Lynda Farrell and Liz McEwen

Well Netted

It wasn't until LYNDA FARRELL and LIZ McEWEN got down to the task of adjusting their outdoor badminton net that they realised the relative simplicity of adjustment could become a complicated entanglement.

Liz couldn't believe that Lynda could be so fiendish, and Lynda couldn't believe that Liz could get so impossibly wrapped up in the thing. Liz is the one in the patterned mini-dress and Lynda is the one with straps on her shoes.

Spick No 167 - October 1967

Helen Milligan and Ruth Cavendish

Fashionable Sports

Out for the pleasure of knocking a ball about, HELEN MILLIGAN is a fashion model and RUTH CAVENDISH is training to become one, so you could say these two sporting lovelies wield a very fashionable forehand.

Both girls are Scots and the reason why they're equipped with racquets but not with tennis outfits is because the summer hasn't arrived in Scotland yet. The grass is still wet and boots still the answer.

But even a boot can fill up with water if you sink it far enough into a watery ditch, and all you can do then if you're a wet-footed Ruth is to get Helen to pull it off for you.

Time out for just sitting and doing nothing except, of course, looking long-legged and cute. There's no doubt that two bonny Scots make an even better picture than one.

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Maureen – Private Collection.

At Home with Maureen

I have many negative sleeves marked as "Maureen," and in some of the pictures, she appears to be wearing a wedding ring. Unfortunately, that is all the information I have. The shots, although occasionally poorly cropped, are very much in the style of ToCo. I have taken the time to improve them, and the results are pleasing. If you would like to see more of Maureen, please show your appreciation by liking or commenting.

Anna Stevens

Weather Forecast

When ANNA STEVENS, who likes an outdoor life, phoned the weather man to find out his forecast for the day after tomorrow he wasn't all that pleased.

'My dear Mrs. Whatsit," he began.

"Miss, if you don't mind," said Anna.

"Miss, then," he said. "Well, my dear Miss Whatsit, I'm not a long-range prophet, you know. I only work it out in relation to the climatic condition of the immediate future.”

“Yes, " said Anna, "that's why I rang you, I want to know what it's going to be like the day after tomorrow. I'm going on a ten-mile ramble providing it doesn't rain. Is it going to rain weather man,” I only go in for what's "I'm trying to tell you, going to happen in a few hours. The day after tomorrow could be next year as far as I'm concerned. I can tell you what it might be like tonight “I’m not going for any ramble tonight," said Anna, "I'm going to wash my hair”.

"Oh, really?" said the weather man. "What colour?"

"Chestnut”, said Anna.

"Sounds fascinating." said the weather man. "I tell you what, I'II work it out as scientifically as I can, then come round and see you about it."

"Well, you can't blame me for trying” said the weather man. “I want a weather forecast, not a date, " said Anna.

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968

Suzanne Roquet

Berlin Look

Going wild about the swinging whizz of Britain's mini fashions is West Berlin, and symptomatic of West Berlin's British look is model. SUZANNE ROQUET.

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Carolyn Rose

Dancing Dolly

There she was on tiptoe and peeping over the wall, and when we crunched up in our spiked walking boots, she turned her head and said, "Oh good-oh, you're just in time - my hat's blown over the wall and there's a dog trying to eat it."

We thought gad, what an adorable maiden, and what kind of a rotten dog can it be to want to eat the hat of such a lovely-legged dolly as this? Impulsively and gallantly, we jumped over the wall. Immediately we jumped back again. Some dog. What a whopper. Big as a flaming house. Teeth all over the place.

"Oh, my hat," said this adorable maiden.

"You can say that again," said we, "and we'll be far better off buying you a new one than trying to rescue the old one. This way."

So, we took her to a hat shop and then had tea. Her name was CAROLYN ROSE, she's eighteen and is a dancer from Bristol. She wants to go to America, Brazil, Italy, Jamaica and Honolulu. Then when she's seen it all she wants to come back and live in a converted farmhouse with lots of dogs.

None like the one that was making a meal of her hat, we hope.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Angela - Private Collection

Cortina Girl - Angela

Angela, that's all I know about her. Here are four nice pictures of her messing about in and on a rather beaten-up Ford Cortina estate. More pictures of Angela and her Cortina will be available next month.

June Peters

Cuddly Canine

Love me, love my dog, that's what they say when they're talking to wide-eyed children.

JUNE PETERS is passionately fond of her dog. Her dog is called Cuddles.

Cuddles is gorgeous. He'll see you off in no time at all as soon as you put a foot in the door. In one week, he had a brown shoe, the latter half of a trouser leg, an umbrella, two anklebones, one mini-skirt - he had to jump for that and a frilly petticoat. He ate the lot.

June is eighteen, by the way if you're interested as much in girls as in dogs - she has fabulous golden hair and intoxicating green eyes. She loves tennis. Cuddles loves it too. He'll see you off the court in no time at all. In one week of mixed doubles, he had three tennis shoes, four white socks, three racquets, two hundred and thirty-nine tennis balls and a man with a Continental grip.

He ate the lot.

Beautiful Britons No 138 - May 1967