Cherie Scott

Kitchen Beauty

Cherie looks incredibly sexy doing who knows what in the kitchen, but honestly, who cares? Just enjoy the pictures.

From an original print.

Annette French

Airing Cupboard Surprise

What a surprise it would be to find Annette French in your airing cupboard! Annette's expression is fantastic; surely she must be in the top ten of most ToCo fans.

From an original print.

Next Month - October

October - Blog

There will be a slight change to the blog next month; I will not be posting regurgitated ToCo sets. I’m not saying I won’t be posting them anymore, but I have so much other stuff that I think is worth showing that may not have been seen before.

I have hundreds of prints that need sorting in preparation for sale, and it would be nice to let some of these see the light of day. Many will still be very familiar to us all, so you won't be disappointed.


I am attempting to put up at least one post per week on the Brazen site. These posts are generally eBook previews that feature a small gallery of pictures, but they are well worth a look if you are into the more exotic side of things.

I am still looking for some help. If all this interests you and you have some spare time that you would like to donate, please get in touch. If you live in Spalding or nearby and fancy sorting negatives, prints, and scanning, then please contact me via one of the sites.

As always, let me know your thoughts.

Vintage Fetish

Lulu Betts

What's French For Lulu?

"Pardon me, duck," said the London docker who was on a day trip to Boulogne, "'but what's French for Lulu?"

The exquisite young French thing hesitated on the pavement. She wasn't sure of the question, and she wasn't sure of herself. The London docker was brown, muscular and vibratory.

"Lulu?" she said.

"That's her," said he, "I met her at a charity ball in Shoreditch. Full name of LULU BETTS. Said she was French and came from Barcelona."'

"Ah, zat Barcelona, it in Spain," said the shy French piece.

"Well, I'm blowed, I've been blinded by science," said the docker.

The fact is, Lulu Betts is very much a pure Anglo-Saxon. She has a flat in London, and she didn't say she was French and came from Barcelona, she said she found it a wrench to leave Barcelona, where she'd been on holiday. The docker happened to be a bit hard of hearing that night, but he made out all right with the French doll, you'll be pleased to know.

Span No 236 - April 1974

Sally McGregor

Sally And The Siamese 

Two more pictures of Sally McGregor kneeling in front of the fireplace, admiring the long-necked Siamese cat ornament. I think most of us here would be happy to have Sally stroke our Siamese cat ornament. Great pictures.

Susan Smith

Susan Smith

Another great picture from Tocofan's archive. 

Is this Susan Smith? I have looked at all the pictures of Susan Smith that ToCo published, and this one is not typical and was certainly never published. I have questioned whether or not it is actually Susan Smith. This picture shows Susan with her hair up, while in all the other pictures I can find of her, she has her hair down. Although it's about the right length, her face looks thinner to me, but maybe it was taken much earlier.

Please feel free to jump in if you think differently, or perhaps Tocofan can shed a little more light on the origins of this picture. Regardless of the outcome, it is a really nice picture and well worth sharing.

Estelle Warner

Who's Young and Beautiful

"Ah," said Mr. Pyper, putting his head into the ladies' gown shop in Malvern, Worcs, "who's young and beautiful, then, eh?"

"Oh, you are awful," said the lovely 18-year-old salesgirl. She was ESTELLE WARNER and she was just trying to get a small-size sweater on an outside dummy. And Mr. Pyper, whose other name was Joseph, was the young man who worked in the fishing-gear shop close by. He liked to pop in occasionally—about ten times a day— to ensure he wasn't missing anything. He was dead keen on Estelle, and so are quite a few other fellers, as you can imagine. But she's in the middle of being absolutely dedicated to her job, and all she could offer Mr. Pyper was some advice to either go away or get poked in the eye with a dress hanger.

"I'll risk a poke in the eye," said Mr. Pyper, "it's worth it to see you reaching for red ribbon on the top shelf."

"Right, cheeky-chops," said Estelle and Mr. Pyper slipped out just in time to miss being injured. Estelle can't half lash out when she needs to.

Span No 236 - April 1974

Facebook - Vintage Vamps & Pin-ups 1890s - 1970s


A plagiariser is someone who uses another person's words or ideas as their own. Synonyms of plagiariser include: literary pirate, pirate, plagiarist, plagiariser, stealer, and thief. 

The verb form of the word is "plagiarise", which means to steal and pass off someone else's ideas or words as your own.

Ian Johnson - Plagiariser

I have noticed, and it has been brought to my attention again, that Ian Johnson, who is listed as a top contributor to Vintage Vamps & Pin-Ups 1890s - 1970s, has been ripping content from this site hours after it has been posted and passing it off as his own work, with absolutely no credit given back to this site. 

In the past, when I contacted Ian directly, who actually stopped doing this for a while. However, over the last few months, he obviously could not hold himself back and has started again, even posting complete model profile texts on Facebook. 

Why do you do this, Ian (just for a few likes and comments)? It's great that you enjoy the site, and I certainly don't mind a little publicity, but you never credit Vintage Fetish in any way. Become involved here and make comments on this site where all the information is in context, rather than just abstract info on Facebook. 

So I am asking again, and we will be contacting Lorena Thompson, the Facebook group admin, in the hope that you will stop for good this time. 

A great deal of work goes into this site, with many others in the background who contribute to hopefully making it an interesting place for those who like Spick and Span and pin-up magazines in general. 

So, Ian Johnson, stop reposting the site's content and my words on Facebook; ultimately, you will spoil it for all.

Why not let Ian know what you think by making a comment below?

Vintage Fetish

Jane Paul

Dressed For Housework

Two wonderfully leggy shots of the always-popular Jane Paul. I am not sure if these two were ever published, but the scene is certainly a familiar one. Jane is very nearly breaking into a smile with her duster. More to come over the next few weeks.

Sharon Gale

Yorkshire Vista

Making the Yorkshire countryside look even better than it is, SHARON GALE is quite a vista all by herself.

Sharon has recently left college to enter the world of modelling and is finding lots of opportunities in the big cities of the north. It doesn't all happen in London and New York, you know. We're glad about that. It makes the whole world lively.

Sharon is a pop fan, of course, and also likes a good book as long as the story has a modern background.

Beautiful Britons No 242 - January 1976

Sally McGregor

Flower Arranging

Sally McGregor or Angela Perkins. Sally only appeared for ToCo four times, with three of those appearances under the name of Angela Perkins. These are great pictures, of which I have a few more that I hope to show over the next few weeks. These two pictures were never published in a magazine but were sold as prints.

Pat McGuire

Looking Your Way

What's your way, Claude?

Well, the way I like a girl to look is curvy. I mean, if she's all angles and straight lines, what sort of a look is that?


I don't go in for that. What I like is a lovely pin-up, looking just the way PAT McGUIRE looks. Who could ask for anything sweeter?

Well, there's my Rosie Your Rosie would get on well with my grandmother- they're the same age.

 I'm a fan of Miss McGuire's. I'd carry her parasol for her if she'd let me. I mean, what a vision, what an adornment to the great outdoors, what a delight to my eyes.

Put your glasses on, then you'll like her even better.

Span No 178 - June 1969