Alice Richmond

Alice, Where Art Thou?

Alice, Where Art Thou?

I'm cleaning up the little home, mother (says ALICE RICHMOND). And sure, enough there she was with a sweeper in her hand and going great guns over the floor in her bikini outfit.

Well, the bikini kept Alice cool all the way through but she slipped up when she gave that floor such a polish, which indicates how much better it is to do your chores wisely but not too well.

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Carol Pepper

The Pep In Pepper

Looking rather fetching, you must admit, in her black lingerie and boots is London advertising assistant CAROL PEPPER. A gay and uninhibited follower of fashion, Carol puts the pep in pepper. She's eighteen and on our list of girls who light up the swing scene by being brilliantly switched-on.

Spick No 193 - December 1969

Ella Busch

They Just Don't Care, Do They?

We thought we'd missed what it was like in West Berlin during the streaking season. Then our Berlin photographer sent us some candid camera angles on ELLA BUSCH cantering around a windy corner in not much more than a reinforced G-string, except that at that point she still had her fur coat on.

When she got close to the Kurfurstendamm it wasn't quite such a chilly wind, so off came the coat and she streaked in a classical dash from point A to point B, and while it lasted it wasn't half good to look at, especially as the G-string fell off midway.

Honestly, they don't care, do they?

Span No 245 - January 1975

Barbara Boon

Happy Home Girl

Thousands of girls leave home these days before they're ready to. Off they go to the bright lights, get themselves installed in a roof-leaking pad somewhere, rush about catching buses and get themselves squeezed in crowds of other rushers. It's hardly Arcadia but it seems to be what they want.

Quite happy to be at home is BARBARA BOON. Barbara has all kinds of outside interests, anyway, and home provides the comfortable and cosy centre of her life. And there's hubby, who's always pleased to have her around. Well, far better to see Barbara cooking the eggs and bacon than watching your flatmate holding a saucepan under a leaking ceiling. Still, it takes all kinds to make the world a palace of varieties.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Lynn Remmers and Sandy Pullan


Gad, the confusion.

And any moment there'd be a charabanc chockful of fellers going by, and every feller would have his eye glued not to LYNN REMMER'S chestnut-gold hairdo but to her pre-mini suspenders and her mum's stocking-tops. Well, her mum was the only close friend she knew who still wore stockings, and Lynn had borrowed a pair for her chum SANDY PULLAN too.

But pre-mini items all became confusion when Lynn got her skirt caught in the car door.

"Quick!" she begged Sandy.

"I'm doing my best," said Sandy, who wasn't, in fact. She was pushing instead of pulling, and the door stayed firmly shut on Lynn's skirt. And the postman was passing by.

"Nice," he said, looking at Lynn's stocking tops.

"No, go away, you cheeky thing," blushed Lynn, "and anyway, they're my mum's and she'd set the dog on you if she thought you were looking."

The postman had had some of the dog.

"Help," he said and hurried on his way.

And for the rest of the day, it was all sequestered calm for Lynn and Sandy, and they looked quite, quite charming.

Spick No 253 - December 1974

Ann Hayward


With this our last issue we have to say that we are at least finishing in style. One of our most promising models, ANN HAYWARD, represents lovely style.

Ann, a beautician, is a quite delicious girl and her future as a glamour figure should be well and truly assured. We have found tall girls and slim girls, bonny girls and svelte girls, happy girls and funny girls. Ann counts as a girl all on her own, and if you ever bump into her, you won't half feel you've had your luckiest day. Well, to bump into any shape as curvy as Ann's isn't like knocking your bonce against a brick wall, which is only bearable when it leaves off.

To put you more in the picture, like, Ann's vitalistics add up to 37-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 252 - Final Issue

Nina Swallow

The End In sight

It had to come, of course.

What did?

The mini to end all other minis. They can go just so high and then it’s the end. When NINA SWALLOW found out just how mini her latest creation was, she couldn't go out in it until her stretch tights were dry. She'd just washed them. She didn't fancy going to the classical concert in her nylons, it would have distracted eyes from the conductor.

Nina is absolutely sold on classical music, and she's a lover of the theatre too, so if you want to keep her absorbed in a lengthy conversation it's no good keeping to subjects like detergents and Derby winners, you won't get past the first five minutes without looking up and finding Nina gone.

Gone where?

Gone to find someone more intelligent.

Spick No 186 - May 1969

Pinky Sands

Learner Farmer

One summer day London dolly PINKY SANDS went down on the farm. She didn't really know what a farm was all about except as a place where cows wandered contentedly about, and farmers' sons chased the milkmaids. She had been a cosmopolitan city girl all her life and she found her days down on the farm all loaded with fresh air and fun.

Now she wants to give up cities and help a nice farmer to grow corn and barley and oats. Well, as she knew a spritely farmer's son, she asked him if his dad would like a willing milkmaid who would also be pleased to plant crops. The farmer's son said, "Never mind about what me dad would like, you're hired, so come and drive the tractor from this field to that one."

So, Pinky had a go with the tractor and drove it into a large field surrounded by trees and then said, "What next?" "This suits me fine," said the farmer's son, "it's a rural cul-de-sac." "Oh, you are saucy," said Pinky, fighting him off, "but it's lots of fun."

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Sara Stuart

Shirts, Sweaters and Boots

When it comes to showing off the latest line in what the model girl is wearing today, fashion model SARA STUART is considerably with it. This is undoubtedly due to the fact that Sara is rather delightful to look at herself, and a shirt or a sweater or a pair of boots can almost be said to do no more than gild the lily.

And when nylons have to be modelled, who has a lovelier leg than Sara? Sara, by the way, is eighteen, spans the tape measure at 36"-22"-35". loves horses and winter sports, and is a classically beautiful Scot.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Jacqueline Blair

The Question Is

With so many facets to fashion, the question is should a girl go for boots or frills or Long Johns?

Secretary JACQUELINE BLAIR thought it might solve something if she went for all three but found out immediately that Long Johns simply don't go with a mini.

Boots go with a mini and so does a straw hat on a sunny day, and frills go with anything. But Long Johns are for warmth and comfort, not for viewing, So Jackie bought a maxi and everything was as it should be. Except that the maxi hid the boots and frills as well and she had to acquire the cutest straw hat she could find and wait for a sunny day.

Nicole Shelby

Knightsbridge Texan

Texans don't often leave Texas, you know, because who wants to? What can they offer anywhere else that they haven't got in Texas and more of?

You heard about Joe Pongo, of course. He was an exception. He set off on his horse one day to ride to the border and spend a couple of years in Mexico City where he intended to carve Indian figures out of wood. Six weeks later he found he was still in Texas. He rode on. And on. In the end he realised the place was just too big, and they hadn't invented planes, so he stayed put and devoted himself to making boots for the American Cavalry.

Then, a lot more recently, a different kind of Texan called NICOLE SHELBY decided there must be other places in the world. As Texas was so big, she thought it would be a change to go to somewhere little. So, she came to Britain.

She was tickled. It couldn't be helped; the whole place was crowded with people. She'd never been tickled in Texas, there's a square mile of elbow room for everyone.

Anyway, Nicole got a work permit, bought herself some scintillating mini-dresses and let London see what a glamorous Texan really looked like. London took a deep breath and surrendered. And Nicole took a flat in Knightsbridge.

Since then, you've seen Nicole in any amount of TV series, and if you've ever wondered where she got those long, lovely legs from, well now you know, she got them from Texas.

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968

Marie Graham

Very Vital is Housewife Marie Graham

Very vital is housewife MARIE GRAHAM. She belongs to a keep-fit class, a tennis club, a boomerang learners' cycle-

Hold on, wait a moment, what's a boomerang learners' cycle?

You know about Australia, don't you, thickhead?

Yeh, and about boomerangs, but I don't know about boomerang learners.

In that case, shut up, yes, and not only is Marie learning how to hurl a boomerang and dodge it on the way back, but she's also doing car maintenance and athletics.

Ye gods, that's enough, I'm all-over racked nerves.

So, you should be at your age.

Spick & Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Susan Carroll


Girl who likes a good book is SUSAN CARROLL, and when Susan's deep in a good book it's no good ringing her up and suggesting a cosy date at a new Chinese restaurant because she won't be free until she's reached the end of the last chapter.

Aside from all that, Susan is a gay girl, likes fast cars and chivalrous men and going for walks around old ruins. Know any old ruins that might be worth a visit? She's been to all the castles.

Spick No 186 - May 1969

Marie Graham & Eve Law

I Can't Come Now

"I can't come now," said MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire secretary, "I'm all tied up."

"It's only the milkman, anyway," said EVE LAW, ditto, "and he's nobody."

It was all in aid of some amateur dramatics, and Eve was dedicated to making it all look brilliantly authentic. This included getting Marie all tied up and then tickling her foot.

"This is hysterical," said Marie.

"That's right," said Eve, "just shriek your head off kind of lifelike."

Marie thought it was all very well to be kind of lifelike, but there's a point when too much reality turns into how to go bonkers on an overdose of giggling heebie-jeebies.

At which point it's time to suggest a break for coffee

Well, we'll leave it at that and bring you more of the girls next month. Don't get too worked up waiting.

Span No 200 - April 1971