Nicola Taylor

Tight Squeeze For Nicola

These two pictures were featured in Span No. 243, during the twilight of ToCo’s run. They were probably taken much earlier, as they were certainly in the business of regurgitating pictures at this time that had not been used from earlier sets. 

There is no mumbo jumbo attached to them; they were just being used to advertise the sale of prints and to fill space. 

Nicola is clearly wearing tights with her knickers over the top, which was more common when tights were starting to become more popular.

Span No 243 - November 1974

Nicola Taylor and Joanna Young

Fun In The Sun With Nicola and Joanna

This is another great contribution from Tocofan, and again, believed to be unpublished.

Some of you may know that I am not a big fan of Nicola Taylor, and she certainly would not be anywhere near my top 10. However, I do know that within the ToCo fan base, there is a lot of love for Nicola.

Now, having just said all that, I think she looks absolutely fabulous in this picture. It's a moment captured when both girls are distracted by something in the distance, and Nicola looks relaxed and very pretty indeed. I like the way her cardigan has fallen from her shoulder, and the choker that she is wearing certainly adds to her allure.

Joanna Young did three sets with Nicola Taylor but only ever appeared for ToCo 7 times. I personally don’t think this is a great picture of her. If you have a look at some of the sets on her homepage, you will see a fun side to both of them.

On this particular occasion, I certainly would have been very happy to have taken Joanna's place alongside Nicola for some fun in the sun.

Nicola Taylor

Nicola Taylor – Looking Great

I personally am not a great fan of Nicola Taylor, but she is a popular ToCo model. This picture is courtesy of Tocofan, taken from a contact sheet, and I am not sure if it was ever published. It is, however, a very nice picture of her looking relaxed and natural as she kneels on a rug in a secluded countryside spot or a garden.

Nicola Taylor

How Delightful

We can find no other way of expressing our feelings in respect of NICOLA TAYLOR of Hampshire, who is indeed extremely delightful, no matter whether she's modelling the newest style of mini-skirt or the ultimate in modern lingerie.

Spick No 167 - October 1967

Marie Graham and Nicola Taylor


It wasn't all that psychedelic, really, just an afternoon out for two rather dishy housewives, MARIE GRAHAM and NICOLA TAYLOR. Nicola, as you'll know, is the one helping herself to a sit-down.

Still, it was a lot of fun. There wasn't really enough room for both of them to take a seat, so they just took turns.

They fell out a bit when Nicola fell off and said, "I didn't actually fall, I was pushed."

"Yes, well," said Marie, "you were taking my turn as well as your own, and my feet hurt after that long walk.'

They compromised at that and managed to share the chair after all. It was amicable togetherness then until Nicola folded Marie up in the perishing thing.

"Help," said Marie, "what shall we do now?" "Go home and get dinner ready for our marital mates," said Nicola.

Some husbands are dead lucky.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Marilyn Ward and Nicola Taylor

Someone Forgot

First of all, if you haven't met them before and you're kicking yourself in consequence, these two Bournemouth dollies are brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD.

They went down to the beach for a swim. It was the kind of day that called them to the warm waves. Only when they got there someone had forgotten the bikinis. Nicola meant to remember for both of them but forgot, and Marilyn meant to remind Nicola to remember but she forgot too. Never mind, they looked ever so glam in their best nylons and the sunshine was marvellous.

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968

Take Your Pick

Dawn Grayson, Diane Clark, Ann Grainger, Nicola Taylor, Rosanne Stuart and Jackie Taylor.

Readers whose hobby is pin-up albums pasted full of photographs of their favourite models can take their pick of the six girls featured here.


Spick and Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Marilyn Ward and Nicola Taylor

How Do I Look

Pretty girls are naturally camera-conscious and don't like to be caught when they've just come up from a coalmine. "No, not yet," said MARILYN WARD as NICOLA TAYLOR got her into focus, “the breeze is making me look all windswept,”

“Well, hurry up," said Nicola as Marilyn reversed the process, "I'm getting sand in my shoes, "Say cheese." said Marilyn.

"Oh, blow that," said Nicola, "every time I say cheese, I get sand in my mouth too.

"How do I look now?" asked Marilyn, sitting pretty, "As I gaze intently into the viewfinder," said Nicola, “I can now see what's in it for the photographers. No wonder they like their job."

'Yes, I see what you mean," said Marilyn a minute later, "you look ever so mini-skirted. I say, aren't they lucky, they get paid as well." “I tell you what” said Nicola, "let's go and see if there's any beefcake on the beach - we might get paid for photographing them."

Beautiful Britons No 153 - August 1968

Nicola Taylor and Marie Graham

Past and Present

In the past the not-long-ago past-undies were frilly and worn with stockings and suspenders.

For the present it's brevity and tights. NICOLA TAYLOR and MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire, find the present look extremely comfortable, but how it compares with the past look, illustrated overleaf and elsewhere, is a matter of individual opinion.

"More like ruddy sacrilege,"' said Fred.


"Them tights," said Fred, horrible."

Oh, you're old-fashioned.

"'You want to watch it.' said Fred, "or you'll get ate up by lions, and I hope all them tights get ate up too."

Don't take too much notice of Fred.

Beautiful Britons No 227 - October 1974

Nicola Taylor and Marie Graham

Sunshine Snaps

It was one of those lovely days which called for a camera to record what sunshine can do for the subject.

And our glamour girls NICOLA TAYLOR and MARIE GRAHAM took turns to put each other on record and to say 'cheese'. Marie said 'pickles' once and Nicola said it didn't look as good as cheese.

"I know," said Marie, "but when I think of cheese I always think of pickles too."

Spick and Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Marie Graham and Nicola Taylor

More Sun, More Fun

Out they went into the sun again, those two Hampshire housewives, MARIE GRAHAM and NICOLA TAYLOR. Well, they're all for giggles, and where there's sun there's fun.

They found a three-wheeled scooter, and that was just the job for a one-legged scoot round the farm if only they hadn't both tried to use it at the same time.

"What are you following us for?" asked Marie.

"Just for the fun of it, " said the photographer.

"Well, do excuse my stocking-tops, won't you?" said Marie.

"It's too warm for maxis, you see," said Marie.

"It's quite all right with me, "said the photographer.

Oh, good show," said Nicola.

She didn't know what she was saying.

Beautiful Britons No 192 - November 1971

Nicola Taylor


When you're out and about you can often run into a shopping basket or pram, or even a brick wall if you're walking with your head down. We knew a feller who always kept his eyes to the ground in the hope of spotting a spare fiver. He finished up with his head jammed in a letter box. It's all eyes to the front whenever you meet a vision like NICOLA TAYLOR, and if you run into a brick wall it can only be because you've naturally gone all dizzy.

Span No 176 - April 1969

Nicola Taylor


There are times when we like to be in the garden. And if we had a garden next to the garden of NICOLA TAYLOR we'd be absolute fanatics about flowers and vegetables.

Nicola has two hobbies. One is listening to pop records; the other is gardening. She looks dreamy when she's listening to the records and if we had to get lost on a desert island with a record-player we’d choose Nicola to play it for us.

But in the garden, when she's digging up weeds, Nicola looks the epitome of outdoor charm. Not everyone looks like that in a herbaceous border, especially the man next door to us. He looks like a digger of canals and you can’t even talk to him without getting an unwanted clod of earth in your eye.

We'll have to move.

Beautiful Britons No 143 - October 1967