Angela - Private Collection

Cortina Girl - Angela

Angela, that's all I know about her. Here are four nice pictures of her messing about in and on a rather beaten-up Ford Cortina estate. More pictures of Angela and her Cortina will be available next month.

June Peters

Cuddly Canine

Love me, love my dog, that's what they say when they're talking to wide-eyed children.

JUNE PETERS is passionately fond of her dog. Her dog is called Cuddles.

Cuddles is gorgeous. He'll see you off in no time at all as soon as you put a foot in the door. In one week, he had a brown shoe, the latter half of a trouser leg, an umbrella, two anklebones, one mini-skirt - he had to jump for that and a frilly petticoat. He ate the lot.

June is eighteen, by the way if you're interested as much in girls as in dogs - she has fabulous golden hair and intoxicating green eyes. She loves tennis. Cuddles loves it too. He'll see you off the court in no time at all. In one week of mixed doubles, he had three tennis shoes, four white socks, three racquets, two hundred and thirty-nine tennis balls and a man with a Continental grip.

He ate the lot.

Beautiful Britons No 138 - May 1967

Top Five

Brian's Top Five: A Blast from the ToCo Archives

In a sea of silence, Brian stands tall as the only one to answer my burning question, "Who would be in your ToCo model top five?" And boy, does he have impeccable taste!

So, let's dive deep into the treasure trove of the ToCo archives and unveil Brian's coveted top five girls. Get ready to embark on a sensational journey through the timeless beauties handpicked by our resident connoisseur. It's time to rediscover the magic and allure of these unforgettable ToCo classics!

Brian's Top Five
1. Anne Duke
2. Annette French
3. Jane Rennie
4. Anne Scott
5. Ruth Cavendish

Pam Johnstone

Hot Scott Pants

If any girls can wear hot pants and look like they were meant to look - expressively feminine - it's the bonny Scot birds.
It's a bit of a fraud, really.
Because Pam's hot Scot pants are just a pair of lovely clinging shorts, she's had in her wardrobe for a couple of years already. She bought them ages ago and sort of went off them as soon as she got them home.
Then those daft fashion people, who were absolutely stuck for a gimmick, put a model into a pair of shorts, someone called them hot pants, and look what's happened now. The whole thing's a send-up.
Pam is laughing herself silly.
Never mind, it doesn't make her look any the less inspiring.

Spick No 212 - July 1971

Faith Pattinson


Girl making a name for herself among those striving for a place in the world of films is FAITH PATTINSON.

You can see for yourself how well Faith is set-up in respect of having the right impact in front of a camera. Impact can be abstract. In the case of Faith, she has the looks, the figure, the personality, and the talent to make her impact factual, not abstract.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Private Collection


Pictures taken from a private collection of negatives.

Private Collection

Private Collection

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been granted access to a private collection of negatives and prints dating back to the late 1970s and onwards into the 80s. These photographs emanate the essence and style typically associated with ToCo's magazine prints from the 60s and 70s.

What makes this collection particularly intriguing is the fact that I think many of these images have never been seen before. They showcase amateur models, with only their first names mentioned. While the quality of these photographs may vary, I thought it would be refreshing to showcase some of the better ones here on this blog.

If you happen to recognize a familiar face, then please do contact me.

Suzanne Edwards


The ambition of sweet SUZANNE EDWARDS is to play a guitar with a top pop group, and since Suzanne is pretty good with a guitar who knows what top pop group isn't looking out for a guitarist just her shape and size. Suzanne's shape, in fact, is a nicely symmetrical 36"-24"-36".

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Anne Duke

Non-Political Nomination

We want to nominate ANNE DUKE for something special. We don't want to nominate her for a political post, as we've gone off politics and politicians.

If we were able to, we'd retire all our present M.P.'s and send them off for a long rest to the Bahamas, where they could lie around and not think of anything except what they were going to get for lunch. In their place a bevy of housewives and a bunch of businessmen could get on with straightening the country out.

We'd like to keep Anne out of all that, however. We'd like to nominate her as an entrant for this year's Miss United Kingdom contest.

Anne has already won some beauty competitions. She's a Welsh girl, by the way, and her vitalistics are 36"-24"-36". If anyone would like to convert those figures to centimetres, they're welcome.

Spick No 174 - May 1964

Wendy Goff

Glamour In The Air

We mean this literally.

There's nothing like the modern air hostess to bring comfort and glamour to air travel, and one of the most glamorous of them is WENDY GOFF. Activating our cover this month with dynamic colour.

Wendy, a former Miss England, is just the girl we'd most like to get lost in the clouds with.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Susan Douglas

For Your Album

For those who swear that there is no pin-up quite as elegant or quite as attractive as SUSAN DOUGLAS, here is Susan brought to you in the zingiest of modern lingerie, and we just hope you like the zingiest of modern lingerie.

We were assured it's what all the girls are wearing in the musical "Charlie Girl."

We were assured it's what makes a girl with it. It turns her from just a beautiful dream into a real kooky.

Span No 140 - April 1966

Susan Day

Fresh Air Girl

From nine until five thirty each day blonde SUSAN DAY is a salesgirl in an exclusive fashion establishment, but while that kind of environment might turn many an assistant into a hothouse type, Susan only feels an increasing desire for fresh air.

If ever you lose a needle in a haystack Susan is just the girl to help you look for it. Other girls will complain of cold feet or go on about how a rural atmosphere disrupts their metabolism, but not Susan. Out of doors she's a whirl, indoors she designs new fashions.

By the way, all that fresh air has given her vitalistics of 37"-24"-37".

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Jackie Taylor

How to Lose A Fish As Big As This

Anglers are inclined to be fanatical about their sport and naturally this bothers the fish a little.

But did we ever tell you about how Dan Emmery lost one which was too big for his basket? Stretched from here to here, it did. Absolute whopper. Just landing it, he was, when something very fetching caught his eye. He looked round and saw JACKIE TAYLOR doing a spot of P.T. on the riverbank.

Well, like many other anglers (as we said at first) he was inclined to be fanatical about fishing. But he wasn't as fanatical as all that. He knew he could always catch another fish, but he also knew he wouldn't get many chances of catching an eyeful as photogenic as Jackie.

By the time he came to, the fish had flopped back into the water. Absolute whopper it was, too. Big as this.

Jackie, by the way, is a young housewife who lives in Middlesex and loves miniskirts. So do we.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969