I secretary is one which Maggie will fit as charmingly as she fits a swimsuit that measures 35"-22"-36".
One of the intriguing aspects of commerce today is the fact that secretaries seem to possess not only the necessary academic qualifications for their jobs but also the physical qualifications that are a must for pin-up girls.
Dear Sir Harry - Is your secretary photogenic and glamorous? If not, why not? Come, spare a moment from your colossal estimates to look at Maggie, and then ask yourself why you don't have someone as cute as this to keep your pencils sharpened.
Maggie is lively, lovely, and lissom. She is also gay, gallivanting, and gorgeous loves dancing and dining, bright lights, and sandy beaches. Has black hair, brown eyes, and long legs. An absolute tonic at a party. And, to cut a long story short, is a perfect eyeful.