Carla Houseman (Molly Peters)

Slinky Satin

Man-made nylon is all very well, but there's still something about silk and satin that is consistently alluring.

There's something very slinky about the satin worn by CARLA HOUSEMAN, and there's a man called Parkblow in Pimlico who says she's the girl he'd most like to stand next to in a crowded bus. With or without her satin, he says.

Carla is a Continental courier, with a command of several Continental languages, and a Continental shape that in English means 37-24-37.

That’s cuddly in any lingo.

Maggie McCully

Summer In Winter

THERE are no leaves on the trees, the fern, the bracken and the gorse are at their dullest, and the winter touches the landscape with frosty fingers. But brave as a lark and gay as a linnet out comes beautiful MAGGIE McCULLY in colourful dress and white frills, and winter suddenly takes on a touch of summer. The birds sing, the robins scrap and the sun shines. That smile of Maggie's is a magnet.

Maggie is a girl of Surrey, with a five-day working week in London.

Maggie in the picture and is not admiring her pretty legs but is looking for a ladder in her nylons. Twiggy trees are as much of a menace in winter as summer.

Charlotte Peters

Charlotte The Good

There was once a queen called Charlotte who was very good and awfully nice, and all her subjects thought the world of her.

And just as good and just as nice, without having a crown and sceptre, and all the trimmings, is Sheffield girl CHARLOTTE PETERS.

Charlotte is tall and curvaceous, as well as jolly good. She's five feet nine and measures 38-24-38 going down or going up. She likes fast cars and can handle a zippy roadster with aplomb, which means she'll pass you without a hair out of place. On a warm day anywhere, she likes sunbathing in the nude, so if you're in the same place as she is on a warm day you know the figure to look for.

If you miss her it's because you can't add up. Or you're shy.

Gail Redfern (Jacqueline Blair)

Don't Lark About

That was what the anxious photographer said to receptionist GAIL REDFERN as she gambolled about instead of standing still. He was anxious to take some classic shots that would knock editors sideways.

But Gail felt all lively, like. She hitched up her skirts and swung on trees. He had an awful job to keep up with her. He had to swing on trees himself. And he knocked us sideways with the results.

If they do the same to you.

Take an aspirin.

Bridie Goodwin

Bird in the Country

One thing that's rather inspiring about birds is that you find them in the country as well as the towns.

One extremely lovely and ubiquitous bird is BRIDIE GOODWIN, who flits from town to country all the time. Well, Bridie works in a county town, so she can't avoid her share of the concrete, but at weekends she's almost always to be found communing with the rural outdoors.

Slim, trim and fetching at 35-23-36, Bridie is the pin-up of all the farmers' boys for miles around. The farmers themselves would like to see more of her only their wives won't let them.

Fay Stevens

That's Nice

Yes, very nice.

It's secretary FAY STEVENS, looking much more appealing on the window seat than a pot plant. Fay is not only a secretary, she's also a housewife and looks as good in the kitchen as she does in the office. Mind you, the kitchen work is optional. The chains have-gone, like. Still, one has to eat, and hubby is always sneaking out into the garden. Wise bloke. He knows who's the better cook in his family.

Magaret Blake

Statistics are Ridiculous

According to statistics lovely girls in black lingerie have twice as many opportunities of marrying Argentine millionaires as fat women in stripped swimsuits. Which indicates that statistics are ridiculous. Beauty queen MARGARET BLAKE isn't even interested in Argentine millionaires. They're all in the Argentine and she lives in Oxford. She knows some vital undergraduates. They're all broke but they're lots of fun.

Bridget North (Brenda North)

Not For The Whiz Kids

It's true that while Long Johns were popular with a bygone generation, they're not for today's feminine whiz kids.

There are exceptions, of course.

Scots girl BRIDGET NORTH finds them absolutely it in the cold weather, all kind of snug and warm and cosy.

They go with the new fashions and providing you don't wear a midi or a maxi with a split skirt nobody will know you're wearing grandmother's reach-me-downs.

Dawn Grayson

Nice Finish

In fact, we don't know how to make a better finish than with DAWN GRAYSON. Dawn is still in the United States, still slaying the cowboys and the oilmen, but she looks as English as ever.

Anna Reingold

Continental Sightseer

A girl who likes travel is ANNA REINGOLD. She's been all over the place. If that sounds untidy it's not Anna's fault, it's ours.

A Continental herself, she's wandered around most of the European countries and seen the sights in most of the capitals. Now she's in England, and not just to have a look at London but at the countryside as well.

She likes to lose herself in villages and hamlets. Farmers' sons like it too, it gives them an opportunity to be helpful and follow up with an invitation to show Anna round the dairy. One young spark asked her if she'd like to help with the milking as the electrical contraption had broken down. Anna was willing but a mere beginner. The cow got huffy and went off in a sulk. But it was great fun for Anna.

Susanne Churchill

Is That The Operator?

When you’ve got through to the operator after spending a mad thirty minutes trying to get a straightforward number, have you ever wondered what she’s like? You hear her voice, golden and velvet and full of soothing solicitude, and you think my word, how can I blow my top when melody is ringing my eardrums?

“Is that the operator?”

“Yes. Can I help you?”

“I was on fire. I’m better now. When’s your night off?”

An absolutely delicious telephone operator is SUSANNE CHURCHILL of Brighton, Sussex. It’s not only a pleasure to listen to her telling you to hold the line, it’s an education.

Susanne likes fast cars and dress-designing. She designs and makes most of her own clothes, in fact. In addition, she’s a creamy, golden blonde and a joy to the ear of any man who works in an iron foundry or goes to football matches.

Susan Douglas

Summer Weight

Now that summer is really here it’s warm enough for SUSAN DOUGLAS to model her summer weight lingerie, which makes her the coolest girl we know. This, of course, is recommended to be just the right weight to wear under a Courreges-style outfit. Slick, mod and unobtrusive. Lovely, in fact

Elaine Masters

Focus On A Dolly

A dolly is a bird both young and endearing.


Age, eighteen. Measurements, 36-23-35. Elevation, five feet five. Sum total, enchantment.

Interests, good books, pop music, Spain, France and London. Work, salesgirl. Ambitions, oh just a sports car and a horse. Spare time hobby, being a pin-up girl.

Effect, she makes this mixed-up world look as if it's got a future, after all.

Barbara Harrison

How To Remain Lovely If Harassed

You wouldn't believe it but it's true. This young-looking brunette with the shapely legs and enchanting figure is another of those incredible mums you see pushing the pram and doing the shopping.

Very incredible is BARBARA HARRISON. She's a Yorkshire beauty, a housewife and the mother of four bonny children. No doubt about it, you can be harassed by four children, to say nothing of dad, but Barbara just lets it all pass her by and remains patient, good-tempered and lovely.

Her figure currently is 37-24-36. How about that, eh? Good on you, mum.

Jennie Jones

Our Miss Jones

Making a name for herself in the glamour girl orbit is JENNIE JONES, who lives south of the river in London and is contriving, merely by looking her naturally delicious self, to have even the most sophisticated photographers breathe deeply.

Steamed-up view-finders result.

Jennie is eighteen and has the immaculate look of a girl who has attended a modelling school and listened diligently to the principal. She moves with petite grace and her make-up is perfect.

She likes horse-riding. Watch out for her in Hyde Park, cantering down Rotten Row. The name of her horse is Pegasus.