Girl Who Stole Painting

Double Trouble – Private Collection

Two more pictures of the girl who stole the painting from the private collection of negatives. I can't make up my mind about her; she looks a bit scary to me. I like the second shot where she appears a little surprised by the camera as she adjusts her stockings.

Heather Chaffey

Glamorous Aussie

All I can say, said Bertie Shoemaker as soon as he clapped eyes on the pictures of HEATHER CHAFFEY of Australia, is that if I've got to go twelve thousand miles to see her in person, I'll go even if I have to walk it.

Can't blame the feller. Heather of New South Wales is a living doll, and if there are others like her Down Under, we'll go with Bertie and see if we can't actually get there before he does.

Heather is a happy housewife with a lovely home and a sunny garden, and just about our idea of the best reason why we suddenly want to emigrate. We don't want to work in the outback or dig for nickel, however, we just want to take the house next door to Heather's and talk to her over the garden fence and join her for coffee.

Heather must have been a real beaut as a baby, because just look at her now, cobber.

Oh, trying to be all matey and Australian, are we?

You bet we are.

For all you blokes who collect mathematics, Heather is 5' 7" tall and her vitalistics measure 39"-24"-37". Kinda cute, curvy and cuddly, mmmm?

Span No 178 - June 1969

Going Forward

Blog Updates

For the past few years, I have been posting something every day. However, it has started to feel more like a chore rather than something I look forward to. In fact, there are now thousands of posts available in the archive for you to explore if you're interested.

Therefore, I have made the decision to start posting every other day. This will allow me to have time to pursue other avenues and make improvements here, which I will enjoy doing. It will also hopefully give me more time to showcase some original work, rather than just regurgitating old ToCo sets. However, I promise I won't abandon the ToCo stuff.

Still Disappointed…

It is also really starting to grate on me that a lot of my posts are being quickly reposted on Facebook and Tumblr within hours. What is particularly hurtful is that they are being passed off as their own work with no credit or acknowledgement to this site whatsoever. I understand that the internet can feel like the wild west, where some people think everything is free or up for grabs. However, that is not the case. I have mentioned before that some of the images on this site are copyrighted to me or that I pay others for the right to use them.

To those who are stealing my images, you know who you are, and you will read this message, I would like to ask you again to stop this behaviour. At the very minimum, please contact me first, ask for permission, and then give proper credit and link back to the site or original post. Even better, I encourage you to put effort into producing something original yourself.

Vintage Fetish

Dawn Grayson

Album Time

Pause here for all the fans of DAWN GRAYSON who devote their photographic albums to pics of her.

Spick No 174 - May 1968

Yvette - Private Collection

Yvette - Private Collection

Yvette is seen sitting on the grass, posing for the camera but she appears a little uneasy about it all. However, in the second picture, she gives us a glimpse of a smile. There aren't many pictures of Yvette, which is a shame because she is pretty girl with great hair colour.

Maggie Blye

Maggie’s A Knockout

It doesn't need the heavyweight champion of the world to put you down for the count. A girl who's never been in the ring in her life can do it. A girl like MAGGIE BLYE, for instance, who doesn't even know about boxing gloves, can do it to us as well as you. Less than three years ago Maggie was a college co-ed. Now this sizzling honey blonde is playing in her third big motion picture, co-starring with Europe's own knockout, Marcello Mastroianni. According to the studio, the film "Diamonds For Breakfast' features Maggie as a cat burglar and Marcello as a sophisticated heart-throb, and when they meet it's a mutual knock-out.

You can visualise the sensational sizzle of Maggie the booted burglar, but if you can't it's probably because you've got tonsilitis. Have you seen your doctor?

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen relaxing in a chair, giving us all a teasing glimpse of her stocking tops. With her knowing eyes, she seems to be saying, "Come and get it if you dare."

Pat Roberts - (Jane Fairbanks)

Yorkshire Housewife

They don't come any better-looking than they do in Yorkshire, and that applies not just to batter puddings but to dolly girls, housewives and cricketers.

PAT ROBERTS is a Leeds housewife. She used to work as a secretary in a newspaper office, where some tall dark man fell for her and proposed to her. She married him and now she's a full-time housewife with two young sons.

Her interests and hobbies make lovely normal reading in this day and age. Her main interests are her husband and children, social parties, and cooking. Her hobbies are dressmaking, reading and antique shops.

How about that, dropouts?

You can be normal and happy. It's not all that difficult.

Pat's ambition is to win the pools, acquire a larger house and lots of antique chiming clocks. She likes the sound of the clocks all going off together.

Her most interesting vitalistics are 37-25-37. Gorgeous.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970

Michelle - Private Collection


Here are two more pictures from the Private Collection of Michelle, where she can be seen relaxing with a drink and a cigarette on what appears to be some sort of a day bed. Regardless of what she is lying on, she certainly looks ready for some fun.

Moira Graham

Leaving Time

It happens to all of us eventually.

The day comes when the best years of our lives are over, and we leave the scholastic establishment we love so much.

It happened to MOIRA GRAHAM of Bradford in Yorkshire. One day she was still an eager student, the next day she was working in the offices of a building society as an accounts clerk.

Mind you, the other clerks - male - were pleased to have her. Blonde and green-eyed, Moira was the very nicest thing that had happened in the offices for years, and it probably won't be long before they start putting flowers on her desk and inviting her out to a rugby match on Saturdays. But keep her off the pitch, chaps, she's a stunner at Karate.

Span No 245 - January 1975