Margaret Wade

Country Girl

There is an eternal attraction about the countryside which has such an appeal for town dwellers that many of them want to give up counting traffic lights and buy a country cottage.

Many of them do just that and when they're in the cottage they're ready to let the country atmosphere caress them into a kind of soporific bliss.

Two weeks later they're writing letters to their town friends asking them to send an electric mixer or a set of drums. The quiet, they say, is killing them.

You have to be a lover of peace and quiet to settle down in a country cottage. MARGARET WADE wouldn't live anywhere else. Of course, she has a job that keeps her in close daily contact with hustle and bustle and comings and goings, and that removes any desire on her part to own a set of drums.

Margaret is a hotel receptionist.

She also owns a horse. It's much less technologically complicated than a car. She and a horse spend lovely week-ends riding around in all the peace and quiet.

So, if you buy a country cottage ask for a horse as well.

Sandy Wallace

New Englander

Model from America is SANDY WALLACE.

Born in New England, she has a pad in Miami and commutes regularly from there to London.

Incredible, this casual flipping across the Atlantic when not so long ago it was an adventure for some girls to row from one side of the Hyde Park Serpentine to the other. And if any of them got splashed on the way they'd turn back.

Now Sandy high-flies from Miami to London about once a month without even thinking about it, if you discount the cost. Notice her American legs? Good for a lot of walking, you'd think, but down on the ground Sandy drives a car. Seems an awful waste of lovely legs, what?

Lisa Casala

Watch What Birdie ?

There was lush dolly LISA CASALA on one side of the camera and Willy Boodle on the other. And Lisa was telling him to watch the birdie.

Willy did. What a peach, he thought. Big brown eyes and all. He went quite faint and when his passport photograph was developed it looked like a dose-up of a fragile hop-picker who'd been at the malt.

Lisa lives in Dorset. She likes the occasional camerawork.

On either side of the lens she's a beaut.

Willy didn't think his passport photograph would pass. So, he made six more appointments.

"One should be enough if only you don't go all quivery," said Lisa.

"I hope you don't think I've got malaria," said Willy, "I just suffer from susceptibility."

"Fascinating," said Lisa as she ushered him out.

Faith Pattinson

Dedicated Faith

There are large numbers of elephants roaming around places like India, which sometimes makes it a dicey business crossing a road. Elephants don’t observe road rules any more than motorists do in some places. You get an instinct for avoiding action in respect of vehicular traffic, however, which enables you to survive the unpredictability of drivers. But it's different when you’re up against elephants.

Elephants seem dedicated to the pleasure of steaming ahead, irrespective of who's in the way. Once they've got their trunks down and their legs working on all systems go, their dedication to a straight line is heart-stopping. Talking about heart-stopping, we know a girl who makes ours go boompety-boomp, and she's dedicated too. Her straight line of dedication is that which leads to where she wants to go as a straight actress—the top. Her name is FAITH PATTINSON, she’s had stage parts and film parts, she lives in London and we have a feeling about her that we’ve never had about elephants. We have a feeling that elephants are just a load of crash-bang-wallop and that Faith is quite different.

Jane Brewerton

Fame For Jane

It isn't often that a dental receptionist finds herself featured in the Press unless she's responsible for something unfortunate, like setting the surgery on fire.

With JANE BREWERTON, sweet seventeen, it happened in the nicest way. She won the Girl of The Month contest in the Yorkshire Evening Post and from then on, the national Press evinced interest.

We weren't exactly in a slowcoach mood and we caught Jane still in a delicious tizzy and falling over the furniture. She's a natural blonde with blue eyes and trimly curvy figure of 36-22-34. And we hope to see a lot more of her if we don't get lost on the Yorkshire moors.

Molly Cunningham

Molly’s A Dolly

Fascinatingly shapely daughter of an Army officer MOLLY CUNNINGHAM really is the most delicious dolly.

Measuring 37-25-38, we defy you to come up with any dolly possessing extra inches without the whole thing being a bit much.

Molly's favourite holiday isle is Ibiza, and she's off to spend the summer season there any moment now. She'll work in a boutique each day, and wine and dine with the young people of Ibiza in the evenings. Don't ask us if she'll be free during siesta time. Ask her yourself but watch out you don't get a fat ear for your sauce.

Nina Swallow

A Swinging Pommie

Not so long ago NINA SWALLOW was living in Middlesex, a few miles from London. The scene was tailor-made for her, for Nina is a devotee of the theatre and everything that goes to make up the living, breathing atmosphere of a big city.

Then she had a chance to take a job in Australia. She thought well, we’re all only young once, and off she went to try a change of atmosphere and a change of scenery.

She's doing fine. She's a swinging Pommie.

They don't half follow her around on the beaches down under.

Michelle Lorraine

Maid for a Kitchen

Photographer's receptionist MICHELLE LORRAINE is just the kind of girl you like to clap your peepers on when you call to make an appointment for a passport photograph. She makes you feel you'd rather hare a dinner date than a holiday.

Did we mention food? It wasn't out of place. Michelle is just the maid to bring glamour to a kitchen. Imagine a five-course meal and Michelle as well. Don't disturb. We're having coffee.

Suzanne Glover

Berkshire Bird

Berkshire is a county noted for its woods and hills and meadows, and you can have the dreamiest picnic there.

You can take your notebook and your binoculars and register all the different birds you spot. You don't need to be a dedicated naturist, you just need to have an ordinary human appreciation of that which delights the eye.

If you happen to spot SUZANNE GLOVER in her own bowery Berkshire retreat, it's going to be the most fortuitous day of your life, because you'll never see any other bird you'll appreciate more.

Suzanne is twenty, a natural blonde with blue eyes and vitalistics of 37-24-36. She can make a picnic look like an open-air banquet, the cheese sandwiches turn into caviar savouries and the cold tea into champagne.

Jackie Murray

Bikinis and Frills

Naturally wanting to look her best in a warm kitchen, JACKIE MURRAY went for this arty bikini decor which, given the frilly finish of her red and white garters, shows how to make a kitchen look really corking, never mind who let the rock-cakes burn.

Gilda Sherwin


At the Motor Show GILDA SHERWIN may show you the best points of the latest autos. But think about the wife waiting anxiously at home for news of what model has caught your eye this year, and whether you are going to trade the old one in.

Christine Dovey

Bristol Fashion

Bristol fashion means tip-top and shipshape, which is easily interpreted by a sailor but might need clarifying for the benefit of landlubbers.

For the benefit of landlubbers, then, it means spanking.

First-class Shining bright. The tops.

Bristol girl CHRISTINE DOVEY is all of that.

She's a shorthand- typist, has fashion-conscious statistics of 36-23-35. with ambitions to work on the catwalk.

She loves pop and discotheques and fast cars.

There are lots of tip-top, shipshape girls like Christine in Bristol, which is why the fellers there always look so pleased with things.

Jacki Owen

Boots and Minis

They can work themselves into frenzies trying to wrap the dollies in maxi-skirts, but they won’t get any help from us.

Nor from JACKI OWEN, except in the line of duty.

Jacki is a fashion model and all right, maybe she does have to glide down the catwalk all covered up in a maxi, but she hasn’t bought one for herself yet.

Perhaps, says Jacki, it’s all right for the skinny ones who look better with their legs covered up, but I’m not skinny and I think I’ve got rather nice legs, don’t you?

Divine is a better word.

Thank you. Well, then, says Jackie, what would you do?

We’d keep making life a lovely eyeful for our fellow-men.

Oh, go on, says Jackie, I’m not as inspiring as that.

You are to us, you gorgeous thing.

Joy Bamforth

Go-Go Girl

Okay, so you like your girlfriend to be quiet, dreamy and aesthetic, so that she can earn a mountain of lolly as a professor of philosophy. Then when you get married you can stay at home with your feet up. Sounds just like being dead.

Ever thought about clueing up with a swinger, have you? The difference it can make to your life is staggering. Suddenly you're living, you've got a go-go girl and all is joyful music and cool discotheques.

JOY BAMFORTH of Yorkshire is a go-go girl. At seventeen life never stops, it's a whizz, a caper and a delight. Mini-skirts are made for legs and boots for dancing. A go-go girl like Joy is an inspiration but you'll never keep up with her if you're over thirty.

If you're over thirty you get headaches.

Joyce Matlock

Time To Spare

Housewives don't have much time to spare, especially those who, like JOYCE MATLOCK, hold down an office job as well.

But if you're as efficient as Joyce, there's always time to spare, time to wander around the Worcestershire countryside and take in all the relaxing quiet of undisturbed rurality.

And time, too, to pose for her photographer, who's never too busy himself to miss capturing her image for posterity.

Joyce is twenty-four, loves dancing and thinks we could do away with national crises if we sent all the politicians on package tours.

On some package tours these days it's difficult to get back.