Megan Poultney

Having Trouble?

Out to see the old ruins, as it were, sweet young thing MEGAN POULTNEY seems to be having trouble with some temperamental suspensory equipment, and there's nothing which troubles a sweet young thing more than a sagging nylon.

Megan is a very sweet young thing, and not only because she works in a confectionery shop among all that chocolate and candy. Megan is a gay, bubbling and lively young lady, and it takes more than a collapsing top shelf to get her down.

With vitalistics of 36"-23"-36" and laughing eyes, who sweeter to serve you with a stick of pepper-mint rock than Megan? Especially if you're only eight years old and highly impressionable.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Helen Williams

Help Helen

We've seen some eye-catching girls hitch-hiking on the road. But this was ridiculous. There we were, driving along, when we saw this car parked on the grass verge with Helen Williams posing in the door, looking our way. What did we do? Did we take no notice and drive past? Did we stop? Even if we hadn't stopped, our photographer would have jumped out anyway. As it was, we almost caused a traffic pile- up. "Hold it there!" our photographer shouted, running back to her along the side of the road. Obligingly, she went on posing. He started giving more instructions; now and then she tried to say something, but he kept thinking of new poses, taking more photographs.

After half an hour of this, she started getting edgy. haven't got all day", she said. Well, we're not the kind to ignore a hint like that, so straight away we started packing up the camera equipment, ready to leave. "No", she called, "Don't go - what about my car?" "Who wants to photograph a car?" we replied.

"You don't understand", she protested. "It's broken down. That's why I was posing like that so someone would stop and help." We blushed delicate pink. "Sorry", we said, "all we know how to repair is type-writers "And cameras", our photographer added. ". But if you go on posing like that, sooner or later, someone's bound to stop who knows how to help We didn't stay any longer. Our consciences were troubling us and, anyway, it's a terrible thing to see a lady in a temper.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Relax No 12

Relax No 12 - Penny Lane

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Elizabeth McGregor

Hi, Mac!

Scottish down to the last tartan is ELIZABETH McGREGOR, and none so bonny-looking with a skipping-rope as she. In days of yore, Elizabeth's ancestors battled it out to clash of claymores and the gnash of teeth, but Liz contents herself today giving all her energies to skipping a light fantastic.

Some girls may write better poetry, and some may be better at making wool rugs.

Other girls may even be better than Liz at looking after horses or wall-papering the kitchen.

But lead us to any who better represent the bonny characteristics of the Scots and you'll be on knowing terms with the best.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Diane Weber

Getaway Go Girl

"I don't see what's wrong with me being an expert on cars," Diane Weber told us. 'Some girls take up gardening as a hobby, the ones that talk about having green fingers. Me, well She held up her hands, stained with black grease and gave us a smile which made us class her straight away as the prettiest motor mechanic we'd ever met.

Later, when she'd restored her skin to its more natural creamy-white state, we persuaded her to stand posing by her car instead of lying under it. We thought our readers might want to see more of Diane than just a pair of feet...

She's an amateur rally enthusiast, uses the car for shopping in the town during the week, but at weekends you can see her taking it ploughing through mud and over hillsides, matched against men who may be stronger than she is, but have no less determination.

Doesn't she think it's un-feminine? "Nonsense," she said. "Un-feminine is just the sort of word men use to keep a girl in what they think is her place. They don't like the idea of a girl being better at something than they are. It's only because they're unsure of themselves. It scares them." You can't have it plainer than that! But despite all she says, Diane's the last person we'd describe as the pushy, dominant type. We might not be happy racing against her when she's in her car; but we assure you, when she's out of the driving seat, she's as charming as she is glamorous.

Relax No 13 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Margaret Wade

Simply Delicious

Down in the lovely county of Sussex, where the weather is crisply sunny in winter, you can find the most enchanting views.

And if it's your lucky day you might find MARGARET WADE over the brow of the hill.

Margaret is simply delicious and can take the most aesthetic mind off the most aesthetic cloud formations.

She's a Brighton girl and if we could ever go rowing in a boat with her, we wouldn't mind if we became completely deaf to the boatman's roaring cries.

"Come in, Number Forty-One or I'll fire me cannon and sink yer."

But on we go, rowing over the briny waves and talking to Margaret about desert islands. We remain absolutely deaf.

So, the roaring boatman fires his cannon and sinks us, then charges us for a new boat. Is it worth it?

Well, it makes a lovely dream.

Margaret Blake, Janette Goodman, Jackie Leyton and Diane McCall

Fine n Dandy

WE'RE not quite sure whether it's MARGARET BLAKE, left, who has the fine line in foundation garments or JANETTE GOODMAN, right, who has the dandy line in curves. Maybe it's easier to settle for the application of both to each.

Janette is a blonde Scot from Ayrshire, Margaret a brunette beauty queen from Manchester, and both typify what's brightest about the glamour girls of Britain.

Both have exactly what it takes to catch the eye, which is dangerous if you're out with your girlfriend at the time and your girlfriend is the type who'd bung up that eye.

Come to that, who could catch your eye quicker than these other fine 'n dandy girls? It's JACKIE LEYTON, left, and DIANE McCALL.

June Palmer

June Palmer - Beau No 1 - June 1966

To regular readers of men's publications, London's luscious June Palmer is hardly a new face and figure, having already graced many pages of magazines. But, as she eagerly embarks into the year of 1966, June has hopes of spreading her fame to become the new symbol of sex appeal among that yet unenlightened segment of the population which constitutes the world-at-large.

To lend even more assurance to what a sure thing is already, June plans to conduct part of her campaign outside the field of figure modelling where her strength is unquestioned. An accomplished dancer and graduate of London's famous Windmill Theatre which had Britain's most complete stock of beautiful, naked showgirls June has plenty of credentials to go with her curves. And her curves are not unnoticed, either. Her lustrous 38-23-37 proportions have been astounding British lensmen, lately, as regularly as old Big Ben strikes the hour.

Armed, as it were, with devastating legs and torso, June is about to venture into the new year in search of new horizons. Stage musicals in London are her first target, to be followed by a tour of continental clubs, then television, and finally perhaps motion pictures. Considering, however, that her pictures do not need motion to set the world afire, it will be no great tragedy if she decides to ignore the movies. She has always been somewhat suspicious of the way the flicks trap girls in a rat race of a life filled with broken promises, broken hearts, and broken marriages. Such an existence, she says, is not her "cup of tea." The more sedate life of the theatre, and even that of modelling, makes up for smaller pay- checks with smaller headaches.

Currently, June lives in London with her pet Budgerigar (whatever that is) and spends her daytime hours posing for glamour cameras. At night, she enjoys what she calls her "Three M Game." It has to do with Men, Money, and Music. And on weekends, she drives in the country in her sleek white Triumph. Trouble is, her bad driving and good looks are a calamity in traffic, so the Bobbies have put up warning signs along her route "Dangerous Curves Ahead."

Melanie Davies

You Too

Yes, you too can be the life and soul of the party if you'd only look a bit more like MELANIE DAVIES and a lot less like Millie Smiff whose stockings are always sagging. Then, when you floated pixielike through the woodlands, dishy young men would dash up and play you romantic sonnets on their fiddles, all the while breathing ever so heavy. Ah, Melanie. Ah, beauty. Ah, fiddles.

Span No 182 - October 1969


Frolics - Maids

Frolics - Maids - Gadoline Publications 1969

eBook Link

Margo Stevens

Put Your Skates On

Looking very cute in her skating skirt, MARGO STEVENS could obviously get around the rink a lot faster if she put her skates on too, but since she's not yet on the rink she isn't all that bothered. She just wants to be sure that the skirt fits before she tries out a figure eight.

Anyway, skates might cut up the carpet, and we don't consider them anymore essential to the current background than Margo does herself. And who's skate-conscious when Margo's legs are so photogenic?

Spick No 102 May 1962

Gina Marzell

Who Wants To Go To The Moon?

The moon man sat in solitude,

Full of thought and care,

When at his door there came a knock,

"Hello," he called, "who's there?"


"It's only me," a young man said,

 And came into the room,

 "Please, sir," he said with modest air,

 "I want to reach the moon."


"Oh, don't be daft," the moon man said,

 "You're far to late and slow,

 A bloke called Armstrong got there first,

 Many moons ago."


Well, at that the young man was shockingly disappointed and to console him the moon man gave him a lovely picture of GINA MARZELL, an Italian model girl living in London, and when the young man realised there was true beauty all around him, he said, "Lummy, who wants to go to the moon?"

Beautiful Britons No 168 - November 1969


Cannes Cannes Girl

IT'S whispered there's only one thing more adventurous for a girl than being a night club dancer in South America being a starlet at the Cannes Festival. There are more wolves at Cannes, they say, than you'll find in the Yukon. Not so, says QT's Natalie. They're all perfect gentlemen! Hmm, somebody must be wrong. Maybe the fact that Natalie 'phoned her report from one millionaire's car while staying as a guest at another millionaire's beach house just maybe that had something to do with it!

QT No 91 - 1964