Jan Newman

Story of a Dream

It was night. Well, it was all dark, anyway, and Fred was in bed. And solidly immersed in a dream about fishing boats.

When Fred is solidly immersed his mind is totally unimaginative.

Far removed from boats and fish is our kind of dream. Her name is JAN NEWMAN. She lives on the South Coast and is a sun worshipper. If, when you are deep in sleep, you can dream about a dream like Jan, then you'll have a far more sublime period of floating sub-consciousness than silly old Fred.

Don't ask us how.

Perhaps it's just a matter of artistic concentration and the right kind of night-cap.

Jan is a secretary, a richly corn-coloured blonde with the loveliest legs. If you like elegance, you whistle. If you like dumplings, go home to mother.

Sometimes even elegance takes a tumble. Still, it was entirely involuntary. Jan thought there was a chair there. Never mind, it does prove our point, that she really does have the loveliest legs.

Sally Anne

Sally Anne

Beckenham is a pleas­ant place just outside suburban London in the boundary of Kent, and it's just like other pleasant resi­dential spots in its quota of attractive housewives. One of them is SALLY ANNE, who enjoys being an efficient housewife and an amateur mod­el. Sally's husband is a keen photographer and in return for doing the washing-up he gets his own re­ward—in the shape of Sally posing for him. The results, as seen here, are worth clean­ing the carpets as well.

There is something rather fetching about a wife who assists her hubby's hobby by looking as pretty as this. We should like to add, of course, that while hubby is an enthusiastic cameraman, his main hobby—nat­urally—is Sally herself. Well, any man with a wife as photogenic as this would be somewhat off his nut if he didn't give her precedence.

Anytime you're around Becken­ham just look out for the girl with the golden hair—and if she's got a long plait to it, that's Sally Anne.

The reflection of Sally in the mirror is a sure sign that twin views of the attractive housewife are always better than one.

Anne Stewart

When you’re not too busy

We were talking to secretary ANNE STEWART, who’s a camera enthusiast, and trying to persuade her to find the time to come on over and take some colour films of our dahlias.

And Anne said she didn’t know we grew dahlias and the sickening thing was we were too embarrassed by the truth of the matter to recover from our foolish clanger. Our window boxes are full of mustard-and-cress and nothing else. In a kind of mumble, we said it was only our way of asking her to come and share a pot of tea with us. There are some girls so bemusing to one’s eyes and ears that one can’t help not being one’s usual brilliant self in the company. It’s all to do with a strange numbness that takes hold of one. Beauty casts it’s wondrous spell and mumbling incoherency is upon one. All that clear, scintillating wit departs, never, it seems, to return.

Anne, who loves to travel, is saving up hard to buy her own car and drive herself all over Europe.

She'll be taking her teddy bear for company and her binoculars for security. She'll be able to spot the Casanovas a mile off. Casanovas are the men who ask a girl who's a camera enthusiast to come on up and take colour films of their dahlias. Etchings went out with the flapper.

Cherie Scott

Sugar and Spice

You’ve all heard about what little girls are made of. Big girls are rather nicely put together too. Scottish secretary CHERIE SCOTT is all grown-up and absolutely delicious. Like all the most endearing representatives of her fascinating sex, she loves finding out in the kitchen. Her recipes are guaranteed, when the end product emerges, to make a man all sweetness and light.

 Sugar and spice in Cherie’s kitchen are a must. Sugar for the tastiest cookies, spice for the most mouth-watering savouries. How people can worry about what’s next on the telly when life can be made wonderful by having a good cook around, is beyond us. And when the cook is as bewitching as Cherie, you can even forget about the bomb.

Janet Scowen

Secretarial Type

Working as a secretary in West Germany is English girl JANET SCOWEN, who combines photogenic charm with efficient stenography. We don’t know who her boss is, but he’s a lucky guy to have a girl like Janet around the office five days a week. Can’t imagine anyone we’d rather see pounding a typewriter than Miss Scowen.

The background is probably the Black Forest. Well, if that’s so, they never found anyone more shapely than Janet to set it off, nor anyone who could leg it around the place with more graceful limbs than she has, mmm ?

Adrienne Ross

It's a Long Story

Ulster model ADRIENNE ROSS has a ‘long’ story to illustrate in her new-style old-style underwear, and the theme is clinging comfort.

Either you like the theme—or you wouldn't be seen dead in it. Other than that, there's very little to say. Which makes the ‘long' story very short indeed!

Sheila Baker

Nice to Have Around

Graceful, photogenic housewife is SHEILA BAKER and very nice indeed to have around the place. For what more could one want in any wife as pretty as Sheila and with culinary talents that would win approval from Mrs. Beeton herself?

This is Sheila’s favourite cat, with big green eyes and long, long whiskers. Maybe it’s nice to have a cat around, too, but if we were given a choice between one or the other it would be bye-bye moggie.

Tina Ryatt

Getting Down to It

Gorgeous girl with the sweeper is beauty queen TINA RYATT.

 Cute in her waisted petticoat, Tina isn’t just an ornament around the house she’ll take a hand with the chores any­time. Here on the right, for instance, she’s really getting down to it al­though we can’t think why she’s looking so surprised unless she can hear the patter of hobnailed feet up the chimney.

 We were wrong there. Tina was merely losing her balance. Well, that’s prefer­able to losing your head, as Charles I found out, for you can always do some­thing about a bruise. But once you’ve lost your head, what’ve you got left?

Tina is a Flintshire girl, with statistics of 36-23-36, is eighteen and has night black hair and big brown eyes.

Elaine Taylor


Natural golden blonde is ELAINE TAYLOR and you remember that story about the three bears, of course? You know, how Goldilocks went and ate up their porridge?

Elaine doesn’t eat porridge and she doesn’t actually know any bears— not by name, anyway— but if they ever made a film about it, she’d walk the audition.

Some berk is bound to hop in here with the comment that Goldilocks was only a little girl.

In which case, he’d be a completely hopeless berk if he couldn’t see a grown-up Goldilocks would be an absolute whizz.

Elaine lives in Cardiff, and when the Welsh are independent perhaps they’ll put Elaine on their standards instead of the dragon. Then we’d all fly a Welsh standard.

Mary Graham

Merry Mary

Girl with the bright smile is MARY GRAHAM, introduced to us by our Scottish photographer as one more bonny beauty from North of the Border. If ever we decide to emigrate we know for sure which direction we'll take. We shan't go as far as Greenland, for the Eskimo girls are too wrapped up in their igloos.

Just North of Edinburgh will be far enough. Not the least of the good things which originate in Scotland is the cute appeal of Scottish girls, and we’re all for appeal as cute as merry Mary’s.

Veronica Holt

Twisting Time

Enjoying a break from housework to twist to the right music is VERONICA HOLT of Bristol.

Veronica is a gay girl, just twenty-one, Next comes dancing the “Twist” and horse over the downs.

We ought to point out, of course, that her number one craze is hubby—all the others are merely incidental recreations. And number one with her hubby is Veronica. Statistics that count with this gay wife are 35"-23"-36"—but even the gayest of wives needs a breather on the settee when twisting time comes to an end.

Sonia and Jill

Fashionable Twosome

As far as blonde SONIA and brunette JILL are concerned, what's fashionable is what’s warm. Until the summer comes they prefer longs to shorts!

Acting as lady's maid. Jill dresses Sonia's hair. We can’t decide whether the short skirt is superfluous or the longs too long. Can you?

A preview of summer fashions in lingerie for these two lovelies reveals a somewhat slinkier look. This, we consider, is glamour all the way!

Tina Madison


Not every girl is a competent wielder of a distemper brush. TINA MADISON has had absolutely no training at all in house decoration and the odds are that she has only her enthusiasm to see her through.

The application of distemper or emulsion paint to a kitchen ceiling is, however, not a matter of enthusiasm alone. Tina found she was getting as much on herself as the ceiling.

Painters don’t wear those baggy, paint-stained overalls just for the look of them. If you wear a skirt it's liable to pick up all the paint splashes that don't hit the floor.

Minus skirt, how’s this for the look of the lady? Well, says Tina, it’s at least more practical. We can assure Tina it also makes quite a picture!

Pat Laird

Pat Belongs to Glasgow

IT was the late, lovable Will Fyfe who made Glasgow a proud city to belong to. It's bonny girls like PAT LAIRD who currently make it a city well worth a visit, for however interesting is its history and its architecture and its soccer giants, it's the girls who make it eye-catching. The kilt, alas, is seen only very infrequently.

Pat is a fashion model and this is the first time she has posed as a pin-up pet. If mannequins need long legs, so do pin-up girls. Pat qualifies in either case.

This fashion model's statistics of 36-23-36 work out just right for a pin-up girl, too. Carry on, Pat!

Sandra McPherson


Having returned home to Scotland from the sunny shores of the Mediterranean, cute SANDRA McPHERSON decided the first thing to do was to take an inventory of the pantry. Reluctant to completely divorce herself from the atmosphere of the Med, she put on her little short sun-skirt. The nylons are merely in acknowledgment of the somewhat colder breezes of Scotland, and they don’t completely black out her sun-tan. This was a beautiful golden brown and Sandra certainly does justice to that kind of tan.

Sandra’s main impression of Italy was the Italians—the way those Latin men sneak up and pinch a girl had to be felt to be believed.

It’s a fact, of course, that lots of girls who go to Italy return tanned from the sunshine and tender from the pinching. Sandra, we’re pleased to say, remains true to Scotland and the Scots.