Charlotte Peters

Charlotte The Good

There was once a queen called Charlotte who was very good and awfully nice, and all her subjects thought the world of her.

And just as good and just as nice, without having a crown and sceptre, and all the trimmings, is Sheffield girl CHARLOTTE PETERS.

Charlotte is tall and curvaceous, as well as jolly good. She's five feet nine and measures 38-24-38 going down or going up. She likes fast cars and can handle a zippy roadster with aplomb, which means she'll pass you without a hair out of place. On a warm day anywhere, she likes sunbathing in the nude, so if you're in the same place as she is on a warm day you know the figure to look for.

If you miss her it's because you can't add up. Or you're shy.

Susan Douglas

In Your Opinion

Yes, in your opinion one of the most fascinating models of today is SUSAN DOUGLAS.

Susan, principally a fashion model, lives in Kent and has acquired the talent to look just the way you like her to look in every outfit and every pose. Her fans are spread all over the world. Frenchmen ring us up and ask us to fly her over to Paris, where they’ll meet her with flowers and perfumes. Italians want to pinch her. Americans want to give her film tests.

Susan, however, keeps her head about it all. She likes things as they are. She doesn’t want to jump over the moon. It’ll make her giddy. She’s happy, contented and swinging.

And how do you like her zingy pants?

Bridget North (Brenda North)

Not For The Whiz Kids

It's true that while Long Johns were popular with a bygone generation, they're not for today's feminine whiz kids.

There are exceptions, of course.

Scots girl BRIDGET NORTH finds them absolutely it in the cold weather, all kind of snug and warm and cosy.

They go with the new fashions and providing you don't wear a midi or a maxi with a split skirt nobody will know you're wearing grandmother's reach-me-downs.

Annette Carter (Crystal Farmer)

My Word

The man with the rent book looked up as the door opened and tenant ANNETTE CARTER appeared.

“My word” said the fascinated rent collector.

“Oh, help” blushed Annette, a secretary and a doll.

"What a charming hat," said he.

"I thought you were Christabel," gasped Annette, "I'm not dressed to receive anyone else." And she retreated rapidly, trying to hide herself behind the curtain, but it was much too short.

"I'll come back later, shall I?" said the rent collector.

"Well, don't let's argue about it," said Annette, looking delicious in the palest pink knicks, "that would suit me fine."

And when he came back later, she pushed the rent under the door and he didn't even get another look at her hat.

Sylvia Wood

Long John Sylvia

Long John Silver had a wooden leg and was a bit of a sea-going old villain. SYLVIA WOOD has got her own original and lovely legs and she's never been to sea, except on channel ferries.

She likes to wear her Long Johns in the winter, when she's on the terraces cheering her favourite soccer team. They keep her snugly warm. Well, what was good enough for grandma is good enough for Sylvia.

Anne Scott

An Established Fact

The fight’s over. All kinds of people took part,including those who insisted Long John’s had no place in modern fashions and should never have been left over from the 20’s but used for car dusters.

Then there were the others, who said no girl is complete in her fashion equipment unless Long Johns were an essential part of if, and we thought by crickey, what about the look, though?

Then, of course, there were the girls themselves, and ANNE SCOTT was one of them. And these girls and Anne went along with the re-adoption of Long Johns, because, they said, what with mini-skirts and all, we need something to keep us warm.

On that alone, it seems, Long Johns became an established fact.

Tracey Collins

Now That Winters Here

Well, it is getting a bit parky first thing in the mornings, isn’t it? So, what’s a girl to do except to make sure she keeps warm as she hurries for her train to town?

TRACEY COLLINS makes sure by going into her winter Long Johns, and warmer than that you won’t get unless you wear a rug. Who wants to run for a train in a rug? Who could?

Susan Douglas

Very Fitting

Very frustrating indeed, as well as cosy and cute, are the long johns worn by SUSAN DOUGLAS.

Sheila Burns and Adrienne Ross

Yes But

SHEILA BURNS and ADRIENNE ROSS agree that longs are warmer, but are they smarter?

Smarter than what! Than modern brevity. And how about the look of it all when they’re jiving! Passed to you, Claude.

It’s Sheila on the left, Adrienne on the right. Anything else we aren’t sure about. But your opinion is as good as the next guy’s.

Susan Smith, Fay Stevens, Pam Johnson

They’re All Wearing Them

To cope as cutely as possible with the embarrassment a mini-skirt can cause a girl when she sits in a low chair or gets into a low car, they’re all wearing Long Johns or jazzy reach-me-downs or colourful D.K.’s.

SUSAN SMITH is wearing them in white.

FAY STEVENS is wearing them in pink trimmed with white.

PAM JOHNSON is wearing them in red trimmed with white.

It's one way of covering up. And to think we once thought that post-war New Look was sensational. Have you seen any old news reels lately—the ones depicting that New Look? Even the girls of seventeen look like old maids in it. Marvellous, when you come to think about it.

Susan Douglas

How Do They Really Look?

Girl who wants to know how the modern equivalent of Amelia Bloomer’s reach-me-downs look on her is our inimitable SUSAN DOUGLAS.

We don’t want to publicise our own bias in the matter.

We leave it to you.

You say.

Brenda North & Jane Rennie

The Modern and the Married

For the traditional modern look, which is a kind of lovingly irreverent regard for sartorial non-conformity whatever that may mean we recommend BRENDA NORTH. She’s long-legged, black-sweatered, rain-coated and really as sweet as you can wish.

For the happily-married look, which is a kind of I’m-tickled-to-death-I-did-it look, who is a better example to set before you than JANE RENNIE who was wedded some months ago and still thinks everything’s absolutely divine? She may seem more interested in her long underwear, but strictly on the level her main hobby now is hubby.

Brenda has no thoughts of getting married herself yet. Well, at just eighteen everything, even time, is on her side, and there is the world to discover and all its excitements to explore. Who wants to get married? (It’s absolutely stinking the way that boy next door dives under his car whenever he sees me, he knows I’d love to help him change his tyre).

For that hap-hap-happy look, how about Jane, our dimpled delight.

Janette Goodman

It Can’t Be True

No, the fact is we didn’t think fashion model JANETTE GOODMAN would really go for these old-fashioned longs, no matter how much they’re currently being worn by those in the know. We really thought it couldn’t be true when Janette popped up in them, but as they say in the best technical tomes, the camera simply doesn’t lie.

Janette herself seems uncommonly tickled by them — figuratively, that is (we presume), not literally.

Well, she looks all right. They may be terribly old-fashioned, but Janette exudes no atmosphere of grandmother’s day. Maybe she needs a bustle for that.

Maybe a tall bonnet would also help. Janette doesn’t think so. The longs are back in fashion, she says, but not bustles or bonnets. So there.

Jackie Murray & Nancy Crawford

Facing the Fact

The fact of the matter is this long underwear is back in vogue after being lost in the midst of the crazy twenties, and JACKIE MURRAY, left, and NANCY CRAWFORD, right, decided there was nothing to do about it but get into the swing of the fashion themselves.