Nicola Taylor

Wholly Delightful

Seen on our cover this month is a girl we consider wholly delightful. She’s a Hampshire girl, her name is NICOLA TAYLOR, and she looks exquisite in a mini-dress.

Marie Blair

Bright 'n Breezy

Combination of bright blonde and breezy day. It’s MARIE BLAIR, photographed in windy May.

Fay Stevens

Cute Wife

Here is FAY STEVENS, Kentish girl, as portrayed in a quartette of poses by her photographer-husband, who thinks there’s no pin-up as nice as his cute wife.

Jackie Miller

Bristol Belle

In the university city of Bristol, there are many lovely girls. Bristol, in fact, is renowned for its beautiful belles. Among them we found 18-year-old JACKIE MILLER, shorthand-typist with a flair for glamour.

Jackie also has a flair for modelling lingerie and long rows of beads.

With measurements of 35"- 23"-36", Jackie is just right in the modern tradition of slim, trim lovelies, and out walking she looks pretty enough to raise a regular whistle.

Maggie McCully

Summer In Winter

THERE are no leaves on the trees, the fern, the bracken and the gorse are at their dullest, and the winter touches the landscape with frosty fingers. But brave as a lark and gay as a linnet out comes beautiful MAGGIE McCULLY in colourful dress and white frills, and winter suddenly takes on a touch of summer. The birds sing, the robins scrap and the sun shines. That smile of Maggie's is a magnet.

Maggie is a girl of Surrey, with a five-day working week in London.

Maggie in the picture and is not admiring her pretty legs but is looking for a ladder in her nylons. Twiggy trees are as much of a menace in winter as summer.

Jackie Lyons

Irish Eyeful

Eye-catching indeed is blonde JACKIE LYONS

Go North, go West, go anywhere if you must. But you need slog it no further than old Ireland to find girls as lovely as any. Jackie is a beauty contest winner and has recently come to London to work her way into a show biz career.

First essential of any glamorous showgirl is eye-catching curves, and in this respect Jackie is as well-endowed as Marilyn Monroe.

Hazel Wood

Where Have The Flowers Gone

Secretary HAZEL WOOD went out one sunny day with a large basket which she intended to fill up with a varied selection of wild flowers. But all she could find was convolvulus.

The flower people had been there before her. With tiny bells tinkling and with love and peace in their hearts they’d picked all the flowers they could find. Wearing the blooms in their hair and between their toes they’d then gone off to a hippies’ convention somewhere anonymous. Hazel was quite cut up about it. A basket full of convolvulus is just not the same thing.

Judie Jayson


Keynote of a successful approach to life if you're a member of the fair sex is pure femininity. JUDIE JAYSON has a charm that is completely feminine, and every picture confirms this. Or aren’t you interested?

You prefer brash sophistication to this soft charm? You probably eat the wrong kind of food. Try a rare steak or two.

In bikini or frills, Judie looks good enough to eat herself. Currently saving her pennies for a trip to North America, Judie is living off milk and fruit for lunch, but we can assure you it's making absolutely no difference at all to the look of this feminine lovely. Judie, in fact, remains constant at 36-23-36.

And what’s more feminine than constancy at those measurements?

Susan Douglas

In Your Opinion

Yes, in your opinion one of the most fascinating models of today is SUSAN DOUGLAS.

Susan, principally a fashion model, lives in Kent and has acquired the talent to look just the way you like her to look in every outfit and every pose. Her fans are spread all over the world. Frenchmen ring us up and ask us to fly her over to Paris, where they’ll meet her with flowers and perfumes. Italians want to pinch her. Americans want to give her film tests.

Susan, however, keeps her head about it all. She likes things as they are. She doesn’t want to jump over the moon. It’ll make her giddy. She’s happy, contented and swinging.

And how do you like her zingy pants?

Fay Stevens

That's Nice

Yes, very nice.

It's secretary FAY STEVENS, looking much more appealing on the window seat than a pot plant. Fay is not only a secretary, she's also a housewife and looks as good in the kitchen as she does in the office. Mind you, the kitchen work is optional. The chains have-gone, like. Still, one has to eat, and hubby is always sneaking out into the garden. Wise bloke. He knows who's the better cook in his family.

Nicola Taylor and Marilyn Ward


When there was lots of sun about, brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD came out to the beach to be kissed by it. Lucky old sun.

Hazel Shaw

Do You Go In For Politics?

Well, what else can you ask HAZEL SHAW when you find her sunbathing? Somehow or other you've got to launch into an airy-fairy conversation that will sound as if you haven't noticed what a nature-lover she is.

Hazel is a lovely nature-lover.

She's also a lovely secretary who works in Glasgow.

Her Scottish accent is as intoxicating as heather wine.

Actually, no, she doesn't go in for politics. She was willing to but as soon as she realised, like so many of us, that they only disturb the peace she gave them up.

She took up sunbathing instead.


Manja Peruccia

Continental Cutie

Very cute indeed is MANJA PERUCCIA,

Austrian girl studying ballet in West Germany and taking time off occasionally to be a pinup. Manja’s ambition is to carry her student days to a successful climax and enter a ballet company which will be delighted to have her.

Until that day comes along Manja mixes fun with her work.

Well, who can resist a frilly frolic in the sunny outdoors when the spring is here?

Dawn Grayson

Nice Finish

In fact, we don't know how to make a better finish than with DAWN GRAYSON. Dawn is still in the United States, still slaying the cowboys and the oilmen, but she looks as English as ever.