Ella Busch

They Just Don't Care, Do They?

We thought we'd missed what it was like in West Berlin during the streaking season. Then our Berlin photographer sent us some candid camera angles on ELLA BUSCH cantering around a windy corner in not much more than a reinforced G-string, except that at that point she still had her fur coat on.

When she got close to the Kurfurstendamm it wasn't quite such a chilly wind, so off came the coat and she streaked in a classical dash from point A to point B, and while it lasted it wasn't half good to look at, especially as the G-string fell off midway.

Honestly, they don't care, do they?

Span No 245 - January 1975

Arlene Jacanda

Black Is Beautiful

That's what we keep hearing. Now we're seeing and seeing's believing. Believing comes in the shape of ARLENE JACANDA, who lives in the Wandsworth district of London.

Arlene is a dancer and has just taken to modelling. At the sweet age of nineteen she feels she has the time for both. and the money is nice too, man. Her shape curves in and out in the most eye-catching proportions, which happen to work out at 37-23-35.

She's fascinating, charming and full of fun. There ought to be a million just like her. It wouldn't half be good for the eyeballs.

Beautiful Britons No 252 - November 1976

Maureen Carson

Well, That's What They're Wearing

"Excuse me, but I'd like one of those for my wife," said Mr. Casket, pointing to a nicely packaged corset on the lingerie counter.

"Yes, of course, sir," said the salesgirl, who happened to be MAUREEN CARSON, "and I'm sure you'll just love her in it."

"Half a mo," blushed Mr. Casket as he suddenly saw an illuminating illustration on the box, "is that all of it? Because if it is my wife will be more out of it than in."

"Well, that's what they're wearing, sir," said Maureen. "Ye gods, all this and the atom bomb," said Mr. Casket, "it doesn't half make one goggle."

Maureen smiled. She owned one of the corsets herself and as you can see it's designed to make everyone goggle, and in the nicest way, what?

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Jennifer Taylor

Just Be Natural

If we can keep the scientific marvels from turning the grass black and making all the trees look exactly the same tall rectangles of wood with leaves eliminated, then the great outdoors will always look decently natural as long as there's no concrete around.

If you're not busy doing something else, look at JENNIFER TAYLOR now. Jennifer is just as naturally herself as you could wish. She's a natural as a housewife and a natural as a lovely. Long shining dark brown hair and the most delightfully abundant curvaceousness.

Jennifer lives in Bristol and around Bristol there is some of the loveliest country in Britain. So far, it's still lovely. So far, the scientific marvels haven't changed the shape of the trees. But if they ever do imagine what they might devise in the way of a new shape for natural wonders like Jennifer. Something oblong, perhaps.

What a shuddering thought.

Span No 207 - November 1971

Ann Hayward


With this our last issue we have to say that we are at least finishing in style. One of our most promising models, ANN HAYWARD, represents lovely style.

Ann, a beautician, is a quite delicious girl and her future as a glamour figure should be well and truly assured. We have found tall girls and slim girls, bonny girls and svelte girls, happy girls and funny girls. Ann counts as a girl all on her own, and if you ever bump into her, you won't half feel you've had your luckiest day. Well, to bump into any shape as curvy as Ann's isn't like knocking your bonce against a brick wall, which is only bearable when it leaves off.

To put you more in the picture, like, Ann's vitalistics add up to 37-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 252 - Final Issue

Wanda Liddell

Canadian Courier

Resident in London, WANDA LIDDELL from Canada has settled into a very elevating job as a courier. She shows visitors around London and works out touring itineraries for them, much to their delight.

It's a nice surprise for Canadians, having a girl from back home taking them on a guided tour of London. In her spare time Wanda still does a spot of pin -up modelling, and the extra money helps when there's inflation to meet head-on. But she's managing very nicely, thank you, so you needn't send any food parcels.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Jennifer Taylor

On The Subject of Jennifer

Last month we were extremely good to all our impressionable male readers. We introduced JENNIFER APRIL ANN TAYLOR of Bristol to them and all those who couldn't wait sent us heavily underlined letters asking for more. They said if they didn't get more they'd die or something.

So, all right, here are more scintillating pics of Jennifer and anyone who is suffering from excruciating love at first sight can come and join us on our steamed fish diet. Apparently, if love hits you as excruciatingly as that, steamed fish three times a day brings you back to cool, man. We're so infatuated with Jennifer ourselves that we're not eating at all. We're just drinking apple juice. For your information, all it does is make you feel like a windfall. Dear lovely Jennifer, when can we go to the moon with you?

Linda Nash

Nice For The Visitors

Visitors' days at hospitals are designed to bring cheer and comfort to you, the patient. It's when your loved ones bring you juicy grapes and lots of light chat about your operation.

You wish they'd go away. Operations are interesting to visitors but unspeakable to you while you've still got the stitches in.

At the hospital in Portsmouth where lovely LINDA NASH is a receptionist, it's real nice for the male visitors. One look at Linda and they wouldn't mind staying for an operation themselves.

This auburn-haired dolly is a perfect example of how to make any visitor's first impressions of a hospital look like a picturesque home from home. She's twenty-three and a very keen amateur photographer. It goes without saying that she's even better in front of a camera than she is behind it.

Span No 205 - September 1971

Gillian Yates

One Of The Rarer Blooms

In the West-end florist shop there are some lovely blooms, all so expensive that you need to sail off and find pirate gold if you really want to buy the occasional bouquet.

One of the rarer blooms in this exquisite establishment is GILLIAN YATES, who will come and create a flower arrangement for your dinner table that will make your guests feel you have found the secret of true beauty.

Of course, if you could persuade Gillian to join the party, then you really would have all that was necessary to keep everybody's mind off a sagging souffle or mucked-up cauliflower cheese. Simply gorgeous to look at is Gillian, and ever so musical to listen to.

Sarah Cunningham

Comfort For The Computer

The computer in the head office of the bank in London lost its nut at seven-thirty one morning. By the time its fairest operator, SARAH CUNNINGHAM, had arrived punctually at nine it sounded as if it was in the last throes of mechanitis tremulus, which is computerised Latin for the chronic shakes.

"Now, now," said Sarah, giving it a pat "stop clanking, you silly thing. Let's see exactly what's wrong with you.

And she fed it a relevant medical question. Out came the answer in a kind of fed-up frenzy.

"Where's me breakfast?"

It was the absent-minded night watchman again; he'd forgotten to feed the computer. So, Sarah, who picked up a lot of common sense as well as maths and French at college, fed it a lovely meal of machine oil and iron filings and the comforted computer happily got down to work on overdrafts.

Spick No 242 - January 1974

Black Silk Stockings

Stairway or Stareway?

Which radiates with the most pleasing eye-appeal, a STAIRWAY or a STAREWAY?

It is a known fact that a STAIRWAY is a flight of plain, ordinary stairs leading from one level to the other. This plain, ordinary STAIRWAY is immediately transfigured into a STAREWAY only when an attractive girl, with a pair of shapely legs encased in a pair of sheer BLACK SILK STOCKINGS, saunters leisurely up or down the STAIRS enjoying all the STARES. Perhaps a few readers might not yet be ardent leg connoisseurs and hence remain a little dubious about the above theory, so we shall prove out point by illustrating a STAIRWAY that has been transfigured into a STAREWAY through the black magic that radiates from BLACK SILK STOCKINGS.

By Elmers Batters - Black Silk Stockings Vol 1 No 5 (1958)

Joan Russell

And When The Sun Came Out

Who should come out with it but JOAN RUSSELL.

She couldn't come out when it was raining because she wasn't dressed for it. Well, there was a fairy at the bottom of her garden in the Scottish Lowlands, you see, and this fairy was dressed in gossamer white with dainty wings. Joan wanted to get to know her better and the fairy, whose name was Louella, said she could only co-operate if she dressed as a fairy herself. Then they could flit around together and get quite chummy.

So as soon as the sun came out and conditions were right Joan danced into the light and flitted about and made fairy cooing noises. But there was no Louella. She'd forgotten. She'd gone off to have a cream and cheese tea with the fairy queen.

The trouble is that fairies today aren't as reliable as they used to be. They flit off just like that. Joan never did get to know Louella, though she'd set her heart on being fitted for a pair of wings. Life is full of disappointments.

Beautiful Britons No 153 - August 1968

Caroline Adams


Never mind the crises, which are always with us; anyway. Concentrate on the fact that being alive in this wonderful world of lush pastures is far better than being just a cold, stark stiff in the ground.


There's exhilaration for you, as well as a saucy wink.

Caroline is all set to look ahead, while glum blokes like Fred are looking back and talking about what it was like when Robin Hood was alive. All merry jostling and jousting in Nottingham and dancing the Maybell with buxom maids.

What's the Maybell?

Well, if you make a hit, it's a real ring-a-ding for a night and a day.

Span No 234 - February 1974

Jane Walters

Student Protest

They were getting ever so restive at college, and it looked as if one of them their rackety protests was in the offing.

It was all over student JANE WALTERS.

Someone had said she was leaving, that she'd been offered a glamorous and lucrative career among the exotic hoi pollo of telly commercials.

Several hairy students said they'd fall down dead if Jane left. To keep themselves from thinking too traumatically about this dread fate they began to prepare banners, slogans, and sit-ins.

Then along came Jane, carrying her books and lecture notes. Stepping daintily over students who were going one degree farther than a sit-in with a lie in, she asked what all the fuss was about. When told she was the focal point, like, she giggled and said, "Thanks ever so, fellers, but I'm not leaving, I only do modelling when I'm on vacation."

Joyful relief abounded, and in deep gratitude they all made good resolutions for the New Year. Like taking the fluff out of their beards.

Span No 234 - February 1974

Sandra Morrell

The Impeccable Look

The phone had been replaced a long time ago, the date for dinner at a lamplit bistro in Chelsea had been fixed and all SANDRA MORRELL had to do was to gild and dress the lily and get there.

She being the lily, of course.

"Hurry up," said her flat mate, "you'll be late.' "Any moment now," said Sandra, "I'II be ready."

Sandra is a girl who can't be hurried under any circs. She likes to be absolutely sure that when she is dated, she looks impeccable. Charlie Greyduck thought that impeccable was something to do with nuts roasted in an iron pan, over an open fire, but dead ignorance keeps Charlie where he is, right at the back.

Anyway, by the time Sandra was ready she did look impeccable and lovely beyond anything. Except that as she came down the stairs her flat mate, Henrietta, said, "Not in that mini, you are silly, you'll have to change it for a maxi. Or put stretch tights on."

"Oh sorry," blushed Sandra, "I forgot."

She shouldn't have worried. Chelsea would have looked and loved. You don't have to be conformist to be impeccable. Not in Chelsea, anyway.

Span No 207 - November 1971