Margaret Box

Lovely In Lingerie

THE lingerie is white nylon. The lovely is MARGARET BOX. Margaret's the London girl with the Spanish look that makes us think of whirling flamencos and lace mantillas. Handsome matadors, please note.

We've never seen Margaret in a lace mantilla performing a whirling flamenco. We're quite happy to see how attractive she looks in lingerie.

Anyone with a preference for a Spanish motif?

Then try Madrid.

Spick Extra No 12 - Winter 1960

Jennifer Taylor

Looking For a Lamb

Anticipating the early arrival of spring, JENNIFER APRIL ANN TAYLOR went looking for a lamb.

The farmer's creaking old shepherd went looking for his rum flask. He was once a sailor, but he still left things lying about.

Jennifer didn't find any lambs; it was a bit too early.

The old shepherd didn't find his rum flask, either, but he found Jennifer. They came face to face in a misty meadow.

"Great cucumbers,'" said the old shepherd, "who needs rum, me beauty?"

“Good grief," said Jennifer, breaking into a fast trot, "who needs help? I do."

But as she leapt the gate the old shepherd lurched into it, and she was saved by the bong. He didn't come to until Jennifer was safely home and eating shepherd's pie.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith – Wives and Girlfriends

More pictures of Mrs Smith of Luton. Scanned prints, all taken during the 1980’s

These are great home-produced ToCo fun. Lucky old Mr Smith!

Joanna Young

Also A Lovely Cook

Not only is JOANNA YOUNG an attractive housewife and a mother of four little girls, she's also an enthusiastic water-skier.

And that's not all.

She's also a lovely cook.

How do you do it, Joanna?

"Well, you take a bag of flour, a dozen eggs-" No, don't be comical. How do you find the time and the enthusiasm?

"Well, my husband has this big whip, you see-"

No, be serious.

"It just comes naturally. was born a genius." You were born beautiful, that's what. Good on you, darling.

"Don't be so familiar."

Can't help it. You're lovely.

In fact, Joanna isn't just lovely, she looks like the spirit of animated feminity when she's out on her favorite country ramble.

Span No 198 - February 1971

Jill Lucienne - Update

Jill Lucienne - Update

Thanks to David I can update some information on Jill Lucienne’s home page with accurate dates, who she married and that she did not, after all, emigrate to New Zealand.

Funfare No 21 - September 1959

Jan Newman

Quite Moment

You too can suffer from aching feet when overcrowded buses force you to walk home from the office.

JAN NEWMAN felt just that way the other day. So, when she got home, she put her feet up and had a quiet moment with a book. It was utter bliss. It would have been even more so if she could have got her shoes off, but for the first five minutes she couldn't. It's those hot Bournemouth pavements.

''Honestly,' said Jan, "you might not believe it, but my toes were giving off smoke.' Never mind, Jan, your shoes look very pretty.

Span No 167 - July 1968

Judy Rodger

Judy Now

Blonde and attractive JUDY RODGER - whom long time no see - is so busy as a TV model it’s a long time no see for many others besides us.

We were tickled to catch up with Judy, therefore, on a day out in the park, and managed to grab some cute pictures when she was looking and some even cuter ones when she wasn’t.

Too caught up with TV to have any spare time for modelling, Judy did us quite a favour by letting us photograph her in the park, and not only are we pleased to have met up with her again but so now, we imagine, are quite a few of her many fans.

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Pamela Beeston

Guitar Girl

Pretty teenager from Co. Durham, PAMELA BEESTON not only looks good with a guitar but sounds terrific. Does this mean she can play it ? What else? And, anyway, isn’t she cute enough to be given the benefit of the doubt in the case of any uncertainty?

if it’s a question of rhythm, it’s there. Well the guitar has a curve and so has Pamela, and if that isn't rhythm, what is?

Pamela is one of our natural beautiful Britons—the charm is there, the shape is there and we also like the hair-do. Someone is bound to ask if she can also cook and the answer to that is in the affirmative.

Actually, nobody told us Pamela was good in a kitchen. We guessed she was because she looks good anywhere, and any pretty girl who can handle a guitar can, you bet, also handle a frying-pan. Any other comments?

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Six No 2

Six No 2 - A Viking Company Publication

Nicola Taylor

Wizard Winger

Soccer club managers who are dead worried about the lack of skills in their teams could do themselves a favour by watching the way NICOLA TAYLOR can manipulate a ball.

Supple, graceful and eye- catchingly gifted, Nicola is a wizard winger and can make an opposing 4-4-2 formation look like a lot of stranded bits and pieces.

But she's not for transfer, however. Her husband won't let her go. He likes to keep her gifts at home. They play in their garden every Saturday, and Nicola usually wins by 42-nil.

Sara Scott

Number Please

We don’t really care whether it's Pipkin 1234 or Tantivy 5678 as far as the directory goes - in our book when a number’s right it’s a number just like SARA SCOTT, corn-coloured blonde with a long leg line and a short hemline.

Speaking of numbers reminds us of figures, and figures remind us that Sara adds up to 36"-23"-35" going down, which Is as much about mathematics as we feel we need to know. We can't all be Einstein’s

This, by the way, is to show you that Sara looks just as attractive in one outfit as she does in another. But you knew that, of course.

Sara is just twenty as well as just the right number and the right number is any girl who rings the bell in the camera view finder. Sara rings it loud and clear.

Beautiful Britons No 93 - July 1963

Joy Carlton

Just Right - But For What ?

You can either take them or leave them. JOY CARLTON took them but she still isn’t sure of the most suitable occasion on which to wear her new longs. Just for a cold day, perhaps!

Mary Graham

Medals For Mary

It’s a pleasure to record that lovely MARY GRAHAM has recently won a national beauty contest, and we’re only sorry we weren’t present to pin on the medals ourselves. But you can’t have everything, can you? It’s enough to know that we know Mary —that in itself is a privilege, for she is inexpressibly charming.

Scantys - Viking Publishing Company

Scantys No 3

Susan Douglas

All Set

The point being that model SUSAN DOUGLAS is always elegant, always trim, and ready for whatever is just around the corner. In fashion work, Susan finds it policy to expect the unexpected.

Here she's all set and ready to go. Where? Well, maybe Paris—maybe

If you think they’d appreciate Susan in Paris, let us assure you she’s already appreciated so much here that she’d only go over our recumbent inertia.