Christine Kelly

Christine Kelly - Mystery

Christine Kelly – Can anyone out there provide any more information on this lovely looking lady.

Fay Stevens

Sun In Her Eyes

Our cover girl this month is one of your favourite pin-ups from Kent, FAY STEVENS, here caught with the sun in her eyes.

A secretary with a bustling, progressive company in the City of London, Fay is all for progress but not for bustling. She likes to go through each day on a note of quiet confidence, as distinct from the more spectacular secretaries who sweep in and out like vibrant motor-mowers.

Fay's favourite sport is tennis, and though we don't know what her rating is as a singles player we're pretty sure she's in constant demand at mixed doubles. Who cares about winning all that much, anyway?

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Mary Graham

Flower Girl

For a perfect combination, a vase of flowers and a pretty girl MARY GRAHAM takes some walloping.

Mary is a long-legged Scot, black of hair and brown of eye.

And that’s another combination—all adding up to as pretty a picture as you'll find outside of any art gallery.

Judy Rodger


GIRL who's always sure of a warm welcome from us and our readers is JUDY RODGER. Judy's the model with all the know-how on looking good, and there's no know-how we'd rather have than that, unless it's the know-how on the presence of oil in virgin ground going for a nickel an acre.

Number one asset shapely legs.

Judy's to be found at nearly all the major exhibitions, demonstrating anything from a potato-peeler to the very latest in streamlined cars.

Nice enough, but what chance does a potato-peeler stand against a demonstrator as cute as Judy?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960

Sally Anne

Dear Mr Editor

My Christian names are Sally Anne, I'm married to the nicest man, and thinking that you'd like to see I've sent these photographs of me. I hope you'll think I'm rather swish and not an oldeworldie miss, it’s just that when the cold comes on, I like to wear my undies long.

I love my warm directoires, yes. call them my D.K.'s, no less.

I think it's really cosy fun To wear D.K.'s all cute and long, In warmth and comfort they're a dream, So please don't say I look a scream.

In fact, you know, D.K.'s are now all the rage and such a wow, believe me truly, if you can. They don't look better on a man!

Spick No 110 - January 1963

Jamie and Cherry

Jamie and Cherry - Wives and Girlfriends

Sent to me by a friend – Jamie and Cherry are Wives and Girlfriends to somebody, I am sure.

Two Essex lovelies Jamie and Cherry skip classes today to appear for us.

When they're not busy flashing their knickers and nylons for your entertainment, Jamie (brunette) is a Hairdresser, and Cherry (blonde) is a Beauty Consultant.

More to come from these two over the next few weeks.