Jane Paul

Jane Paul - Looking Right At You

Something to cheer everyone up a little on a wet Wednesday afternoon. Another Tocofan treat, Jane Paul perched on what looks to be a kitchen worktop, taken from a contact sheet. It was interesting to see the comments that yesterday's Nicola Taylor picture provoked, and I am going to say it again that Jane Paul would definitely not be in my top ten of ToCo girls. However, I know that there are some real fans of Jane out there who would disagree with me. So, without stating the obvious, what is so special about her? She doesn’t really smile enough for me.

Nicola Taylor

Nicola Taylor – Looking Great

I personally am not a great fan of Nicola Taylor, but she is a popular ToCo model. This picture is courtesy of Tocofan, taken from a contact sheet, and I am not sure if it was ever published. It is, however, a very nice picture of her looking relaxed and natural as she kneels on a rug in a secluded countryside spot or a garden.

Molly McBride (Marion McGregor)

Bonnet Beauty Molly McBride

Who wouldn't want Molly McBride sitting on the bonnet of their Morris Minor? This is the back cover picture for Span No 245. Molly was definitely a ToCo 60s model, a picture that ToCo regurgitated in their dying days of the 1970s. It may not be of the best quality, but it is definitely worth showing. I like It.

Span No 245 - January 1975

Heather Chaffey

Glamorous Aussie

All I can say, said Bertie Shoemaker as soon as he clapped eyes on the pictures of HEATHER CHAFFEY of Australia, is that if I've got to go twelve thousand miles to see her in person, I'll go even if I have to walk it.

Can't blame the feller. Heather of New South Wales is a living doll, and if there are others like her Down Under, we'll go with Bertie and see if we can't actually get there before he does.

Heather is a happy housewife with a lovely home and a sunny garden, and just about our idea of the best reason why we suddenly want to emigrate. We don't want to work in the outback or dig for nickel, however, we just want to take the house next door to Heather's and talk to her over the garden fence and join her for coffee.

Heather must have been a real beaut as a baby, because just look at her now, cobber.

Oh, trying to be all matey and Australian, are we?

You bet we are.

For all you blokes who collect mathematics, Heather is 5' 7" tall and her vitalistics measure 39"-24"-37". Kinda cute, curvy and cuddly, mmmm?

Span No 178 - June 1969

Dawn Grayson

Album Time

Pause here for all the fans of DAWN GRAYSON who devote their photographic albums to pics of her.

Spick No 174 - May 1968

Maggie Blye

Maggie’s A Knockout

It doesn't need the heavyweight champion of the world to put you down for the count. A girl who's never been in the ring in her life can do it. A girl like MAGGIE BLYE, for instance, who doesn't even know about boxing gloves, can do it to us as well as you. Less than three years ago Maggie was a college co-ed. Now this sizzling honey blonde is playing in her third big motion picture, co-starring with Europe's own knockout, Marcello Mastroianni. According to the studio, the film "Diamonds For Breakfast' features Maggie as a cat burglar and Marcello as a sophisticated heart-throb, and when they meet it's a mutual knock-out.

You can visualise the sensational sizzle of Maggie the booted burglar, but if you can't it's probably because you've got tonsilitis. Have you seen your doctor?

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968


If Only We Knew

If only we knew where STEVIE, up-and-coming Yorkshire model, was going to spend her holiday this year it might solve the problem of where to go ourselves. We can't think of anyone we'd rather look at in a bikini than Stevie.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Helen Milligan

Helen Milligan

Great picture of the very lovely Helen Milligan that was not published but taken from a set of pictures that were used twice. The original set was used in Beautiful Britons No. 118 (September 1965) entitled Field Day, with the remainder of the pictures being used in Spick No. 265 (December 1975) with that set entitled Oh You're Looking Good. This picture was not used in either set. The negative had a pen strike through it, which I have removed.

Very typical of Helen with the frilly petticoat that she was seen wearing in many pictures. Many thanks again to Tocofan for providing the negative.

Tania Webb


If your sister or your wife would like to know how TANIA WEBB came by her figure of 37"-23"-36"-well, as a matter of fact, it just happened, it sort of grew up with her. "Of course, I eat wholemeal bread and steaks," said Tania, "and that might help." Oh gad, these girls.

Spick No 193 - December 1969