Francesca Young

All Set

All set for a wet summer is FRANCESCA YOUNG in her shiny black rubber raincoat. We're not sure we like pessimism to go this far, but Franky got caught in a July monsoon down south last year when wearing a print dress. So, there you are.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Jackie Taylor

How to Lose A Fish As Big As This

Anglers are inclined to be fanatical about their sport and naturally this bothers the fish a little.

But did we ever tell you about how Dan Emmery lost one which was too big for his basket? Stretched from here to here, it did. Absolute whopper. Just landing it, he was, when something very fetching caught his eye. He looked round and saw JACKIE TAYLOR doing a spot of P.T. on the riverbank.

Well, like many other anglers (as we said at first) he was inclined to be fanatical about fishing. But he wasn't as fanatical as all that. He knew he could always catch another fish, but he also knew he wouldn't get many chances of catching an eyeful as photogenic as Jackie.

By the time he came to, the fish had flopped back into the water. Absolute whopper it was, too. Big as this.

Jackie, by the way, is a young housewife who lives in Middlesex and loves miniskirts. So do we.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Are Black Silk Stockings Over-Rated?

Black Satin & Black Nylons - A Provocative combination!

Staunch devotees of feminine leg beauty would have it that nothing - but nothing enhances the appeal of a shapely pair of legs like sheer black stockings. These artful wisps of dusky nylon enjoy a highly favoured status in the hearts of leg lovers, to whom they conjure up a host of bewitching visions and pleasurable sensations.

In part this is due to the special significance of black as a colour for feminine underwear. By general consent, black is held to be the sexiest colour of all - the most mysterious, alluring, provocative colour a woman can wear in the boudoir - or out of it.

Models in men's magazines are photographed in black more often than any other colour, from stockings and garter belts to gloves and negligees. Figure photographers like black because of the dramatic contrast it makes against white flesh tones. Strippers, chorus girls and cocktail waitresses wear long black net stockings because the customers like it that way. Recently black has stepped down from the stage to become a common sight on city streets and in offices. Try counting the number of girls you see in black nylons in one day. The number may surprise even you, a leg man from way back. Undoubtedly black silk is big business, from Sears to Saks Fifth Avenue.

What's wrong with that? Nothing at all. But consider: are leg fanciers becoming so enamoured with black silk that they're in danger of losing a sense of proportion? Will their senses, tuned in to black, tend to become atrophied and dulled to other shades? In short, are they missing the whole forest just for a few trees?

The girl who sports black nylons is still in a relatively tiny minority. To take the broad view, the vast majority of women still pack their gams in beige and sand-coloured hose, with a few taupes, greys and other shades thrown in. White is still the standard colour for underwear, with pink and blue following close behind as perennial scantie favourites. And by all means let's be broad-minded about this. The narrow view taken by the "black nylon brigade" could lead to missing out on a multitude of visual treats.

Not that black is to be spurned - it is still by far the most voluptuous colour a woman can wear for her "private life." Every woman should include black in her lingerie drawer, for those times when she wants to be at her most alluring and exciting. But sexiness is by no means synonymous with black. To put it another way, if a girl is responsive, she'll feel responsive no matter what colour she wears. By the same token, a cold pigeon will still be a cold pigeon, even if she paints her toenails black.

To be sure, vapor-thin, skin-hugging black stockings are the perfect partners for a black cocktail sheath, as any woman with good dress sense (and horse sense) knows. But she also knows they aren't right with white or pastel outfits, and this is when she sensibly turns to her regular nylons. For the same reason - good taste - she isn't likely to wear a black bra beneath a transparent white blouse, not unless she's trying hard to draw attention to what the bra contains. A harmony of effects in top wear and underwear is what she aims for, and rightly.

Even the model whose business it is to know clothes from A to Z can benefit from awareness of contemporary, everyday tastes. If she errs too far towards the exotic, she runs the risk of appearing bizarre. Black, lacy garter belts and bikini briefs styled by Hollywood creators are all very well, but if a model looks too far-out her appeal will be restricted to a small, specialized audience. The most successful and sought-after image a model can create is that of looking like the girl next door - or appearing to. The girl next door may never wear black silk stockings or lace scanties, but she is nevertheless a very desirable young lady. Beige hose and dime-store briefs may not be the ultimate in sexy attire, but inside them is a living, flesh-and-blood woman. Why not accept her as she is, enjoy her for what she is? There'll be time enough to educate her into the refinements of feminine wear; this in itself will become a pleasure, as she adds to her collection of lingerie and steps into a new world of tantalizing ultra-sophisticated black fashion.

Until that happy day arrives, it might be well for the leg lover to lower his sights and take in a wider panorama. While keeping black as his bullseye, he should never forget his main target legs, legs, legs! It is the overall scene from hip to toe that really scores - the ineffable rhythm conveyed by a pert posterior and carried clear down to the heels. And what a rhythm! It is timeless, awe-inspiring, no matter what stocking shade she wears. Sheer white nylon would not impair the message inherent in a good-looking pair of gams, nor will black nylon enhance it. And if the boudoir should reveal a flair for underthing’s of firehouse red or shocking pink - or even standard white - your ticket is still good for a trip to Paradise!

Leg Show Volume 1 No 5 - 1963 (By Perter Weatherby)

Monika Cann


All the way from Switzerland comes MONIKA CANN, and now she's here and making London look brighter than ever we're convinced that we could do with a lot more creamy Swiss birds.

Monika is usually at St. Moritz at this time of the year, either ski-ing down the slopes or skating on the rinks. Now, for a change, she's working in London at a travel agency, and naturally she's sending most of the customers off to Switzerland.

She can send them to Afghanistan as far as we're concerned, just so long as she doesn't go herself.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Lisa Scott

Speaking Of The Common Market

The economic, technological, and political franchise which makes the fundamental concept of the Common Market the first milestone in the march of nations towards the ultimate in international interdependence - Well, go on.

I've lost the place. Where was I?

Approaching the ultimate. I didn't understand a word of it. Don't you ever think of anything except economics, politics, and technology?

Would it surprise you to know I only think of economics, politics, and technology to take my mind off the whimsical factors of life?

What's upsetting you?

My susceptibility when confronted by the whimsical. Girls are whimsical. They're also, shatteringly traumatic. They make me feel as if l've been run over by a milk float. Take LISA SCOTT, for instance. I bumped into her when I was skin-diving. She's a sensation in a snorkel. I felt as if I'd been trodden into the bottom of the ocean by the daughter of Jupiter. Beautiful. I think I understand. Who wants to join the Common Market when we've got independent assets like Lisa?

That's what I was trying to say. Who wants economics, politics, and technology?

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Telephone Cheesecake

Cheesecake With A Telephone Gimmick

The primary purpose of cheesecake photography is to compose a picture with impact which is capable of casting a spell of enticing charm. In creating this optical illusion, it is necessary for the photographer to accentuate that combination of physical attributes, i.e., the face, arms, legs, and bust of an attractive girl which contributes to her complete physical beauty. In order to properly accentuate those physical attributes of a pretty girl it is advisable to associate them with a gimmick. A gimmick as Webster defines it is a device by which a magician works a trick. During the past number of years photographers like magicians have been working tricks through the use of gimmicks. Some of the most clever gimmicks we have become accustomed to enjoying either in picture magazines, advertisements on billboards, or on calendars are fireplaces, telephones, playing cards, and many others. By posing a girl with a telephone gimmick there are many angles revealed in which her beauty can be delusively glorified. Comparatively speaking, a telephone gimmick is to cheesecake as the application of the proper seasoning is to a tossed salad -they both require a special applicable technique. In cheesecake a telephone gimmick is capable of raising an average picture above the snapshot category into that type of photograph which is able to entice additional glamour from a pretty girl who has been graciously endowed with physical beauty.

Black Silk Stockings Volume 1 No 3 - Elmer Batters 1958

Pam Horton

No Wonder Dad Fell In

We were living it up on one of the Norfolk Broads, although Mum said cooking beans all day was hardly her idea of life at its most ecstatic. Dad said try some bangers, then, at which mum hit him over the head with the bean ladle and said "Well, I tried one how did it feel?"

Dad didn't even know she'd hit him; he had his eyes glued to Pam Horton's Water Ski Spectacular.

“What incomparable skill," he breathed, his teeth grinding on his glass of local brew, "what verve, what execution, what a covey of utterly divine Aquamaids."

"You swine," said Mum, "you ought to be locked in the scuppers." Mum always talks like that when Dad starts reaching for his binoculars.

"Go and cook the beans," said Dad, jamming the binoculars against his glazed eyeballs. "Damn it," he added, "I can't see a thing, I'm all steamed up.' "Break your father's leg," said Mum, handing me an iron mallet.

Fortunately for my peace of mind - I'm a very sensitive child - that wasn't necessary. And no wonder.

No wonder what? No wonder Dad fell in and saved me from taking sides. As he got his binoculars focussed on the Aquamaids they came dancing over the water in a French Can-Can act and when Dad saw how absolutely delectable, they looked in close-up he crumpled at the knees and fell in. Mum leaned over the side and shouted, "How do you feel now, you old fool?"

"Blind me," murmured Dad, "it's a lovely way to go."

(Dad's impressionable mind apart, the Water Ski Spectacular is all it claims to be. On the left is PAM HORTON herself, the inspiration behind the aqua displays, and if Aquamaids are all like this you can't wonder Dad wants their autographs.)

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Marilyn Ward

The Much Admired Miss Ward

Finalist in all kinds of glamorous and eventful beauty competitions, Miss MARILYN WARD is the fair and shapely object of universal admiration. Those who believe in the unequivocal inspirationalism of the feminine form divine naturally know what they're talking about when they quote just how divine Miss Ward is.

And having got the dictionary of our chest and back on the bottom shelf, let's say that if you know any other girl who can look as good as Marilyn when draped in a pair of nylons, then don't let her go off to Greenland and get lost among the igloos. Tell us about her.

Marilyn, of course, is the girl who runs a Bournemouth boutique. It's a packed boutique on Saturdays. Not just with girls, you understand. There's any amount of fellers who like to chat up the fascinating manageress.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Helena Borland

Back Office Beauty

I recently received these two pictures. I am unsure of their original source, but as far as I know, they did not appear in a magazine. The closest match I found is Spick No 128 (July 64) and Beautiful Britons No 92 (June 63). It is likely that they are from the same set, but Helena is slightly more undressed in these two. I have made some improvements to enhance their quality as best I can.

Carol Pepper

The Pep In Pepper

Looking rather fetching, you must admit, in her black lingerie and boots is London advertising assistant CAROL PEPPER. A gay and uninhibited follower of fashion, Carol puts the pep in pepper. She's eighteen and on our list of girls who light up the swing scene by being brilliantly switched-on.

Spick No 193 - December 1969

Jennifer Jay

Home is Jennifer

Up in the Midlands there's a very nice house which is home for JENNIFER JAY and her husband.

Home is Jennifer.

Because Jennifer is a lovely housewife who gives the place an air of warmth and cosiness. She can cook, sew and do lovely flower arrangements, and she's absolutely gorgeous to look at. Fellers who are opting out of involved situations that lead to marriage on the basis that it's all going out of fashion have been listening to too many tarty actresses and too many Narcissus-type actors.

Marriage is rapture if you can share it with a wife like Jennifer.

Spick No 242 - January 1974