That's the girl's name. How can we believe that? It's just too far out to be real. And looking at the girl who has the name, we think that she looks too good to be real, herself.
But let's stretch your imagination even further and tell you that not only is Dolly Early a real name and a real flesh-and-blood girl, but the maid's outfit is for real as well. Because Dolly works as a maid in the mansion of a famous pop star. This is a pretty easy job, really, because the pop star, like most pop stars, is very modest and doesn't own anything he really doesn't need. He only has five great Danes, twenty acres of landscaped gardens, three kitchens, ten bathrooms, twenty-five bedrooms nothing that isn't strictly necessary.
Dolly has to look after it all. But she enjoys it. She's a British girl (we almost said, maid in England) who drifted through a lot of jobs before she settled where she is now. At first, she wondered if she was really cut out for a maid's job. But they all assured her she was maid to measure.
So, there she is, waiting on the young pop musicians’ hand and foot. With a gorgeous girl like Dolly to carry out their every desire (well, almost every desire), we'd say they were doing pretty well. Or, perhaps, could we say that they've got it maid?
Mustang No 6 - 1968